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  1. Hey guys, I've just got a hold to 3ds Max 2009 and have been trying to follow some tutorials in regards to setting up the blue prints, and well to be honest I haven't really had too much luck. Here is a screen shot I wound up with after following the folowing tutorial I was kind of hoping some one would be able to point out to me where I might have gone wrong. http://www.3dtotal.com/team/Tutorials_2/tr...ueprints_01.asp Maybe if someone can be bothered could you go into a little more detail or try explain where I have gone wrong, Thanks guys
  2. Tried that all I've managed to find is a virtual machine version have gone back to vista ultimate 64 now but still looking out for it, maybe I'm just blind lol, it's more than likely
  3. where abouts did you find a copy of windows 7 x64 dude, ive looked and looked but only managed to find a version that hads to run in a virtual machine and that doesnt really appeal to me to test it out lol, ill have to go check out those sites this evening i think
  4. Thats an interesting way of doing things bro. I was thinking about forking out for a proper Home Theatre case but im not too sure of their airflow capabilites and things like that. do you gus buy all your parts online? which site do you use if so? what programs do you gus us for media streaming and stuff like that, although if im going to using linux i guess this may not be applicable lol.
  5. Im slowly starting to lean more towards the sykline Terry, do you guys have any idea the price difference of import over here lol, im sure most of them are atleast half the price back in NZ, but hey I guess thats just the price im going to have to pay. As for the temperature, Karratha is hot real hot (read: upto and including 48 in the heat of summer) I day i left there to come back to Brisbane it was pushing 35 when I hoped on the plan at 7pm lol and when I landed here in Brissy the following more it was ab out 5 if that, so winteres are freeing here and but the summers man the humidity is nuts, Im actually working for a removal company at the oment until i can get back over west and some days is just crazy lol. I have hopefully sorted out a block to begin the motor build but am still looking for a rolling shell I can considering anything for the time being so if anyone has anything feel free to send me a pm cheers guys
  6. shit you managed to pull that off nice and cheap dude, I will be running linux preuly because it sucks less resources and i am comfortable that it will be stable enough to be running non stop constatly, will also be running it as an FTP and possible a webserver in the distant future, so it means I will have access to any of the files I may want or need no matter where I am, I plan on running it completely wireless to start off with atleast just to see how reliable and if 802g has enuf bandwidth to stream video etc flawlessly but with HD quality i am starting to think that maybe it wont, although time will tell i guess.
  7. I used Mandriva for a brief while in a fit of rage after being fed up with Vista, but I couldn't find proper wireless drivers and gave in and went back to XP Professional, I will give it another shot but on a dedicated system whith all drivers etc prepared before hand. My media Server will definetly be running it but that kinda doesnt count considering its lack os screen and any direct user input really. What are peoples views on the different environments gNOME vs KDE etc etc?
  8. dirty_30

    3d Art

    Hey guys, I am just about to install solidworks 2008 on my laptop, I have had no experince with modelling etc but would really like to learn is leanring with solidworks a good idea or is there maybe something better that I could use, I would like to at some stage do a course of some sort but I little practice for the mean time cant go astray huh. Cheers guys
  9. Just a bit of research really, I'm thinking about building a media server for home, as will all the music and other media my laptop is nearly filled up and its only going to get filler, would run it over a wireless network with a wireless receiver hooked up to my plasma. blu-ray/dvd burner for recording TV/Foxtel etc. Just wondering if anyone out is running one or has had experinces with them or would be interested in using one etc etc things like that. Not too sure on the actual specs as yet but would more than likely be running Linux or some sort with large storage capacity-- 2 - 4 TB in RAID config, more than likely just shut away in a cupboard some where in the house. Seems like the perfect thing really eliminating the need for blu-ray recorders Foxtel IQ etc etc So yeah if anyon e has any input I'd be keen to hear what you think
  10. Hi all, I'm Sam have been following several topics for a while and thought that I'd join up finally. Haven't Been in Brissy too long...(read: another kiwi) so looking for a project , kinda leaning towards a Silvia but love skylines too so can't really decide, will be RB powered though either way. Sheet metal worker by experience, light gauge stainless and aluminium, within oil and gas industry for the past 4 years have also just spent a couple of months working on a large construction project in Karratha to be heading back there for work soon. Hmm yeah that will do you now I think Peace
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