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    1998 R34 25GTT, 2002 Mercedes C240
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  1. Oh I see, I forgot to factor in shipping so the prices are making more sense now. Thanks for the tips! Definitely agree the metal badges are oh so lovely. Looks like I should go through with it and grab me some!
  2. Thanks for the tip! I'm definitely going to do that as well as all fluids and I just received the gasket kit for the engine
  3. Well I had the same "dumb" question as you. So this helped me a lot! Is the difference that indent on the right side by the foot pad? Where were you able to get them from? I'm looking on nengun: https://www.nengun.com/nismo/floor-mats And it's 243 AUS but everywhere else I look is almost double that price, while Nismo's site has it for almost triple. So I'm confused on Nenguns price
  4. Wow, $15k? If I could buy a GTT for that much, it would be heaven sent. But since I'm in the US, import fees are high, storage fees are as well, and the inflated prices are real /:
  5. Let's hope! haha Would you still think that if I told you it has 187,000 km? The interior is pretty worn down though
  6. Thanks for the tip! I'll search up the manual, maybe someone already has it translated too. Unfortunately, and I know it's not a smart move, but I did not get the vehicle privately inspected. I do have photos from the undercarriage and a video walk around with startup and a little rev. I know you can't tell much from it but I went with it, and will have to deal with whatever comes at me. Wasn't sure how many photos I could attach and didn't want to flood the thread, but here are the undercarriage
  7. Hey Duncan, thanks for the welcome! So the USA has a law stating we can't import cars that are younger than 25 years old. I believe it deals with safety/emissions and some say that it was passed in order to keep people from not buying cars made in the USA. There are loopholes, however, but I really don't want to deal with that and the dealer I bought it from also wont ship it until it's legal. But I'm okay with waiting, it gives me time to learn about the platform as much as I can, get parts, and be ready to enjoy it when it arrives!
  8. You could look at Top Rank Import's Global site (Operating from Japan), and ask them about R32's. I know they are still importing R32's to the US so I'm assuming they can do the same for AUS: https://toprankglobal.jp/
  9. Greetings! I'm obviously new to the forum, name is Antonio, since I'm posting here, but just wanted to give some information about myself. Living in the US (Maryland), and waiting for my 1998 25GTT to come in May of 2023. I wanted to get a head start on getting parts and learning about the platform so when it arrives, I'll be very much more knowledgable and can hit the ground running. My experience with cars is limited, but I've done some mechanical work on my friend's cars and some on my 2002 C240. Everything I know about the 25GTT / RB25DET is from Youtube so that's why I am here. Hoping to start out learning about the general maintenance and required fluids/belts the car needs. I ordered the complete engine gasket kit from NISSAN parts USA, but don't know about the rest. Hopefully I can provide some knowledge to others in here as well. Peace!
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