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Posts posted by Damit

  1. Well i cant believe I haven't posted this here yet as I thought I had but here it is

    What is Robert Space Industries - Star Citizen - Squadron 42

    well all info is here http://www.robertsspaceindustries.com/

    but in summary it is a Space Sim that promises to be the most immersive game ever and Chris Roberts now without a publisher I believe can deliver

    and some videos - first is the pitch video from Chris Roberts

    then we have Top 15 reasons to be interested in star citizen

    Star Citizen Extended Trailer - Squadron 42 [Cry Engine 3]

  2. i dont repeatedly crash in the ground, only when im trying to land and for some reason my landing gear decides to go up... my pilots hate me

    still have the same name still, waiting for the ban

    love the name and I have seen you in a server before cand pissed myself laughing at it

    I'm starting to think now I should of stuck with a single side and not be playing across multiple - still haven't learnt that from wot

  3. That's far from the truth yes dayZ did great things for arma2 but it has been a modders game since ofp and a perfect example of this is the projects such as ace, PR, i44 and all you have to do is look at the armaholic files db as I can guarantee that 95% of the mods were before dayZ and dayZ now is about 1 year old and also note that IronFront which is a mod for arma2 has become a standalone game like dayZ is and even has an expansion out now

    Also Arma3 was in development a longtime before dayZ was created and was first released and dean hall was on the arma 3 dev team

    You are half right about the servers as when it came out you had to be a millionaire to afford a server that could run the game let alone the bandwidth

    But there has always been servers up and some of the main ones are the AEF and aus arma servers but with how arma works most us servers you can play on without an issue or how us in Deathinc play our custom missions is to host a server ourselves and play on it

  4. Who cares if it does better with making money all I care about is it is an epic game as is

    And on the money making subject F2P games like this that use this model are some of the best games I have played as for them to make money they need to fix and improve and do so constantly and if there is an issue they fix it then and there rather than waiting a month or 2 to the next scheduled patch to fix a game breaking issue

  5. its not really pay for alpha it is buy the game and get access to the alpha and beta and full game which i know i will do as arma is a favourite game of mine and would be great to start modding my missions into it

    and with how the alpha is laid out it is basically how it should be with the community testing it and scripting on it to find issues before release as with arma it is made to be a modders game and make it how you like even though they added a single player campaign 99% of people i know that have arma never play the standard game or missions and play with all custom content

  6. I love CV, I play with TOG and we're on there all the time.

    As for BMRF, just google it.

    Nice so i have probaly killed you quite a few times then :P

    also squad becons are coming so is vehicle flipping ;)

  7. Here is one for those that have arma 2

    There is a new mod (we will call it a mod but hasn't been made into one yet)

    It is called wasteland

    Basically it is an open sandbox game mode for those that play dayz it plays similar but lots of guns and cars and no zombies

    When you start you pick a team blufor, opfor or independent, with blu and op for being large teams and independent you are on your own or can group up into groups

    When you spawn it is into a random town and there are vehicles and guns everywhere and from there you can play how you want

    The things you can do is move objects that spawn randomly to build a base, setup a roadblock

    There are missions that happen at intervals which you can try to capture to give you an advantage

    There are stores you can buy guns and equipment at

    If you want to play all you need is arma 2 combined ops and search for wasteland and the Aussie servers are clanvalhalla and more info is on there site http://www.clanvalhalla.com.au

    At this point in time another arma editor in death inc and myself are updating with better scripts and a new map Isla Duala for clanvalhalla to run

  8. WOWP is crap

    Don't bother - I have been playing since closed alpha and while it has improved alot it doesn't help playing with a 300+ ping

    but WoWS is coming soon so hopefully that will be good

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