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Temporarily Block Off External Wastegate?


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Hey guys,

Just a quick question, wanted to see if anyone has any ideas on how I could temporarily block off my external wastegate with V-Band flange? Either at the wastegate or at the screamer, doesn't really matter. Reason being, I need to drive my car home from where I've been working on it before it goes in for a tune next week, but I have lost the valve seat from my wastegate so the damn thing is permanently open. Car sounds like a tractor and is really loud, so I'm worried about getting pulled over. Going to have to drive it regardless, but wanted to see if anyone might know how I could shut it up.

Obviously I won't be boosting around or anything, the car is untuned anyway. Just want to reduce the likelihood of getting pulled up.



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Get an extra V band ring and weld a piece in so that it simply clamps on and completely blocks the port.

I recommend you don't block the screamer, block the WG port from the manifold. if its open and missing the valve seat its likely to fill the diaphragm with carbon deposit. No good.

But driving it home like that should be fine, just dont get it onto boost... or anywhere near it for that matter. the car may be a little faster for a little less time than you had planned LOL

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Get an extra V band ring and weld a piece in so that it simply clamps on and completely blocks the port.

I recommend you don't block the screamer, block the WG port from the manifold. if its open and missing the valve seat its likely to fill the diaphragm with carbon deposit. No good.

But driving it home like that should be fine, just dont get it onto boost... or anywhere near it for that matter. the car may be a little faster for a little less time than you had planned LOL

Hmmm, good point. Really I should wait until I have the replacement valve seat, but it's a tight race as to whether my valve seat arrives in time to get it to my tuner as it is, would be easier if the car was at mine :/

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I do understand your problem.. Its just a matter of what's most feasible and what the best thing to do would be.

Depending on how your WG port points you might be able to cut your screamer down and pop a cap on it. Then you can easily grind the cap off and remake the bit of screamer you cut off.

If you dont have ability to fab this stuff yourself I really recommend you just wait for the seat. Its not going to be pleasant unless you can do it yourself hey.

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What size is the gate and what brand? I could spin up a cap on the lathe and send it express, but I would need dimensions. I do have a Tial 44 here at the moment... That said I could also turn up the replacement seat. lol.

How long will the replacement seat take to get there?

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What size is the gate and what brand? I could spin up a cap on the lathe and send it express, but I would need dimensions. I do have a Tial 44 here at the moment... That said I could also turn up the replacement seat. lol.

How long will the replacement seat take to get there?

It's a Turbosmart CompGate 40. 40mm, obviously. Stao offered to machine one up as well, but I couldn't be 100% sure of fitment and I need it by Monday... The replacement seat is currently in Perth, was express posted via DHL. With any luck it will even be there waiting for me when I get home, or it will arrive Monday morning. But previous dealings with DHL have taught me it gets to Perth overnight and then takes 2-3 days to get to my door from there, so it will most likely only rock up on Tuesday :(

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Yehh, I'm just going to wait for it. Farkin how shit is AusPost? Got notification this morning from DHL that the valve seat has arrived in Ellenbrook, which is where I live. So I called them up to see if there was any chance of getting it today, but they said basically they no longer have anything to do with it, it has been forwarded on to AusPost. Called up AusPost, delivery is scheduled for the 25th - the day of my tune. So no tune for me :(

HOW does it come 25,000km's overnight, and then take fkn 2 business days to come 1.5km's to my house?

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Definitely need to bring back the + and - rating for posts!

Marting, did you try going to your local post office anyway? The delivery slips usually say not to go until the next day but I always go later the same day and it's always been there.

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Definitely need to bring back the + and - rating for posts!

Marting, did you try going to your local post office anyway? The delivery slips usually say not to go until the next day but I always go later the same day and it's always been there.

Yeh I did. No luck :( it's apparently not at the post office, it's in a storage facility somewhere.




Is that the finished product Stao?? If so, that's completely different to the part I'm after.

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