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Posts posted by Darky

  1. I don't have a picture but driving to work yesterday afternoon in Chatswood I spotted a Black (or possibly navy blue) R35 parked on the side of the road. I almost shit my pants when I saw the front just as I was level with the car parked in front.

    So who here has the R35 in Chatswood. Looks beautiful :D

    I won't name the street in case the owner would prefer not to have randoms gawking while it's parked :)

  2. Really sorry to hear this happened to your car Moanie. I still remember my first cruise and admiring your car.

    I'm always so worried this sort of thing will happen with my car, even if it's rough around the edges after all these years of tough love I've given it. I'd be wrecked if something like this happened so I totally empathise with you.

    I've parked a couple of times at Star City but never expected it to be this bad. I can echo the sentiments another post mentioned re Hornsby car park. I would also like to add I had my car badly vandalised on the Chatswood Westfield car park roof one night while I was at the movies.

    Someone had run up the bonnet, stomped up and down on the roof of the car, smashed one of my mirrors off and let all the air out of one of my tyres and they tried kicking a GT badge off the side of the car (evident from slight dent and scuff marks).

    Guess it means our car's aren't really safe anywhere except under lock and key at home which is a shame.

    Best of luck in getting your situation sorted!

  3. Hi guys,

    Long time since posting here but hoping someone has the information I need.

    Car has started idling very loudly, with intermittent chirping noises coming from the belts. Last service I had the mechanic stated the drive belt would need to be changed next service or the one after that.

    Also, with cold starts the car has a whirring whine that changes pitch when I accelerate but seems to dissipate as the car warms up.

    These problems have been developing over the last 48 hours, so very new.

    I had been getting my car regularly serviced at UAS when they were in Castle Hill but their new premises is far too inconvenient for me to travel to now. I work in Chatswood, so I'd prefer to find a mechanic somewhere in the area.

    Also if you have any suggestions about what the problem could be, I'd appreciate the words of wisdom :D

    I'm driving a 1994 R33 GTS-T M-spec, virtually no modifications.

    Thanks for your time if you've read this far,


  4. I've parked all over the place with my 'line and had very few problems.. BUT take care at Chatswood Westfield. I thought it was a reasonably safe carpark but within 2 weeks both my car, and my bosses Honda Civic were vandalised. With my car they had jumped on the roof, dented it all in, and dented the bonnet. Stole all my valve caps and let all the air out of one of my front tyres, tried kicking off one of the side GT badges and failed. Bent both my mirrors the wrong way (or tried since they were folded in at the time) but that has stuffed one of them up a bit.

    Seems you cant park a car without worrying unless its a $1000 crappy thing you use for day to day.

    I've parked all over regularly and never had problems at the following:

    Eastgardens: good considering its free parking.

    Warringah Mall: No worries again, though after 6pm the boomgate goes up. (9pm on Thursdays).

    Broadway, Fox Studios: No worries.

    I have parked at Liverpool, Burwood and Parramatta without problems but thats not to say there arent any..

  5. Sorry I didn't get your call Tosh - was fast asleep after a very very busy day at work today. Matrix Reloaded is going off, needless to say I guess. :D I've got my car back now with a new set of rims to get me by for the meantime, but I'm quite happy with them so I should keep them for awhile, car seems all good so far.

  6. I've currently got my car at Vision Smash Repairs in Artarmon.

    I've heard good things about them, and they seem helpful enough - haven't got my car back from them yet so I can't tell you what the end product is like, but I didn't need any panel work done.

    But its a place for you to start in the meantime anyway, their number is 9436 1299, ask for Jerry.


  7. Hey Tosh,

    Yeah I got a towie alright, took 6 ring arounds though, kept getting passed along from one company to another because they either couldn't tow from the city (?!) or couldn't get me because they didn't have the right truck. Had to wait about an hour :)

    Oh well, now I need new wheels, i've been looking through the for sale forums and there's nothing there I like :D

  8. Hey guys,

    Just wondered if someone here could please recommend some places that they may have been to for new wheels/tyres.

    After kissing a kerb, both my left hand wheels are warped and need to be replaced, so hopefully someone here knows a good ***AFFORDABLE*** place to get rims :)

    Thanks in advance,


    p.s: Sent them to a mag wheel repairer but they could not be fixed :D

  9. School Zones operate Mon to Fri

    AM: 8am - 9:30am

    PM: 2:30pm - 4pm

    I pass through 4 school zones on the way to work, and usually during both those hours so I have to be careful cuz there's usually a cop car parked with a camera going :-/

  10. What time did this happen?! I work at Warringah Mall now, and come home at night around 12:30am sometimes and I cruise along warringah road and forest road? ( i think thats the name) is it reasonably free from police.. ? havent seen a police car once when driving along those roads back to st ives :P

  11. I've got the Region 1 version of Donnie Darko on DVD - and the soundtrack/poster :P Its a ****ing brilliant film and i've seen it about 6 times now. I've had the dvd for about 4-6 months now I think.

    Amelie is excellent aswell - though its a lot different to the director's other films.

    (I work for a cinema :()

  12. Merli :-/ Moanie's car has got everything I wish my car had, hence I love it :D

    Ronin: I'm working all nights from tomorrow (Tues) to Sat :) so unless I hook up with you guys when I finish work - which will be 12:30/1am I doubt i can come :( but I am up for the dawn run if there's another one this sunday morning :D)

  13. Hey guys,

    was great meeting everyone - especially the early early morning meeters in chatswood, you know who you are :P and Tosh don't worry I'll be going along to some Northside meet/runs in the future, especially when you can finally drive again! :)

    p.s I love moanie's car.

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