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Posts posted by bLiNk

  1. A friend and I where discussing this a while back. First we got a quote for my postcode. Then with exacly the same details we got a quote for his postcode. The price literally doubled for my postcode simply because its 50 min closer to the city than his. That was with justcars. It really must be all about location location. Guess that explains some of the price variations but it still seems fairly random.

  2. I went to that car yard (unnamed) a little while a back and the place didnt instill confidence in me. The guy who i approached new nothing about skylines and the whole car yard is literally full of em. Also on each description there was a different name as the importer. Go check it out and be wary. Could be a good deal ,i might have got the work experience kid or somthing. :)

  3. I remember hearing the the paint can have a insulative effect on the core thus negating any positive effects the black colour has on its cooling abilitys. It cant be much considering the paints probably under 1mm in thickness. Something to consider i guess.

  4. No way this will be a waste of money.. the device is actually intended for cooling.. Any device, no matter where the application is, if something is gettin cooled, it benfits!!!

    From where are you gettin that info from???

    Do buy the front mount for sure!!!

    hmm the front mount wont create lag at all.. If im wrong, someone correct me..

    Misunderstanding there. Just saying if he did have exaust and Pod (which it turns out he has) a FMIC would be the next logical step. At no point did i say this is waste of money infact far from it. Espessially when coolers are getting so much cheaper.



  5. Intercoolers or FMIC (frount mount intercooler) work by cooling the air that is heated by your turbo as it spins close to 100,000 rpm. Cooler air is more dense thus creates more power. The advantage in replacing the stock (piss small) intercooler is the reduction in intake temperatures allows for you to increase the boost using a bleed valve or electronic boost controller. This increases power however a FMIC is generally considered to be best left until a decent cat back exaust system and pod/panel filter has been added. Well thats my understanding on it all anyway. :)

  6. Location has a huge impact on insurance. A freind of mine who lives 100+km from melb literally pays half the price i would be paying if i had the same car. Same modification, history ect. The fact i live in a meteropolitain district means statistically i am much more likely to have my car stolen from large shopping centres, greater chance of a minor accident in traffic ect. Individual Suburbs attract varying costs. Anyone know if there is list of high premium suburbs avaliable?

  7. Ok that didnt answer my question ahhaah well heres another question more cubic inches means more power/torque weather u guys want to hear that or not (i.e. look at top fuelers) anyways why did nissan make the top of the line only a 2.6 litre and not the 3 litre??? That im stumped about

    if im not mistaken 2.6L was the capacity limit for a turbo engine in the racing category the GTR was desighned for, hence nissan engineered the rb26 to fit within these rules.

  8. One thing people forget is if u dont have comprehensive u have the option of selling your wrecked car. Greg answered a similar problem as this a while ago for me.

    This may provoke some thought.  

    Suppose the car in question has a total market value of $16,000 (market value of car in stock form + market value of modifications)  


    Premium - $2,080  

    Car's insured value - $13,000  

    In the event of a write off:  

    Insurance payout: $13,000  

    Less excess paid: ($1,850)  

    Less premium lost: ($2,080)  

    Net amount recovered: $9,070  

    Recovery: 57%  


    Premium - $400  

    In the event of a write off:  

    Salvage value of wreck: $5,000  

    Premium saved (ie by not paying full com): $1,680 (difference between full comp & 3rd party)

    Excess saved (by not claiming): $1,850  

    Net amount recovered: $8,530  

    Recovery: 53%  


    Try performing the above calculation with a premium of $4,000 and it soon becomes apparent that, in the above scenario you are actually better off without insurance (in the event of a write off).  

    As long as you can drive, full comp is not worth it in my opinion. Better insurance would be an excellent alarm system, a few advanced driver training courses and a skidpan day.  

    IMO full comp insurance becomes attractive:

    a) when your car is worth more than $20k and/or

    B) when your premium and excess are reasonable (ie rating 1 over 25)


    Just Cars offered me $4,000 fire and theft cover. If you read the fine print, you will find that, for example, if your car is recovered from being stolen with $5,000 damage, the insurance company will declare your car a write off, pay you $4,000 and take your car. Well this is the understanding I got from reading the fine print, please correct me if I am wrong.

  9. Autospeed has some good stuff on modifications and assorted goodies.


    To view the entire article usually requires subscribtion but my brother found a way to get access without.

    go to your chosen article...

    eg. http://autospeed.drive.com.au/cms/A_2444/article.html

    note the fact you can only read the first paragraph or 2.

    copy that web address into google but delete the "drive"

    eg. http://autospeed.com.au/cms/A_2444/article.html

    select the one and only search result and the full article will appear. Im not entirly sure why this works but it does


  10. I had a swedish exchange student chick stay with me for a year when i was younger...... (hm good times) We took her to lots of places but i remember she liked the rialto viewing deck at night alot. Umm goin to some of the rainforests, prom, beaches and stuff are always good. I guess its just a matter of showin her stuff that she cant do at home. Oh and theres always the pub 2


  11. I go spear fishing a bit with my old man. He left the keys (including remote) under his wet suit for the walk down over the rocks. Completly forgot and went swimming for a good hour or 2 with it still in there... its still bloody workin and that was 5 dam years ago.


  12. Thx heaps Greg. That really puts it into percpective. I just always just asumed having full comp in the event of a writeoff was by far the best option. But with that Logic and, dam thats some bloody good logic, it seems its pretty much never worth it for us youngens. That post is the single most helpful thing ive read on this whole site and we all know thats sayin alot.

    Thx agian

  13. mmm glad someone brought up bikes :(. Brings back memory's of riding every single weekend. I agree with some of the others, learn to ride up the bush or even in some's paddock. I learnt on my CR 80 and i crashed way to many times and suffered almost as many injuries and thats with just trees and the ground to hit. Hell, even spend 500 bucks on a piece of Shyt trail bike and thrash it till it dies. The skills u learn could safe your life.

    o and id go the cbr250rr

    once you get a bike every other car seems slow (hehe maybe not all)

  14. whats this stuff about rating ??

    If you dont claim on your insurance for a period of time your rating increases. eg rating 1 is say 60% off your premium. When you first start driving you are at rating 5 (i think) eg. 0% and if you have at fault accitdents your rating decreases meaning you pay a % more. It is a method insurance company's use to stop people claiming on very small amounts and also rewards long term customers.

    I aint had insurance before but thats the way i understand it works


  15. i agree DaGr81, full comp is the only way. You cant expect to be a decent driver when you firsy start. Practice makes perfect. We may like to think we are real safe but in reality where the most dangerous ppls on the road and chances are were gonna crash eventually so comp is a must. 1600 for full comp is damn good for a gtst. When you ring up for a quote can you just blatently say, "hi i want to insure my car i drive everyday under my fathers name so i pay less", or do you have to diguise it a lil' ?

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