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Posts posted by PobodY

  1. Well - it's done.

    She has found a new home with the couple from Geralton - she got on really well with the husband and their other dally, and didn't harass the wife at all.

    We had our vet call their vet in Geralton who verfied that their identity and that they were a suitable home for our dog. They also transfered all her medical records to them.

    She then jumped into the back of their 4WD and drove off looking quite happy about the whole thing - I have to say that I kinda wish she'd been a little more sad about it, but I guess she doesn't know what's going on and is really happy with them.

    Now I've just got to choke the tears back until work is finished for the day.

  2. Will ask around for you as well. Good luck and I hope you find her a lovely home. Must be the hardest thing to do, no way could I leave my Berner and he isn't yet 5 months old so the attachment of 8 years must be heart breaking. Good luck!

    I'd be lying if I said that we haven't both shed a tear or two over it... We'd really like to take her, but just don't think she could stand the flight.

    We have a couple of good prospects at the moment - one is a couple from Geralton who have a 6-year old dalmatian allready... they're bringing her to visit Daisy tomorow.

    Once again - thanks for your support guys!

  3. Awesome to see so much feedback in this thread.

    Yeah - I posted on OCAU first and didn't get squat!

    You guys (mainly Kylie) have bee really helpful - thanks!

    I'm a bit worried it won't pan out with this guy... he has a CRX which has no seat for her to ride in... and she does like to ride in the car!

  4. Which suburb are you in?

    Sorry these are the questions coming back to me by a group of miracle workers :D

    I'm in Hillarys.

    However, I may have found someone. A friend of a friend has contacted us and says he might be able to take her. He's coming to see her on thursday.

    That doesn't mean she's found a new home yet, but obviously if she goes to someone we know that's better.

    So I guess, there's no urgency for your pals at the moment - although there's no telling how it will go.

    Daisy may have a go at his parents dog, and we could be back to square one.

    I'll let you know how we go!

  5. omg!

    we used to have a dalmation "archer" until last year when we had to put him down for health reasons..

    our family has had dalmations ever since us kids were born..

    i will have a chat to my parents and see what they say :) but not sure what they will say..

    I would guess that they're not ready for another one just yet.

    My father-in-law had to have theirs put to sleep (she had arthreitis in her back) a couple of years ago - he's looks like a bikie, but he was crying for months. He got a staffy instead (eventually).

    They're also probably quite enjoying the lack of hair everywhere... my wife has decided that the Roomba goes with her to assist in the clean-up.

    However, if they were interested, they're just the kind of family who would be perfect for re-homing her!

    They'd allready know all the tricks that dalmatians try to pull... digging under the gates (but not the lawn), chasing birds, having no road-sense at all, making you knock food on the floor so they can hover it. Then there's the strange taste in food - rice, vegetables, salad...

  6. sorrry you have to give her away, i had to do the same with my lab 2 years ago, it sucks :)

    but he went to close family friends so we know he's looked after and we can go see him any time we want.

    That's really the problem - none of our family or close friends can/want to take her. We're moving overseas, so we're unlikely to be able to drop in and visit her... When we are back in town, I'm not sure that it wouldn't upset the balance of her new home to drop in and see her.

    If she wasn't such a happy dog it wouldn't be so hard.

  7. I'd better fix the picture...

    The problem is that she's quite highly-strung and is used to being able to move around. I think that being stuck in a cage for 30 hours might be the final straw for her... she might survive it, but would she be the same afterwards?

    The Dalmatian society don't recommend flying highly-strung dogs for just this reason. - We did contact them first, and they sent out a potential new owner for her, but they didn't think that Daisy liked them enough.

    It will break us too. She is our little girl, but my inlaws have a Staffy and don't want her as well... they can't travel with her and she likes to chase the wildlife on their block.

    She has allready started on her vaccinations etc for the doggie passport, and we did orginally intend to take her, but so many people have told us that it can change your dog forever.

    If we can't find a suitable home, she'll just have to do her best.

  8. My wife and I are moving to the UK soon, and although we can get a doggie passport for our dog, we're worried the flight would break her (or worse yet; she'd die).

    So, we don't want to do this and have it put it off. When we started looking, we haven't tried hard...

    We think the best thing for her would be to find a new home.

    So if you know of somone, or are interested in homing her yourself, please let me know - I can provide my wife's details by PM for those who are interested.

    She is an 8-year old female, de-sexed (she has too many spots to breed apparantly), she doesn't always play nicely with other dogs (but always with other dalmatians and alsatians), she is largely independant (she will come to check on us, but can spend a fair ammount of time doing her own thing), she currently has run of the house, but not the bedroom or the kitchen (yes, she's spoilt but she doesn't sleep on our bed or funiture), she likes to run and loves horses (dalmatians were originaly coach dogs), she doesn't mind children (however, she doesn't currently live with any either), she isn't a young dog anymore (so she's not like a puppy, and is happy to spend more time sleeping now)... I'm just trying to cover all the questions we've had from other people who've enquired about her.

