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Posts posted by viet_boi

  1. You gona put your hand up?

    Sorry, No, as I don't hop on the forum as frequent anymore and I don't drive a Skyline so there is no urge of me to organise events if I can't participate in it.

    sometimes it's better to let go and teach the younger generation how to run the WA Section so the club can move forward.

    Ps. No hating on the club, it's a legit statement coming from me and a few of the old SAU members who used to hop on here and troll one another.

  2. I'm pretty sure most of the mods for SAUWA don't drive skylines anymore and have other commitments, I've been part of this club since 05' and admit yes it used to have regular events and active but I can tell you now it has died. IF you look at other car clubs, you can see how the mods of them still drive performance cars and so on hence why their club is active.


  3. Workshops normally go by "If you don't have the money, go else where" because they are tired of people coming in for quotes and try to bargain the price down "Oh what if I take the front bar off for you? What if I help you?" or walk away with "Wow that is over priced".

    Look at the car scene now, everyone is doing backyard jobs as it's cheaper and not every has money strapped, Shit like that takes ALOT of business away from the worlshops and now you can see why they are starting to take up other cars/4wd besides the usual japanese cars now.

  4. I've taken my cars to Warwick and they were cool with it, had a couple of cars which couldn't even make it over there ramp because of how low it was and they still let me pass, all depends who you get and when you go. Then again your ride might be to "Darti" they might bust your tuppy

  5. It all comes down to FEAR, if they have nothing on you they just try to scare you into confessing - for example they pull you over and then say: "what was that back there?" or "Why were you doing that back there?" or "I know why your here, to do burnouts" If they think anyone is stupid enough to confess to do anything just because they try to scare you they are wrong, if they have no evidence they should just f**koff


    Example: Police pulls you over.

    Officer: "What was that back there?"

    You: *Shit yourself* "Oh officer my car slipped by accident"

    Officer: DIDN'T EVEN HAVE EVIDENCE HE JUST ASKED YOU TO SEE WHAT YOU'D SAY..."Hand them keys over kid"

    Police will say ANYTHING to try to get anything out of you. IF you're a Sensible driver? Acknowledge he is talking shit and just laugh it off knowing he was trying to catch you out but he couldn't.

    Get scared by it? Sell you're car and buy an Excel.

    Seriously, If you buy a Import, get ready to put up with hassles from the police and know what you're in for because of the whole media bragging out the word "HOON".

  6. all the shit they say is to scare you, if you're a sensible driver then ignore it and know they are just dribbling to scare you, if you're a little bitch then take it to heart and sell your car cause you're scared. Simple as that.

    Cops say that just so you get scared and behave if you haven't been. Same shit with the media.

  7. take it back to them, tell them you don't want the car in your hands until the smoke problem is gone (If the smoke will go away in 2/3days, let them take car of it in that 2/3days then hand it to you after), it is not up to dealer standards selling a car in bad shape like yours. I've worked for car dealers before and we've always made sure our cars are in top nick when it leaves the showroom because we don't want our customers coming back and fourth with bad situations.

    but on another note, "you wasn't having your foot on the brake and acceleration at the same time causing the smoke right?" :P

  8. 143?? is that all??... Weak!

    If you're planning onto hitting the media, make sure its for something big! like hitting a tree and getting your car chopped in half, or atleast hit 180+

    Even the police officer was caught speeding, doing 172kph in a 90kph...now his onto something

  9. what ever you do, go concave fronts and rears, even it out instead of concave rears and the fronts are flatface, looks shit in my opinion.

    had the choice of running flat face fronts and concave rears on my s15, decided to fork out abit more coin for concave both for a better finish.

    Rims = you keep for awhile so you gotta make sure you're happy with it first time around.

    IF fronts don't fit? Camber the mutherf*ker until it does.

  10. Give a cheap price, it will sell quick, want a high price, be expecting to wait awhile.

    I put my cars up and they end up selling in couple days it was on the market. There will be someone out there willing to pay some decent amount of coin for the car they like just you have to wait for that person to come around.

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