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Posts posted by Edge

  1. Not sorry.

    I think having any religion should bar you from being a citizen here.

    Well said

    You got the point about NOT RELIEGING or not to attourn away from God when in fact God is living in us.

    Its up to the individual to wake up and I see that most are enlightened here, so many likeminded people,

    So I appreciate seeing so many fiesty replies proving Australians on here already demonstrate they know who they are.

    Interesting. I just have an issue with the British empire conquering Australia with genocide, segregation and forced assimilation by stealing a generation of kids so the native Australians lost their identity. Doesn't sit well with me for some reason.

    Yes I have a problem with all these authorities too, none are perfect;

    but what the authorities stand for and how they are kept to that standard is something we are responsible for.

    Indeed the land was free before and made less so when the British came.

    The justifications for taking Australia were falsified, and the historical evidence proves the claim to land was not even made by correct procedure: Which is why in the park in Worronora there is a plaque saying an 'Aboriginal Nobleman' made an agreement as recently as in the (1990's I think), that in 100 years time, Australia could belong to the British or something to that effect. If you want the details let me know.

  2. Love for more than one country and its people is admirable.

    If the individual person can express this love for the countries he wants dual nationality with he should be able to hold citizenship in both countries.

    Well the citizenship/nationality question is now up for debate - starting off with those who have dual nationality.

    The obvious exception is if that country is an enemy country. Can you be a citizen of the enemy and still be Australian?

    The deciding factor is then taken by the actions the individual takes.

    If an individual wants reconciliation and peace and shows by his public actions that this is true by consistency then there is no reason to take his foreign nationality away. After all we must make good neighbours, and this is a small world and we need our friends in other countries to love us too.

    It is to Australia's great advantage that so many who love Australia also hold foreign nationality, it is this that enables us to benefit from trade and from owning assets in our neighbouring countries. This is receiprocal.

    You must be aware foreign countries have bought a lot of Australian land and business. If you want to take it back it would mean war. The only other way is to sucessfully trade your way to eminence and buy it all back for Australia.

    Free Trade is what stops wars. Trade barriers cause world wars.

    Australia has everything, golden soil and wealth for toil. We have plenty of food and plenty of minerals for the Au(gold symbol) stra (strata=mine) lia(company) to mine. We also have plenty of food and despite what the politicians have told us there is plenty of water too. Ord river schemes and if you care to look at the Northern Territory at places like Duneedoo you will see the potential to grow rice enough to feed the world if they let us use the water in the dams up there instead of not letting anyone use it. The trials for rice growing were done sucessfully up there already.

    We could be the worlds food supply very easily, and everybody in the world has to eat!!

    Protect our land from damage by coal fracking miners whose activities would cause pollution of our agricultural water in a 100 years time. Save Australia for our children.

    Who would want to harm such a generous and accepting country?

    When a potential enemy looks at Australians do they see free peace loving men or do they see slaves to oppression?

    No enemy would dare take on a country of free men. They would have to kill every last man to get peace.

    So Act like you are free and responsible. The public servants of government are there to serve you!

    Don't tell them to segregate and limit our opportunities just so that they can try to control us more. Are you telling them everyone is a sheep so everyone must be penned up and get sheared? Or are you going to tell the cockies (politicians) and crows (black birds kept to show generosity by gentleman farmers - crows eat his crops! These are also politicians but there is a place for everyone) to leave us all alone after all we are men of a Great Country and we deserve repect from our politicians.

    If you feel threatened by outsiders, show what is means to be a true Aussie.

    Hold yourself responsible and stand up for your and your fellow mans rights.

    Make yourself more honourable and the outsiders will respect you more for it even if it were grudgingly.

    In other words stand up for your own rights first forget about restriction of others rights.

    For an example lets take smokers:

    I don't agree with the idea that you should force me to smoke just to justify that you do.

    It is your right to smoke so act confidently in your own rights. This action alone protects your right to smoke.

    You don't need everyone else to smoke to make you feel better.

    If you feel that bad, it is your own weakness that stops you from quitting smoking or from being confident in your right to do so.

    It is you who judges yourself, no need to judge others or have others judge you.

    Fight for love not fear.

