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Posts posted by Tmaree_r34

  1. The cops didn't really tell me anything, they female cop came to my house and said that the Preston police had finger printed my car, and that I can basically drive it home from the spot it was found -.- got it towed to a shop it's locked away till I get it fixed this week!

    I will follow up with police tomorow see if they get anything from it!!

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  2. I had work the night before and I'm a sick as a dog!!!! All I did the last three weeks was work and drive around aimlessly looking for my car and then you found it!

    I genuinely am so grateful!!! Can not believe how close it was 10 minute trip and my car is sitting there chilling..

    I really hope you find your car too! I will keep an eye!! Thanks again!!!!!

  3. Trust me I know how lucky it is I can't even believe it still! The night before yesterday was the night I finally started to accept that it may be gone forever .. And then I wake up and get the best news in the world (:

  4. 3 weeks later and my car is at home in the garage waiting to get the ignition fixed! Other than that my sub was stolen but that of all things in the car to be missing I don't even care!!!

    It's exactly how it was when I left it!



    Crazy can't even explain how happy I am! My heart is singing!!! So happppy (: post-132271-13954909627706_thumb.jpgpost-132271-13954909739699_thumb.jpg

  5. Didn't post on here I forgot about this site completely when it happened.. I've been out looking everywhere and it's doing my head in..

    It was the only day I left my car at home and went to work in my sisters car ..

    I know it's late.. And I know it's probably gone but Atleast others are aware .. I've seen a few go missing in my area ):

    It sucks..

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