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Posts posted by omega36

  1. Hey guys,

    This is fairly urgent. I'm trying to find a replacement plug that goes in the the headlight switch.

    Mine is completely melted and I don't think it's re-usable.

    I've tried all the usual places, like Autobarn, Supercheap Auto, Jaycar, etc with no luck.

    Please let me know if you have one, or know where I can get one from.

    Thanks !

  2. Hi all,

    Last night, while on the way to the movies, I was approaching a set of lights with a red-light camera at 70km/h (80km/h zone).

    The light went yellow, I could make it, but didn't want to risk it as it's on a slight incline and I was in 5th gear, so I slammed on the brakes. As far as I was concerned, it would be a bit tight, but nothing to bat an eye lid over.

    For the most part it was braking fine, but suddenly my rear brakes locked up and sent the rear of the car around, so much to the point that it felt like using the brakes were ineffective (I thought I was going to slide past the line and trigger the camera.)

    When it came to rest, there was smoke everywhere, and I was sitting diagnonally across two lanes. Luckily no one was at the lights, and the car stopped just in time.

    Naturally, I'm a bit worried - I wouldn't expect the car to behave like that at all.

    I have new tyres that were only fitted about 3 months ago, and brake fluid levels seem OK. Is there a possibility that worn front pads, and not-so-worn rear pads would've caused this? The road was also very smooth.

    Should I be checking brake lines, etc as well? Has anyone else experienced this, or could give me advice on this?

  3. Hey guys,

    Unfortunately my windscreen has a big crack in it, and it's expanding every day :(

    Please let me know if you have one available. Preferably in Melbourne so that it's easier to pick up!

    Otherwise, if someone can recommend a place to get one from, please let me know.


  4. Was an awesome weekend away in NSW! So happy to have seen Tarzan's winning lap :)

    did the old auto select r33 gtr run at all?

    was up there on friday n didnt c it while i was there

    The yellow Revzone one? Yeah, it did run a few times, the last time I saw it something went wrong and they came off early. I think the owner posts on SAU.

    I had a good time, right until Berry's car was dropped off the airjacks without warning while I was closing the bonnet..... my foot is rooted (crushed under front splitter). It's especially sore now I'm sober.

    How's yours Baron?

    Damn dude that sucks :(

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