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JMP 82

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Posts posted by JMP 82

  1. Yep, was very happy with the win over there because I saw it as a 50/50 at best, especially off the back of a bye and two losses in a row... Watched it in the tavern on Hamilton island with a couple of dudes from Perth who were freo fans... Suffice to say I gave them a fair bit of shit after - they were good sports about it... The other bonus was that all the girls were doing karaoke and I managed to miss most of the shenanigans while watching the game, although I got caught at the end and ended up belting out a pretty drunk rendition of under the bridge... Wait, what thread am I in? Tangent much?

  2. Ignorance... These guys spend their lives training to be the best in the world in one discipline... I personally think the Olympics is f**kin awesome and love seeing humans at the absolute peak in different sports from all over the globe...

  3. Yeah, on that note I'm going to bed... I may wake up for the games later, but unlikely I would say... For the record:

    Czech 1-1 Poland

    Russia 2-0 Greece

    Getting 76:1 on my dollar tonight ;)

  4. Anyone watch the rugby? I am distraught once again. Losing in an even worse fashion. Gonna go find a hug.... :ermm:

    Watched the end of the game... Only enough to see the first goal attempt tipped away and then the second one successful for the win...

    On the other hand, did you see the aussies? Now that was a nice finish! :)

    Yes, I imagine Arsenal's fast-paced attacking football must be a bit stressful for you after watching Chelsea pretend to be a brick wall :laugh:


    Errr, only the world's most successful and trophy-laden brick wall then! haha

    I'd much rather watch a club play exciting football while trying to walk the ball in the net and win nothing than play in their own 18 yard box and win a trophy...

  5. Hahaha. I think welbeck's was intentional, but not necessarily the ideal touch... Kind of like hitting a strike that dips instead of swerves while achieving the same result...

  6. Fuuuck left at half time too. Seems a pretty decent 2nd half was missed!

    Tell me about it! This is my luck last night:

    Stay up to watch the France Ukraine game and it gets rain delayed by an hour. I go to the loo during half time and don't realise the stream I was watching reverts to the England Sweden preview and miss most of the 2nd half (and both the goals)... Lose my dollar bet... Watch the first half of the England Sweden game and fortunate enough to see the Carroll goal but can't keep eyes open and go to bed... Wake up realizing that out of the 7 goals last night, I saw one, even though I watched well over a full game... :(

    The question on everybody's lips - was welbeck's goal a fluke or talent?

  7. Yeah, Ibra having a couple of pings and looking dangerous... I feel the next goal is going to be scored from a defending mistake/deflection because there haven't really been any clear cut chances... We'll see though...

    On that note, I'm off to bed... Need some shut eye after a couple of late nights and early mornings... Enjoy the rest of the game!

  8. Made the header a lot easier, but AC still had to put it away...

    Been a decent game so far, a little slow, but hopefully that goal spikes the action... I want 2 more from the poms and I'll be happy...

  9. Except it doesn't make sense at all haha, my SAU shows my local time. Pretty sure the board gets its time from your computers settings.

    They didn't used to - must have changed with the new layout because I remember it was a pain in the arse during daylight savings...

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