    Also; She is our dog. If you come to see her and she doesn't fawn all over you and show you that she loves you instantly, that's because she allready has two owners that she's happy with, and can tell that something is going on. My wife is also the alpha-dog, that means that she sees women as the threat to her pack - she will be guarded.

    Anything else?


    Picture... I'll have to find one that's more recent - although she hasn't changed much since this one was taken.

  9. How many circuits does it immobilise?

    Is it all black wiring?

    Does it automatically immobilise within 30 seconds of you turning the ignition off?

    I think those are the prerequisites for the standard.

    I have a 50c flashing LED that I bought from DSE - doesn't make my car immobilised.

    I had a simple throw switch under my dash - doesn't auto arm.

    I had one wired with coloured wires (so that the installer would know what circuit went where) - that had to come out because it didn't meet standards.

    Don't worry - they Skyline has an Autowatch 456RLI in it. The above were in my previous cars.

  10. I know - save your money, buy a 12v computer fan from DSE and whack that in!

    It will do the same, and you don't even have to wait for them to mail it out to you.

    I'll admit that the theory is sound enough, but in practice the fan just can't get the air-flow up enough.

    EDIT: CEF11E - you are evidently the man (who know about these)!

  11. My car has one of these units in it. I can work out most of the buttons etc, but every now and again I get a Kanji menu and I don't know what it says.

    Anyone know where I might be able to get an english manual for it?

    I tried google, but it turns-up the japanese manual in PDF... or Korean websites selling the same unit, which is no more help to me than Japanese.

    Here's a couple of clickys to show you what I mean.



  12. Another happy Autowatch 446 owner here its never gave me any problems

    A happy Autowatch 456RLI owner here.

    Big bright blue LED flashing away - bright enough that I've used it instead of the curtesy light before now.

    Quiet chirps - not noisy horn honks when arming etc. That keeps the neighbours happy.

    An alarm tha build in volume, so you don't go deaf when you accidentaly set it off.

    Inbuilt TT - not adjustable though so it always runs for 90 seconds, but you can over-ride it with the remote.

    NO autolocking or auto-alarming, but it DOES autoimmobilise.

    Glass breakage, but not "knock" so it doesn't go off when cats jump on the car etc.

    Given that I didn't want an alram at all (I just wanted a remote immobiliser), I've been very pleased with it.

  13. The plastic guard on mine was doing the same, I made new mounting points by screwing with self tappers next to the old points into the plastic bits only.

    I can do that.

    Can it be removed completely, or does that risk damaging the stock intercooler?

    It's a funny noise isn't it? Didn't stress me out becuase it doesn't sound like anything was getting destroyed, but as soon as I stopped for fuel I checked it out.

  14. OK - so I've tested it to the limit of fuel economy.

    A tank full of Ultimate98 will get you almost 600km (I forgot to check the reading before I reset it - it was a long day) of Hwy driving.

    I filled up in Hillarys, drove to Bussleton and around the area, then came back to Hillarys - the light came on around the CBD.

    I realise only WA members will make any sense of that, but I thought it was damn good economy! That's not slow all the way... and it's not flat-out; average of 110km/h for ~6 hours (just under 3 each way).

  15. Oh yeah - I also found out what that "snow" button is useful for.

    Anybody driving in Perth on saturday can tell you that there was a bit of rain - I pulled out of a side road, there was no audible sqeeling, but the back was fish-tailing everywhere. It actually took me a few seconds to work out what was wrong because the acceleration wasn't bad (I didn't boot it, I was trying to drive for the conditions) and the front was pointing mostly in the right direction.

    Next corner I made sure it was on "snow" and had no more traction problems for the rest of the day... even when I was leaving commodores behind at the lights.

  16. I've got a new question!

    There's a funny noise coming from my left front wheel arch.

    Like a pump motor going, or something revolving at high speed touching something... like a tyre touching something for example.

    Noticible really only at speed; if I boot it, or if the car drops onto the suspension (going over a bump at speed).

    It's bog standard so it shouldn't be hitting the body or anything like that.

    I pulled over and took a look at the tyres - there's no obvious signs of it having rubbed.

    However, the plastic panel at the back of the front air-dam (M-Spec) seems to be a bit loose - could this be the problem? At high speed it just gets bent enough to touch the wheel?

    What can be done to fix it (if it is the problem)? I guess I'll need some of thos little plastic clips? Where to they come from?

  17. My favorite was the "I want to support the little guy" argument against deregulated trading hours - I was that little guy, and I kept saying "bring it on!" How are you supposed to do your shopping if you own/run a small business that allready has longer hours than the big shops? I'd have prefered to say "I'm closing at 6pm, and then I'll do my groceries at 7pm". People really seemed to believe that EVERY shop would be forced to be open 24/7. Even the big boys only stay open as long as they think they'll get the business.

