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  1. Hello everyone! Just found this forum while doing my searches on getting a skyline v36. So far the forum is excellent for a lot of info. Just thought I'd start a specific topic to ask a few more specific questions in my head. Any input is much appreciated! I've been browsing some v36 on carsales, an example being a 2007 SP auto model with around 40,000km on the clock going for $33,900. The price looks decent, but given the reputation of car salesman, I'm a bit reluctant to get a 2nd hand import from a dealer (I don't have great knowledge of cars, hence the hesitation). What are your thoughts on buying from a local dealer? I've also looked at some historical prices via j-spec. After the website's calculation for freight/compliance/agent fee etc, it mostly ranges from 25k to 35k depending on quality/year/colour etc. So it seems like the price is a bit more attractive importing, as opposed to buying local. Can you guys recommend any good import agents that you/your friends have dealt with in the past? I'm aware Iron Chef has a great reputation here, and I'm already planning to drop him an enquiry over the next few days. Sorry for the long read, but two more questions: 1)When they list an auction rating on a vehicle, let say a 4.5 very good rating, does this rating refer to the cosmetic side of the vehicle or more towards the overall condition of vehicle parts/engines? 2)Is servicing an import a big hassle? Will servicing/maintenance cost be as high as an european luxury car? Since the parts and stuff may cost more? or that there is less mechanics who have good knowledge of these vehicles? Thanks for your time in reading my post and any input is appreciated. Cheers, Jacky
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