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Posts posted by SLED

  1. Also, you won't necessarily see much improvement by running 100 ron without tuning your ECU to the stuff (ie. more timing and boost)....other than cleaner upper cylinders through more efficient burning.

  2. there's alot of inaccurate info out there about the increased performance that E85 will give you.

    You can virtually throw a match at the stuff and it won't burn.

    The increased performance comes from the amount of timing and boost you can dial into an E85 set up without the fear of detonation like pump fuel.

    If you can live with the lack of availability and increased fuel consumption, it's well worth it.

    Speak to Donnon first before you do anything and don't go crazy big with injectors unless you like idle issues.

  3. Wow...should've listened to you bud! :/

    The running costs and constant supervision freaked me out a little but yeah, in the same vein, I wish I bought a whole bunch of properties at the turn of the century.

    With the massive property boom we've experienced, I'd be a squillionaire now!!

    Might try and invent the time machine I reckon :w00t:

  4. I just got back from China a few days ago and the infrastructure that I witnessed was absolutely mind boggling!

    What these people can do in 1 or 2 years would take us 10 to 20 years.....and not just because of people power or money alone but because of a huge lack of bureaucracy which our govt seems to have an abundance of to deal with thanks to the little wannabe blockers of legislation

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  5. The seat in the senate would need to be held by someone known and respected in the motor racing industry.

    Then, and only then, would there be a voice for us that would be given any credence.

    My instincts tell me that this guy has already done too much irreversible damage and will only add further weight and argument to the hoon labellers

    Matt, I also like the idea of representation, but unfortunately there are times when you can judge a book by its cover.....and my conclusion is ZERO substance!

  6. so the newly formed govt may have to negotiate with this clown (Ricky Muir) when the Senate is finalized July 1st 2014!

    gimme a break....looks like he barracks for Collingwood......no one in parliament will take this clown serious.

    we need someone better to represent motoring enthuisiats.....someone who'll be taken seriously.

    be interesting to hear if he has any policy....or if he even knows what policy is, LOL :rofl2::cheers:

    ''I have owned, maintained and modified a couple of street driven Commodores, nothing magazine worthy but they were safe, reliable and reflected my taste," Mr Muir wrote on Facebook.


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