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Posts posted by Cooper

  1. you didn't.

    and I've provided plenty of supporting data to prove otherwise. All your stating is the current account balance, as if that somehow proves something. It doesn't, its just the current account balance. Stating a fact is all well and good, but you haven't justified how this country has arrived at that fact other than labor are mismanagers. That's just an accusation, but not reinforced with evidence.

    Let me put how I understand your argument in another context, say for example, arguing if climate change exists. You've said, 'the sky is blue, and therefore climate change does not exist'. All you've done is stated a well known fact, but you haven't stated any contributory evidence as to whether climate change exists or not. Even more so, you've assumed correlation between the CAB and the govt at the time. You've even said it yourself, correlation does not equate to causation. If you're going to make a statement, you need to be able to explain why you've made that statement. All you've done so far is shit on labor, but you haven't said why they are so shit.

    I'm trying to understand what you're saying mate, but all you're doing is warping words, the argument isn't constructive unless you want to talk about the economic environment and its relation to the recession.

    You do realise that everyone in this thread on both side have done exactly this right?

  2. Goodness me, you continue to blather on things you clearly know nothing about. Why is that?

    The Carbon Levy is what it is. It's a set price now but will be floating from 2015. It's main goal is not revenue, it's carbon reduction and on that count it's been an absolute success. There is not a single figure you will be able to find which suggests otherwise. The money it raises is secondary to that and is out of the control of the government as i is, by very design, set by the market.

    The NRAS? Almost 40,000 have been essentially funded. It's then up to the states to actually deliver the program from there as the States are the ones responsible for public housing stocks in their respective states. The allocation of funds is not lacking which is the only thing the Feds control.

    The Insulation Scheme was also a success, although there are some things I would have changed. I would have made it $1,000 from the outset, instead of $1,600, to encourage co-contribution and I would have excluded foil insulation allowing batts and low in only. Aside from those things, the reason it was introduced was to provide a sharp stimulus to the economy and it worked, pure and simple. The hard evidence and anecdotal evidence supports that.

    The Alcopop tax was not rolled back. What are you smoking? It fixed a loophole in the tax system which allowed RTDs to be taxed less than wine, beer and straight spirits. On top of that there was a measurable decrease in RTDs with a corresponding increase in other spirits which clawed back about half the reduction, so overall a success.

    As for Swan over-estimating the budget, again you are simply ignorant of the facts. The figures come from Treasury, not Swan. That's the same Treasury who under-estimated the tax take buy around $15-$20B a year for the last term of the Howard government.

    You are so ignorant that it would be funny if only you weren't so convinced that you had the slightest clue what you were talking about.

    The 2 bolded paragraphs i have a problem with how you have argued your point.

    When talking about the carbon tax you have stated that it was never about the money it was about lowering carbon emmisions. Then when you argued about the alcopop tax you have said it has worked well as it has clawed back money in spirits but failed the reduce younger people drinking stronger drinks.

    Now wasnt the point of the alcopops tax to stop younger people binge drinking stronger drinks (alcopops) not about raising money? The carbon tax was spruked that it would bring in X amount of dollars in to the coffers and that was there way of showing that it was a success in the first place and there justification for the tax? Not that it was lowering carbon emmisions (which would pretty much only appeal to a small percentage of voters i.e hippies)

    I find your 2 opinions on these very hypocritical of each other.

  3. Just finished reading through this thread. Some very varied opinions here.

    Personally i feel if the aborignal community want to have there own land then give them a chunk, cut off there benefits and let them live how they want, would be interesting to see how long they last.

    Why is it that if someone such as jaffa calls someone a 'whitey' thats not considered racist but if we called aboriginals a 'coon' that is. It has always pissed me off that any race can say what they want about white people but when its the other way round they go crazy and call us racist when they are racist themselves.

    Jaffa you have mentioned the white australia policy affecting aboriginals but the policy was about stopping immigration of certain races not anything to do with aboriginals to my knowledge (feel free to prove me wrong). I also find it amazing that you keep telling people to do there own research etc to prove your theories, the onus of proof is on you not us, you say you know of books to back up your story etc but wont even name them or an author, it just tells us that your talking out your ass to put it bluntly.

    This thread started out quite well with some good thought out arguements then turn to shit what happened?

  4. A mate of mine is caught up in this aswell. He is apealling through the class action and they are confident they will get off of it.

    My bro inlaw went through a similar situation years ago where he was caught speeding and the cops came to his house a cou[ple of days later and said he would recieve a summons etc. 2.5 years later he recieved it. It was taken to court and the judge laughed at the incompatence of the police when they still didnt have there case ready 2.5 years later and wanted more time. The judge through it out on the spot.

  5. This car has gone through a great evolution since i owned it in Adelaide about 2 years ago now. Im glad to see you could put the money into it that i wanted to do but couldnt afford to do while having a mortgage.

    I would love to drive it now that it has an extra 70 kw at the wheels from when i owned it. Keep up the good work :)

  6. I had a look at the pictures and all i could see is the cities around the world leaving 95% of the lights on still, sees like this is all really a bit of a joke when cities/countries say they are going to shut lights off etc

  7. Up for sale is my 1998 Holden Statesman VS Series 2 in Silver

    I have owned the car for 2 years and it has served me well. I am selling because a mate has sold me his car finally and i dont need 2 cars.

    It has all the normal options plus Leather. It has a 2.5 inch cat back exhaust and later model statesman rims. It is also a factory supercharged V6.

    The car has done approx 167000 KMs

    I am after $7000 ono

    Any other questions are welcome.

  8. I have the complete (dumps, front pipes, hollowed cat, cat back) stock exhaust system off my old R33 GTR which i no longer own.

    I need to get rid of it to clear some room in the shed.

    I also have a walbro fuel pump that was used for about a day.

    Fuel Pump: $75

    R33 GTR Exhaust System: $600 ono

    Willing to post pump but exhaust will have to be picked up by the buyer or i can arrange drop off in the Adelaide Metro Area

  9. I have the complete (dumps, front pipes, hollowed cat, cat back) stock exhaust system off my old R33 GTR which i no longer own.

    I need to get rid of it to clear some room in the shed.

    I also have a walbro fuel pump that was used for about a day.

    Fuel Pump: $75

    R33 GTR Exhaust System: $600 ono

    Willing to post pump but exhaust will have to be picked up by the buyer or i can arrange drop off in the Adelaide Metro Area

  10. um as the Japanese have quite correctly pointed out, we murder cute cuddly kangaroos for sport (guilty on this one lol).

    so we really shouldn't be hypocritical. When I read this BS about some international court i was like LOLZ GG P Garrett, way to do absolutely nothing but appear to be doing otherwise! as if any of those puppet courts get real outcomes.

    Not legally. You must have a permit and tags to legally shoot Kangaroos.

  11. Wow Barbs you really are brain washed or just way to dumb.

    NONE of your pictures are relevant. I could post up a million pics of Aus or US or any other countries military equipment etc and it would be just as pointless, same with the protest pictures from around the world, what point are you trying to make with irrelevant pictures?

    I think you need to quit while your behind. You clearly cant make an informed decision about anything with the The land of goat sphincter rings blinkers you have on.

    the sphincter of the universe will never be anything more than just another country on the world stage. You definately have delusions on grandure if you think otherwise.

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