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    BNR32 GTR

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  1. The sound is something new and one that we haven't heard before. Doesn't sound like it would occur in normal operation given the nature of the loud clunks. Has anyone tried the replacement of the VCT Cam and is it an engine out type job or is there enough room in the front of the engine to remove this when taking off the front engine cover?
  2. Just a quick update. I replaced the oil and for the first quick little drive the clunk didn't happen. Once the car warmed up, the clunk came back. I then disconnected the passenger side blue cam plug and the clunk disappeared. I am assuming that with the VCT not active (both blue cam plugs disconnected) there is no issue running the car ad there is just less power as the cams haven't been advanced. Thoughts? Is the cam mechanism removal an engine out type job?
  3. I am assuming the mechanism replacement isn't a fun job
  4. It's more a clunking sound than a rattle to be honest and happens randomly above circa 2000RPM. Car is running 10-40. From what I can recall, this has only come about post replacement of the sensors. Engine performance still feels strong and there is no loss of performance from what I can gather.
  5. NM35 VQ25DET Camshaft Rattle Post Senor Replacement Hi All Just replaced the 2 camshaft position sensors on my old mans NM35 Stage (VQ25DET) and now the car is getting a rattle at circa 2000RPM from what appears to be the camshafts. I have read that this can be caused by using oil that is too thin, or the spring return within the variable cam timing assembly failing. Prior to going down the path of the variable cam timing assembly, we will be trying an oil change but was also curious if maybe the replacement of the camshaft sensors requires a camshaft re-learn procedure and is there anyway to do this without a Consult 3? Any assistance is greatly appreciated.
  6. I ended up picking up a VQ25DD starter from a V35 250GT. I will rebuild the original starter and keep on hand as a spare should anyone need one urgently.
  7. Hi Guys Starter motor packed it in today so i need a starter motor. I don`t believe there is a local alternative tht will fit so need a replacement in Melbourne(VIC). PM me if you have one available.
  8. I am also looking for one in Melb if anyone can help.
  9. Hey, just after a 350z or G35 Sedan Drivers side window. Would prefer it's not working as I will be looking to try strip it for some internal parts. I am located in Melbourne
  10. Yer thats what I will probably end up doing, pending what the seller can do for me. PM me a price for your AFM scotty incase I need a backup
  11. Its got the 5 pins but I am not too keen on pulling apart the OEM unit
  12. Hahaha, it comes from a Impreza/Forester. It plugs up and works, just needs the hotwire lol.
  13. So I just brought a replacement AFM and the hot wire is missing... Anyone else had this issue? I am in the process of sorting this out with the person I brought it from, but in the meantime, does anyone know the specs on the resistor so I can try source one from an electronics store
  14. Not too sure at this stage but open to opinions
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