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Posts posted by DIOR 33

  1. R33 GTS-T S2 1996




    *AVS 17" WHEELS



    *400R SIDES






    and more ....

    I have had this car for a bit over 4 years.

    Always been A1, always serviced ect ect.

    Genuine reason for selling.

    Please contact Kellie, I am not on here much so please call if interested but I will check in every few days

    0438 862 523

  2. sweet, sounds like ur on to a resolution there. most agents will have tennants pay rent into their account. then transfer it to the landlord at the end of the month... that way the agent earns a lil interest, and also has a bunch of $$ to use on the landlords behalf.

    only really works well if the landlord has multiple properties cos a bunch of money will sit in that account... im guessing this is not the case for ur landlord, and everything has to come out of their pocket.

    none the less, fixing that stuff is not your responsibility. Its the landlord/agents problem. Glad to hear that your agent is taking responsibility for the landlords lack of appropriate action

    yeah thanks Carl, He didnt call so i guess he has till tomorrow night to organise to come over but that 's also a bit rude as i have things to do this weekend and dont know what time he will be coming.

    Ill let you know what happens

  3. Imagine a woman running the country .... every 4th week her decisions would be masochistic, to say the least :P

    *Ducks for cover from female SAU members*

    Thank God Labor will be gone at the next election - then Liberal can try to patch this once-great country back up - might be too late for mining and much of our resource sector, as they have been irrecoverably hurt already. Fancy screwing up the budget so badly you need to invent a super tax and send the whole economy into disarray. Shame KRudd, shame.

    ME....> :D <.... Andrew

    and every 4 weeks it wouldnt be that bad................ it would be catastrophic lol :)

    BTW agent called back and has said that my landlord will be calling me (ha he didnt but no suprises there) and that if the landlord hasnt fixed the heater and the drain by Sunday night then i need to call her and tell her and further action will be taken

  4. I have called the landlord and she will call be back (famous last words)

    I have sent a sms to the landlord if i havent herd anything ill be calling

    as for the mo-flo its living out side hidden in the garden cause i dont have any lockable area for it

    i have to get locky from school ill keep you all posted and thanks guys carl i might need to contact you and pick your brain if need be about taking this further if need be :P

  5. ok checked out agreement and it just says repairs need to go through the office of the agent which is fine i do that, but fuse and other little things i do myself. The heater blew up over a week ago and that needs to be fixed cause locky is just getting over a cold and there should be no reason as to why i cant have one since there was one when i signed the lease and i dont really care if he cant afford one find the money i say otherwise dont have a rental property

    the mo-flo states that it contains sulfuric acid 1835g/L with a black diamond saying corrosive 8

    I called joe blow the plumber out of the yellow pages and he said that stuff has to be used by someone who knows what they are doing with that chemical and that it you should be wearing protective clothing ect and that you cant buy this stuff over the counter you have to go to a plumbers supply shop to buy it

  6. LOL Kelly.......tell him you want a plumber NOW!!

    I sent him a SMS and he hasnt replied just like it took 12 months to fix the roof in the laundry cause if it was raining outside sure as shit it would be raining inside

    +1 Pete, what a shit landlord! God forbid the roof caves in, he will give you a hammer, some nails, and tell you to fix it!

    most probably would, the heater blew up last week up and he told me if insurance doesnt cover it i will have to go with out for a month or 2 until he can afford to buy one

    Depends on if your plumbing is PVC or earthenware, in most older areas it will be earthenware in the ground and PVC or Galv under the house depending on age. The smell might very well have been the Sulphuric acid eating through the PVC, normally Drano will smell a little (mainly like Amonia) but shouldn't be that bad and really shouldn't travel through the whole house.

    It was so bad i couldnt go in the house for over an hour also the house is about 40yrs old

    also depends what was clogging up the drain :|

    I dont know, i dont have long hair

    and Krish i know i rang the poisions info line cause i rang my step dad and he went nuts at me cause he should have come and done it and im also almost 4 months pregnant they said i should be fine but yeah, the stuff is called mo-flo

  7. ok boys i need some help.

    My drain has been blocked for about a week now (I think its blocked) when you have a shower the water comes up out of the drain on the floor which is under the bench told agent at the inspection last week and the landlord sent his mum here about 15 min ago with some stuff in a black bottle saying sulfuric acid for drains, I read the instructions and poured 1/4 of the bottle down the drain and stand for 5 min then flush with cold water but it started smoking and had this really bad smell, i put a folded up towel over my face and held my breath and put the bath tap on and the smell has gone through my house and i have thrown up everywhere out the front. WTF

  8. I had an accident because I hit a really big pot hole on the round-a-bout on whites/burton rd years ago in my vs clubby, I bent the Z bar and the K frame, went and got quotes and sent a letter simalar to Petes, The Council would not pay and I had to pay for the damage and still to this day the pot hole isnt fixed . I couldnt afford to get a lawyer and was going through seperation.

  9. Any consiquences won't be progressed untill the fine has been payed though is that correct?

    how do you explain people that pay their fines off and when you receive your point information the exact date to which the offence happened is on there

  10. if you have the car registered under your name in another state then its as easy as just changing the address :)

    no krishy it's not. When my other half moved from sydney he had to go to regency have a FULL inspection befor they would issue the change over to SA plates and they told him he had to get some things fixed

  11. so i went for my hospital appointment yesterday and now my chances of getting a job are slim to f*#k all as they have said that i am now 14 weeks and 5 days pregnant instead of 11 weeks

    Does anyone know of Reception, Sales or anything like that going ?

  12. about 7 years ago there werent very good stories but from what i have heard over the past few years has been really good reps as long as the car checks out with a mechanic then go for it but i agree with steve dont get the warranty there is no point and it will save you a few $$$$

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