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Life After Owning A R34 Gtr..


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Hey guys,

Due to a change in circumstances I'm caught in the predicament of possibly selling my beloved R34 GTR Vspec.

Having bought this car as a relatively stock example I went down the route of a forged rebuild, turbos, wheels, ztune kit etc and got it to a the level in which I wanted it to be when I first purchased the vehicle.

Having only had the car back on the road for a few days after getting the new turbos, z-tune/nismo kit and wheels fitted I blew the clutch on the bloody thing (supposedly had a nismo twin plate in there according to what I was told... -_-) and this is whats sparked the "call it quits" game as to date this money pit owes me $80,000+ and I’m sick of pouring more into it.

I had a bit of a look at the current car market and reality is R34 GTR prices have dropped significantly and I have no idea how much Il get for it, all I know is I’m set to lose a sh*tload of money but hey that’s the game you play when you modify cars.

Currently stuck in the predicament of - a. do I keep it or b. do I sell it and if I sell it where do I go from there...

I was considering buying a built relatively built (somewhere around the 400kw mark will keep me happy :P) R32 GTR and still walk away with ~$20,000 in the pocket after selling my R34 but not sure If I still want all the problems associated with high powered vehicles and the constant attention they seek as I’ve been down this route before and the 32 being an old car now will certainly have alot more bugs to iron out.

Alternatively thinking of going back to an S chassis and getting a S15 as their dirt cheap these days and can easily find one for 15k. Nothing major as it will just be a street cruiser and skidder that I wont be scared to park in car parks and dodgy side streets (personally never taken the GTR to a shopping center in my life or parked it any where out of my sight lol). Decisions decisions.

I am in no way advertising the car (I realise this may be against the rules?), merely explaining my situation and seeking advice on options other than this money pit of an R34 GTR. Who knows, after the nismo coppermix goes in I might decide to keep it as is often the case.

At this point in time I’m merely seeing my options and seeking advice from my fellow SAU community. I’m in no way advertising the car (as I realise this may be against the rules?), merely explaining my situation and seeking advice on options. What alternatives would you consider after an R34 GTR keeping in mind I don’t want another money pit and want to walk away at least with 20k in pocket ?? Or should I just eat some concrete and keep the fu*king thing after the new Coppermix C-spec goes in lol ??

Cheers :)

Few pix for making you guys read through all that crap ;)




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1 for keeps, what is left that can go wrong? You have a dream car, and you know what's been done and where it's at. Otherwise nothing for 25-30 will give you the buzz without having potential for probs. You will also be buying an unknown quantity.

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youve already spend 80k + whats another 2k for a Nismo coppermix clutch?

id get the clutch- Drive the car and enjoy it

Though if you really dont enjoy it then sell- but you would be downgrading with anything other- unless another RB

pouring money into any car is usually money lost- Hence why ive tried to do things as cheap as possible- With a few hicups on the way ofcourse and ive though of selling plenty of times and try to break even and forget about it.

But end of the day- money not spend on the car will be spend on other things

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when you talk about market price of the car dropping - Did you initally buy the car on the basis it would hold value and give a good return? or becasue you think there freeking aswome and would gets lots of enjoyment from it

i bet is the 2nd one, hence keep the dam thing and have some fun with it, Sounds like youve barely driven it since the upgrades?

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Cheers for the motivation to keep! I tend to make rash decisions and let go of things the second they f*ck up lol..

For the guys wondering the basis of a clutch not being a big factor - the past 3 weeks the car has had rego, insurance (im a 22 year old male..), new turbo setup, intercooler, retune, ztune kit, wheels and tyres and a few other goodies put in.. Do the math and you will see if you get much change there is from $15,000 if any.. All payed for in cash might i add.

Really short funded atm and I have other life comitments that take my hard and not so hard earned money and panic buttons are going off. Realistically if im doing the clutch il be changing both master and slave cylinders and to be on the safe side have budgeted about $3000 for the whole job and thats with me dropping the box my self.

Sydking you are right, Got it back Friday morning, Sunday afternoon clutch went boom lol.

Edited by nomnomv8
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No offence, but you sound like a little spoiled brat having a whinge after his toy breaks.

Someone on here said

If you can't afford to buy 2 GT-Rs, you can't afford to run 1.

Like Hadoken said, you should've known what you were in for buying a GT-R.

Harden up.

Keep it, it's teh sex.

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a) you knew what you were doing when building it

b) 22 years old and bought a 50k car, shouldve known what you were doing

c) you havent even driven it properly yet

d) replace clutch

e) keep it

f) keep it

g) if it eats shit then sell it

Actually bought it when i was 20... in cash :whistling:

Cant help but agree with all your points though. Run at the creek when the new clutch goes in :) ??

No offence, but you sound like a little spoiled brat having a whinge after his toy breaks.

Like Hadoken said, you should've known what you were in for buying a GT-R.

Harden up.

Keep it, it's teh sex.

Appreciate the compliment

Well when you have a toy as expensive as this one thats spent more time during your ownership off the road then on you might begin to understand some of my frustration. And rest assured, i am far far from spoilt and made sacrifices to get to where I am right now all on my own

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And rest assured, i am far far from spoilt and made sacrifices to get to where I am right now all on my own

I never said you were spoilt, just the way you're bitching about it reminds me of a spoilt toddler.

If you're over it, sell it and buy Titans 400kw R33 GTS-T.

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Your 22- and spent 80k on a car, Also for what ever reason have made two refrences to paying in cash... what what ever reason?

that screems bagging grams to me meaning you should be happy youve paid using money you havent really worked all that hard for- Nor paid tax on.

what your whigning about- is the dream for alot of people to own.

spend some more CASH on the clutch. STFU and drive that bad boy around like you stole it

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The OP's financial status should stay out of this IMO.

Fix the clutch and enjoy your beautiful car, you're at the envy of most of the people posting on this thread.. including me!

Agreed, But my point was more to be carefull boasting about paying things in cash- Espiceally 80k at 22 yrs of age.

not accusing anyone- could very well be saved up pocket money form doing chores around the house :)

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I did left alot of factors relating to my decision unnoted which I guess set me up for the above responses and in turn admittedly did make me look like somewhat of a d*ck :laugh:

I merely tried stating that all my funds are exhausted at the moment and will be as at this point in time there are other critical things which require my urgent financial attention to attend to so as little as $3000 for a clutch may seem to some of you I can assure you at this very point in time for me it is not

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