    If you love being Australian then you are what makes Australia a country of freedom. Everyone will want to turn the rest of the world to become like Australia or to come and live in Australia and those that come here in turn will want protect the rights of Australians because they are their own rights too.

    Don't let the propaganda of consumerism brainwash your humanity away.

    We are living men who are free and must act like it, don't encourage our enemies to think we play the role of sheep!

    We are not just buyers of whatever the tv ad or propaganda of world views being presented on the idiot box shows us.

    Don't forget who owns the tv stations, they control your thoughts until you take ownership and direction of your own thoughts back!

    Jesus said 'Love one another as you would love yourself' !

  3. I can't be bothered to read this bullshit thread, however I feel strongly enough to post especially as Anzac day has just passed and the Queens birthday is coming up.

    It pisses me off to hear that some people seem to think that men are not all equal.

    Anyone born in this country should be an Australian Commonwealth citizen by birth. Currently this is not the case, sadly those who immigrate here are also being asked in their citizenship oaths to be subject to government and do not have the same rights to freedom as the rest of us anyway.

    If you want to see what I mean, take a look at an old citizenship cert from the 60's vs a new one. What kind of citizen are they asked to become? A subject of the Queen means that we are relieging/ attourn (ie turn away from God) to the Queen that she holds the responsibility in trust to uphold the law of God, and the law of the bible = common law = general law = international law. Take note our rights are guaranteed by the Queen under her oath to uphold the Magna Carta, not the government who haven't even deigned to create a bill of rights for the people. And for those that think the Magna Carta does not apply in Australia, you will find the a Magna Carta building on top of parliament house.

    A point for those who may be muslim or of other religions or of no religion...The fundamental point is that we are all created equal and we should not lie and say that the per/son or mask of a man is the man himself. Flesh and blood we all breath and we all bleed equally.

    ever heard of not stabbing someone in the back? Its because we give respect to our enemies the same as we do to our friends. We treat them as men and do not kill without putting our own lives on the line as to do so is cowardly and despicable. We can only kill each other because an agreement in Admiralty law has been made. Something called a declaration of war is necessary or the war is illegal. LEGAL means The GAL to LIE/LIEGAL. It is something we have the right to do because the spirit of God lives in us. But at the same time is not according to the Law - (W= written) or the Lore O=oral/spoken like the Aboriginees or Originees. Aboriginal means not original. Our language is made up of spells which cause us to define things by our manipulated perception. When we wake up we realise that the word is God and the word was with God and the word was God (John 1:1). WE ARE IN THE IMAGE OF GOD, able to JUDGE by defining things, and we use words to do so. Jesus said "have I not called ye gods?" also translates as "Have I not called you judges?"

    the admiralty ranks in human relationships are thus

    King (compelled trust)

    Father (chosen tust)

    Son (obedient trust)

    Brother (private trust)

    Friend (civil contract adherent/implied trust)


    So when we declare that there is none other between God and me, we are saying we are in trust with God - a celestial trust and most terrifying to those who would seek to control and subjugate us free men. For the Queen also holds this celestial trust so we are equal to Her Majesty the Queen of the Commonwealth of Australia.

    Stand up for you common sense - common law - common rights and for your right to own land in common law paid in fee simple rights under the magna carta where you can find written that the crown is not to make any profit, gain, or advantage from land granted by letter of writ from the Queen which is all freehold land in Australia.

    There are two crowns. the British Dutch East India Company - London Law Corporation the legitimiser of all LLC (limited liablility companies). and Her Majesty the Queen. Decide who you would prefer to have your rights guaranteed by and whose courts you would like to uphold. Note also that the Australian Government is a registered entity (regis = king) in the United States Of America which is also in the district of Columbria which has Washington city in it and is the British Dutch East India Company in the city of New Roma who have set themselves up as the Mystery Babylon harlot. She that enslaves by the continual sacrifice of the blood of the saints, meaning the 'continual employment sacrifice' to an idol/company/decedent/entity.

    Do you STAND UNDER? Do you UNDERSTAND that police POLICy E nforcers boot? Or do you assert your rights and point out that every employed police officer PUBLIC SERVANT had to take an oath to serve and protect man and to uphold the common law as a PEACE OFFICER first. The common law guarantees our rights to equality and to freedom and also our rghts to own/administer property and for no one to be allowed to harm or injure another man or his property.

    a maxim of law: 'He who fails to assert his rights has none!'