    To be honest, I don't really care that much about daylight saving - I think we should have it, but the days in Australia don't vary that much by season (not like in Europe). However, I think if we are going to have it, it should be uniform accross the country.

    You'd be surprised the number of businesses on the east coast that can't seem to get their heads around the fact that Perth is now an extra hour behind and they can't call at the usual time to get you... or that you're going to have to call them an hour earlier if you don't want to miss them.

    The cows? - I don't know how they managed to set their alarm clocks anyway... maybe we'll let them off, they can just come in to be milked when they feel it's right. I was over in Woolengong last week, which is in the heart of the NSW dairy country when daylight savings came in - I didn't see any panic, cows roaming the streets, farmers broken by the change in routine... I did see faded curtains, but that could just be Woolengong.

    To be honest, I blame the state governments for being so un-cooperative with each other... but that's a whole other rant.

  18. The 1st is your Hicas ecu

    2nd was a air purifier

    3rd any number of type of diplays, satnav, temp/oil etc

    4th Lol I bet its pretty at night


    1) Well, I guess that's a relatively sensible place to put the HICAS ecu...

    2) Air purifier eh? So that's what it is - as I said, I've seen them, but thought they must be some kind of centre-channel or sub-woofer for the stereo.

    Is it ususal that it's been removed? Would it have been ditched in Perth or in Japan?

    3) Yeah - I didn't really think I'd find out... I was just wondering if they often had something that sat there, but was always removed before compliance... I suppose anything obstructing your view could be reason to fail it.

    My first thought was maybe the TT for the previous owner, or radar detector... but I understand that it could have been anything.

    4) It's pretty during the day too! Most of that screen is taken up by the graphic equaliser - Every now and then it gives me some Kanji, but I can't read them... I can work the radio, and the CD-stacker, change the presets on it, but then I'm lost.

    That's why I was after the manual.

    Thanks again though... now I'll go and poke around somewhere else! :pirate:

  19. Hey guys im new to this forum and this is my first post.

    I am very seriously looking at buying an R33 Gts-t but im unsure of the difference between

    the Series 1 and 2. On the outside i notice the series 2 has the round lights on the front.

    I personally like the series 1 Rectangle lights.. but other than that what are the differences?

    Engine wise and visually and what is the better buy?

    Oh and Im from W.A.. can anyone recommend me a good place to buy a skyline.. is Imports101 any good?

    I really want a low k R33 Gts-t 5 Speed Coupe in Black with full electrics thats completely stock.

    All help is much appreicated.


    As has been said above - there's plenty of info about the differences... in fact there's an entire sticky in the FAQ forum devoted to it, plus links to other sites with corroborating infor.

    I know because I used it last month to buy my S1.

    As for imports101, I don't know - I bought mine from Paul at Autoworx in Wangara.

    EDIT - My bad! This car is sold, but there's another on coming soon acording to the site.


    I offer no comment on any of the stock, pricing etc and am not affiliated with them. I'm just trying to provide some helpful info.

  20. It's always the same lines too - "Kwiniana is busy in the usual spots, Mitchel is busy from Hepburn Ave to Vincent St". It would be better so say "Kwinana is still clear at the moment, and Waneroo is busier than Mitchel..." or something like that - take it for granted that we know where it'll be busy allready.

    I'm always driving accross or against the flow, so I laugh at them each day... well not maliciously, but smugly anyway.

    Up marmion, along Whitfords (actually that can get busy until after the freeway), then up Waneroo... past Prindaville Drv (coz everyone else turns there), and up Buckingham.

    I don't even listen to the radio anymore - just put a CD on...

  21. I did do a search, but I've got a couple of different question and couldn't really find an answer for them all... I'm not even sure if this is the right forum. So admins; if you want to move it (or just point me in the right direction), it's all good!

    Here we go -


    Anyone know what this is? - It's under the parcel shelf next to the battery (if you know what I mean) in the boot space.

    Is it associated with what was here...


    ...what was here? I've seen a few pictures in threads with a box in the middle there, but I assume it got pulled out prior to compliance... probably because it's registed as a 5-seat car as opposed to 4-seat?

    Something to do with the stereo? - those speakers look old, so I'm guessing they were factory clarions?

    Here's a more obscure one...


    What do you think was here? I know it's a long shot, because it could have been almost anything... but it's right in the middle of the dash just over the vents (as you may have guessed).

    Lastly, anyone have or know where I could get and english manual for this;


    Not a good picture, I know. It's an Eclipse E5510CMT - 6-disk (+1 MD) CD/Tuner. I did look on the Eclipse site, but obviously it's superceded stock... and googling for it only gives me japanese manuals.

    Anyhoo... thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

    You know how it is; I can't stop myself from wanting to go out and play with it, find out what everything is and does on it...

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