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Posts posted by lanc3

  1. More driving hours does make you better at driving. In the first 1000 hours or so of driving you CONSTANTLY adapt to new situations on the road! There is no way to handle these sort of situations without experiencing them, or preparing yourself for the limitations of the vehicle.

    Maturity is the key though. People who mature faster will generally be less inclined to take risks on the road. It's as simple as that. How you teach that - I have no idea. Maybe showing ultra grusome car wreck videos at school or someting? I dont know nor care - except for the fact that these kids are ruining it for the rest of us.

    All respect for the family of these kids, but it's not our job to sit here and chin-stroke about how to stop it happening! You drive like a wanker - you die!

    The choice to purchase a skyline was turned down before i got my P's and I think it was a great one.

    I drive an '03 corolla and its sweet as - has enough go and fuel economy is a win..

    As i read through more and more of these posts I think to myself - what if I had been driving a skyline/hi powered car all this time as I think back to sticky situations.

    To the people who say education is not the issue - it certainly is.

    Hell I've never driven a skyline but through reading and education I've learned what they can do alongside all other high powered cars.

    At the end of the day it is the driver and the way he/she conducts himself in these situations which defines the outcome. Maturity definitely does help as being 20 now I can see I'm wiser than when I was 18 (Not the wisest, but getting there.)

    Idiots will be idiots in any car - but its how you train/educate/re-inforce and relay information to these 'idiots' that wil change the way driving is done.

    ..R.I.P and prayers be with the family..

  2. Sorry i didnt realise the spelling police were SAU fans.

    Obviously the spelling police back in year three didn't prosecute you much..

    to please you i mispelt it, i intended to type *Miss Guided

    It is one word, FOOL.

    It just never ceases to amaze me, I don't know if I am particularly picky. I mean of course i slip up and am lazy and this IS a forum, but come on man seriously.

    I don't intend to attack you personally but I just see it all the time. It just frightens me to say the least.

    Anyway - yes i agree with you Viduka does need to step up.

    Kewell should have his spirits lifted after that goal so should be interesting.

    We have fought so hard to get to where we are and after those poor excuses for refs, we deserve to beat italy. Go Aussies.

  3. What the fu(k do the refs write in their little books anyway if not the players numbers that get yellow cards? Their boyfriends phone numbers?

    hahahahaha GOLD

  4. Well I thought Brazil was quite weak. The goals were far from convincing and Ronaldo looks like an old lazy fart.

    We had a couple of breaks and one or two times we should of converted or maybe gotten closer, but all in all it really wasn't an exciting match.

    (Perhaps due to the fact I watched it off a video tape because I have exams at the mo :D )

    Never the less, I'll be interested to see how we go against Croatia.

    btw - inark is that your cat? I want to pat it :laugh:

  5. Go blue and red, people will recognise it as not being Brazil's colours and of being the colours of the Aussie flag, so everyone will know who you want to see win!

    It's started, and is going well... I kinda hoped England wouldn't beat Paraguay, but ah well... Trinidad and Tobago did really well, drawing with Sweden! And the Ivory Coast hung on against Argentina, only losing by one. Great tournament so far :P

    Wasn't impressed with England's win against Paraguay.

    Lucky deflection resulting in an own goal i believe in the 4th minute gave England the one up lead.

    First 5 minutes were the most exciting, then it went downhill from there.

    I think if the game went maybe an extra bit longer Paraguay might've drawn, but meh.

    I think Brazil will bet the pants off us, but we have a decent chance against the other teams.

    Go aussies!! great that they're in!!

  6. Well anjoo, if this is all true - and I reserve judgement until pictures are posted then best of luck with it all and hope all works out.

    I've had some close calls and even closer ones that ended up in pointless fights.

    At the end of the day, avoiding these things all together is probably the best option. If it can't start, it can't escalate and nothing will happen.

    Bad luck on the 34 mate, keep your chin up.

    Note to self: stay off roads when you are driving >_<

  7. golden oldy seems to apply in a few of these cases, NEVER TRUST AN IDICATOR !!.... well derr aye?

    and yes, I carry a club lock (which I actually use as a club lock to) and a well hiden edge, I believe in a proportional response.

    Theres 2 reasons why.

    I LOVE my girl and I LOVE my car, touch either, like anyone with the balls to stand and the brains to run if its strategically a good idea.

    When it comes to it, you get 2 choices, either you can take it an be at someones mercy or you can stand up and try an come ontop, no matter what, even if your pretty sure your gona loose, give it a go, whats the worst ? your gona be at thier mercy anyway? shit you should of learned that in school, let alone else aye?

    im not the biggest boy and havent once copped shit once for driving a line bar my mates for its stockishness and my family for buying a 2 door.

    Where bouts do you cop shit for driving a line? perhaps after you hang the arse out in traffic ? or maybe in a packed roundabout like some f**ktard p plater in an old white commo this arvo. This genious was over 2 lanes, forgot its a heavy arse pig an on the backswing from overcorrecting after shitting himself he wipes out the give way sign on hte island to my right in MY entrance.

    the smart c**t pulled over and was wondering what went wrong.

    ok i admit slapping him upside the back of the head (open handed) was not the best idea, but he saw me comeing and was expecting a full blown hit, cringeing cuint.

    yes im pissed off, I WISH I'd taken the club lock with me an made hgim feel some pain $$$ wise with a fat dent

    DUMB f**kER scared the shit outa me, cant f**king move, dont know to jump forward into the roundabout (the only way i could have moved) cuase he doesnt even know which way his going.

    I had my misses, my sister and my f**king uncles kid in the car, if he had goten traction and went stragith wed be fuicked... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    f**k i want to break something

    breath in





    breath out

  8. its going to be a slow 5 weeks then. . .

    Man you wanna talk slow weeks... 2 years in a row i broke my wrists.

    First time, an acorn got stuck in my rollerblades and it flipped me over... 1 week before I was scheduled to go to surfers... let's just say that holding your arm up in the air with a cast on while jumping over waves is extremely gay and tiring.

    Second time i fell out of a tree about 4 metres landed on my left wrist - 2 days before i flew out for summer holiday.

    that sucked alot of shit, but now i have learned not to do anything remotely dangerous before summer holidays..........

    get better quick mate B)

  9. I saw a P-Plate driver in Melbourne in may driving a nice red 360 Modena, plates said something like 'CREDIT' or somehting like that. He was giving it some to, so I thought that was pretty cool, most people you see driving nice cars drive them like grandma's

    Make me sick how much cash some people have spare

    Pwoa I've never heard of the Modena...

    Just had a quick look on it

    A p-plater on that..... that is a f**kin HAWT CAR!

  10. ah riiiight :P LOL

    Ey john welcome mate...

    I was born in South Africa, Johannesburg. My parents moved here when i was really young - about 1 and ahalf years old - so i don't really remember it.

    I would love to go back and see where i grew up but the situation's a bit sticky at the mo'.

    My parents have quite strong S.A accents, a tiny bit has rubbed off onto me but not much.

    Enjoy ya stay.

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