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~ Jay ~

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Posts posted by ~ Jay ~

  1. Vid's up - Dam I'm good!

    I have so much footage, I'll try to do another one this week.


    GREAT JOB for such a short amount of time :D As its already been said thanks to all who helped put on this event and im always glad to be a apart of it. Also thanks to all the competitors who came in the wind and rain and still made it a very fun day looking forward to the next one maby with a Turbo ZED :Di got my hope set lol

  2. Hey i posted a link up in Zclub events section and i have about 2 or 3 already who are interested in the drive 2 are pretty much 100% in and im sure il be in so it should be an awesome day. STEVE-O is this gonna be a charity one like we have done in the past little donation towards a good cause ???

    ~ Jay ~

  3. Hey i have a mate with a few muse tickets left for thursday night and friday

    2 x Thursday night seated tickets $110( what he payed) ono

    3 x Friday Night standing tickets $130( what he payed) ono

    He bought a few and had people bail he is going to both and yea if ur interested let me know asap and il apss his number on to you

    ~ Jay ~

  4. Hey guys

    I have been speaking to a few guys on Zclub and we are organising a drive down to the gong from sydney. Its an open event for all SAU members keen to come along post up if your keen il update details asap. So far i believe there are a couple of zeds and a few GTR's going.

    DATE:- 18th September



    ~ Jay ~

  5. I have not seen much about FINAL BATTLE this year no advertising or anything im just scanning the AUTOSALON site now still cant find anything are we sure its confirmed yet.

    Im definatly keen to help as always sadly my zed is not really worth an entry and i dont like not having it around but hey if we get short for numbers maby.

  6. Indeed it was an amazing day. I want to thank all thoes from SAU who came to the funeral on friday and showed there support including our club pres Neil and the exec Steve and Duncan. Its the way the club cares for its members that sets us apart from many other clubs im definatly proud to be a member. See everyone at Toms tomorrow.

  7. The funeral is going to be on

    Friday 14th, 1pm at St bernadette's Parish, Lalor Park.

    Burial at Castlebrook

    Followed by the wake at Outback Steakhouse.

    You are all most welcome, Im sure Gerard would love you all to be there and I would find it comforting.


    I will be there al with all my bells on. I have organised the day off already now just the other stuff to confirm tomorrow and il be set.

  8. that sort of shite works on your average commonwhore/camry driver caught going faster than they should

    "I'm letting you off easy this time"

    "Oh thank you officer! (what a swell guy, he could've booked me harsher but he didn't)"

    of course we all know better :cool:

    I got pulled over on the great western at random one day in my old GTT and they were trying to tell me they saw me doing burnouts, In no way was that me I was travelling home from work, but they kept insisting they saw me which I flat out denied, they said they were gonna let me go, said they could've impounded my car and I was gonna get a fine in the mail

    I told them they can send it because I didn't do anything wrong and I would fight it in court, never got any fine in the mail :D

    police BS or must've been another silve GT-t doing happy skids close by?

    Yea its bullshit really. Over all its really gay i feel sorry for skylines more then anything cos in news reports they really only make a massive deal out of what kinda car it is when its a Skyline and they make it out that all skyline drivers are bad and dangerous its crap profiling and should not happen.

  9. denie denie denie.. unless they have you on radar and show you there reading... They allways try and put words into your mouth just dont let them, when they say "mate you were flying back there how fast do you think you were going"..."uh the speed limit"... "i wasnt born yesterday what do you take me for a dick head".."no officer".."you no this is a 60kmh zone you were doing atleast 100 im not out to get you, so we will just call it 80 so you dont lose your license".."no officer i was doing 60" just dont admit to it at all ... works alot more then you'd think

    Yea they tried to ping me for doing over 110 and i was like not a chance mate they said they were doing 110 to keep up i just said i didnt have to brake on corners thats why u needed to speed up to that to keep up.

    As for working it right i know that you can word it like you said but i dont want a bad wrap on the club or my car for being rude cos once you do that especially when ur there weekly and you drive a BRIGHT f**kING BLUE 350z they tend to pick on you so best to avoid conflict and take the lesser fine.

    Mate of mine took his fine to court and fought it ( it was a 10km/h over the limit speeding fine ) took it toi court and the judge found him guilty and instead of the 2 points or whatever he got 6 months suspension handed down from the local court judge gotta be careful.

  10. Last night i got done for speeding heading back from the thursday night coast meet up. I was speeding so i have no contest but one thing struck my mind soon after why is it when you pulled over they tell you the worst that they can book you for but then only book u minimally.

    I hate it when u get the Hollywood Line " Im letting you off easy this time" :devil: no offence lets be honest they should say " I can only prove you did this, so next time do the other thing for longer in a well lit area and smile for the camera k thanks bye :blush: "

    P.S. Its a conspiracy the Police and the Possums are getting together to keep my zed off the streets we need to fight bak. :banana:

  11. I reckon it would be really fun but i dont think i would bother taking a stock 350z out to the drags but maby once i do a few things to her then she will be worthy of such drags.

    Shame about it being called off tonight.

  12. I woke up this morning and could taste dust started wondering what the hell i did last night lol

    just my luck i washed the car yesterday too and now its an orange skyline even though it was in the garage :P

    they canned the drags too which sucks was looking forward to having a run tonight.

    Yea so much stuff has been canned today cos of this dust storm aparently like 4 or 5 gigs booked today have been canned just cos the clients have decided they dont want to hold an event today cos people wont attend.

    i wish my gig would do that but no mine just keeps going dust or not.

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