    For we admire those who would make claim of lie that is greatest that we might follow to create something splendid.

    We are free to travel on this earth wherever we wish as we all have the same rights.

    Our Commonwealth of Australian Imperial Armed Forces fought for freedom for all men.

    Love (accepting all without fear) ---- Fear is the opposite end of the scale of love.

    There is a great Australian value or VIRTUE called tolerance.

    It comes from knowing that all men are born equal and that whether you are driven toward good or evil is from the spirit.

    I point this out because to say any different would be saying men are animals and not human.

    One stands on the straight and narrow when one is not pulled to either good or evil but accepts both as it is all for ones benefit as God intended. We were given this earth to benefit and administer it.

    The only concession I will make is that they should make the residency requirement to become Australian the same as the UK, ie 7 years instead of the pathetic 4 years as it stands now.

    To be recognised a king must know that all men are equal otherwise he can only be a prince.

    Governments are there in trust for the benefit of people who are recongnised in order to benefit MAN.

    MAN is not there to serve governments but to defend his rights and freedom.

    I would urge all on the land of Australia to be responsible and stand up for your rights, and not bow down to those who would say some men are priviledged and others obedient second class slaves.

    If suggestions like the OP's post are implemented the government will lose its legitimacy.

    We are all in danger of forgetting what every Anzac war memorial has written on it

    Let all Australians be kings which is how I feel all Australians are.

    Long live the kings and Long live the Queen may she long reign over us as it is her duty to recognise/againcontract that we are all equal provided of course that we take reponsibility to assert our rights.

  4. Based on the fact that you point out you are always do something 'silly' after you get your points back...

    Obviously there should be community safety responsible driver training as a class at school which should require approval by parents for students at 14yo. Whereupon if a student demonstrates serious and safe attitude to driving upon watching safety videos showing what can go wrong and further in driving with peers in the car over a course run on Saturdays over serveral weeks of training, they will be issued with a full unrestricted license. Anyone who laughs or does not demonstrate serious safe attitude will be made to wait 2 more years before being elegible to apply again, and they will only be issued with a provisional licence upon graduation.

    Lifelong benefits of initial pass include being approved to drive in right special lanes designated high speed. If a student takes the course and fails on first attempt they will have to wait until they are 30 before they are allowed to use the high speed lanes.

    This is the only way to get the social responsibility message to be taken seriously with driving on public roads.

    We need a politician who will institute free driver education into the school system.

    Other than that I would like to complain about the way speed cameras are blatently used to make money out of law abiding citizens. Speed signs should be advisory and both the public and police should use speed advisory signs as a guide in conjunction with other driver behaviour to determine whether a breach of safe driving guidelines has occured. Ie there should be at least 2 observable offences not just speeding which is obviously acceptable to the majority of people since over 90% of people are speeding. At least set speed limits according to the speed at which 90% of people drive on a given stretch. To choose a speed limit - make the road speed advisory and then observe the majority of the public.

    Finally to answer your question I have all my points and have had them all for over a decade, and I drive every day. However I believe it is a right for a citizen to drive and would willingly go to jail to defend that right as an act of civil disobedience if anyone tries to tell me I am not allowed to drive if somehow I ceased to have a licence. A licence is merely a certification of safe driving ability, not a permit, and as such it just wrong that anyone can be prevented from driving just for loosing points! Just this year the courts have resulted in a few people having already been made to do jail time in protest!

  5. Tell the police you want to take him to court, that this hit and run stuff is wrong. If you reported it right away they should go to his house and check on the driver and take a statement for the visible damage on his car.

    If its under $500 damage, I suspect the police might not want to know about it. A dent would have to be over $500 though wouldn't it?

  6. I rocked up at 12:00 noon and only saw the photographers driving skylines, must have missed you guys as I went onto the track. Still the super drift practice was worth watching. 24 cars on the track at a time. In 10 minutes drifting they shred a set of brand new tyres, approx 8 tyres in a day.

    evil_weevil - It wasn't hot enough to need air conditioning.

  7. Don't forget the cams approved fire extinguisher.

    btw, how important is the blue triangle for the battery location? I'm going to use some blue pressure tape.

    If anyone has a timer marker, tell me what brand to get so I can buy another of the same.

    I'm really looking forward to seeing you all there on the 19th.

  8. i dont know what state or even country you are from but i know 100% in vic any programmable ecu is illegal due to emissions.

    And the fact that these units are programmable means they are not fixed tune and thats why there not legal, you can get 20 minutes down the road plug in the controller and adjust everything again straight after an epa test, there is not true way to make these a "fixed tune" hence why people who modify there car wants one.


    That is why 20 minutes down the road you are not allowed to have a hand controller in the cabin.

    and you just said it passed with the powerfc. It is not illegal to modify your car to meet epa test requirements, for example by reprogramming an ecu for better efficiency.

    Nothing is ever fixed tune, since you can fiddle with the engine timing sensors, change the tune chip in the ecu, change the fuel pump, put a better air filter panel in etc. etc. but these are fixed changes, meaning they are fixed for the next time you drive it.

    Regarding your insurance, the reason they say they will cover it if it is legal is that they are legal but don't set it up in an illegal way. The ecu will not cause an accident if it is not being fiddled with while you are driving, the best way to avoid being accused of fiddling is not to have it in the cabin. Most insurance companies recognise that provided the car is roadworthy - it is not the car, it is the driver. The roadworthy test doesn't care if your engine is out of tune, it cares about safety check ie. if your brakes, lights and visual systems are in working order, and even if a fault in these was the cause of an accident but you passed the roadworthy check the insurance company cannot refuse to pay you, eg. the brakes failed.

    The only way the insurance company can refuse to pay is to prove you knew the brakes or whatever safety component was not operating and still continued to drive. The in cabin controllers give them an opportunity to try to prove you knew the car was not running safely since you were fiddling with the engine in cabin while driving which is an unsafe practise, since you ought to know that doing this may cause you to accidently overpower the brakes that then caused the accident.

    It is by extension that the programming in cabin is thus illegal, just as it is illegal to have a radar detector in your car even if you are not using it: If it is in a location that you can use it while driving you will find it is illegal.

  9. hmmmm i think i must search my car now!

    all i have found was a screwdriver which fell from somewhere behind the stereo when i was tinkering back there oh and the stereo case for the removable face

    old thread but still interesting..

    I found a 10,000 yen note neatly folded in half tucked in passenger side door pocket, it smelled like thick cigar smoke. But I put it in a wallet for safe keeping with a stack of US dollars and can't find it now.

    I also found a 24hour shop plastic bag folded very tightly into a four inch long strip in the passenger door pocket.

    Found a japanese casette tape in the boot, seems it was a tape made for a female spouse to listen to, sort of made a story on the themes (all the songs had both English and Japanese in the lyrics).

    Also a parking permit sticker on the back window, now removed.

    Had a sat nav that didn't work properly and a tv which only picked up one tv station here.

    The puretron filter works but I really want to know where I can buy replacement filters for it.

    I also found the flare, its a nice red tube thing with a lid.

  10. Well he most likely will get charged at that speed, and "charge" means you will have a record on your profile. In my experience of applying for jobs and also from my friends experience in applying for uni graduate jobs, the application form asks whether you have been charged for anything or have been taken to court. Now the paper ive read didn't have any space for explanation besides the Yes/No question. Probably is different for every job. :)

    You shouldn't be saying that you get charged for that since speeding is not a criminal offence, it is a traffic offence.

    I'm sure you don't like to hear about runners killing themselves because they don't stop speeding because they think they will get a criminal record if they stop.

    The idea is to have them slow down not speed up when they see the police.

    Tell me you have never broken the law, eg. jaywalking, or gone swimming at the beach which as far as I know is still against the law in daytime. Picked up a dollar coin on the street and not handed it in.

    This fellow sounds like he was speeding on a freeway (high speed road) and stopped when he saw the police. He made a sensible choice, stop advocating stupidity in your ignorance.

    He considered the conditions safe, there are no pedestrians on a freeway; but in hindsight realised he made a mistake, and the police were there to remind him.

    More than 90% of people commit a crime in their lives. Never forget they are people and the fact that they are part of society; else you are being hippocritical.

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