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Posts posted by skyline_chick

  1. Spotted!

    The only other Skyline out in Newie tonight, it would seem (tho i'm no yokel and have no idea where to look) Cruising down Ping st, then parked at Ping st Macca's DR34PA....

    Probably the least interesting cruise I have ever had in my car. It's fun in the wet, so that's no excuse. The highlight was a soft serve. That's all I got....

    Yawn... Back to Sydney streets I go ASAP.... :P Yaay!

  2. ^ Thats a great idea mate :P


    Name: Sidd

    Location: Sydney

    Contact: 0423180545 or just PM here

    Website: www.sidd-rishi.com and www.sidd-rishi.com/blog

    So my name is sidd.. Been into photography for nearly 2 years now (as a casual hobby so nothing serious) and i have done the occasional photoshoots for friends etc (with my old camera gear), so im now looking for some test cops to test out my new gear :)

    I would love to photography your vehicle so if you are interested please do let me know.


    This guy rawks....

    As a model, I gotta say, Sidd's work is awesome... Highly recommended.

    Now.... If only I can find some time to shoot with you dude.....

    The 33's up and at em again.... PHEW!

  3. So is it making a clackety-clack noise as you come out of a right hand turn and then start to accelerate till the wheels straighten up?

    Your U-turn would have been a right-hander as well.

    I'm thinking "Drive Shaft" at the moment on the left hand side.

    Hey Terry,

    Yeah happens only when turning to the right, fine when turning left, as I am turning it cracks quite a few times (crack crack crack, close together), then as the wheels are straightening back up. Kind've sounds like it's catching as it straightens, though it's turning freely enough. The U-turn was a right hander, though not a tight turn by any means.....

    There was a tutorial on this very problem not so long ago in the DIY section.

    Any suggested link to this? I had a look but had trouble finding not knowing quite what I was looking for... That and I get distracted with the piles of interesting DIY's in there....

    Thanks guys....

  4. We laughed so hard on my test drive of the '33 when I chucked it in reverse and that thing started up..... I agree if you need ur car to beep to let you know you're in reverse... you've got bigger problems...

    I'd love to be able to leave music on for more than 5mins without the engine running to suffer with the key beep... But it flattens my crappy, tiny battery....

    Item #35 on the list... Get a new battery.....

  5. Spotted HVN5NT pink R33 with a big front mount on Model Mayhem today. Some blonde hottie. Yaay for another model with a 33! (see, we're not all dumb,lol!) I have my 33 posted there in pride of place amongst my photos! At least she was in the shot with her car!

    Think it's a Newcastle car from memory...

  6. Saw your's today - white wheels, front mount with blue-ish tinted hard piping. Nice! Like your front bar. Good that you also put a Club on the car, one lady had someone attempt to steal her Volvo C30 from the carpark - ballsy! That's why I park where there are cameras pointed at my car.

    Nah, not me either... Day off today.... Thanks for the tip about the club though, had thought it was pretty safe in the secure park and had never occurred to me to put one on in there.

    Will start being more conscious about where I put my car....

  7. So i've noticed the last few days my steering has started making a grinding/cracking (best way I can describe) noise when I am turning, or more to the point when I am straightening the wheels from a turn.

    I had some repairs done after a heavy kerb hit, I had bent the front and rear steering control arms (yes I know i've probably got the terminology wrong, but bear with me as I learn...) long story short, it was all fixed replacement parts sourced, alignment done, etc and was driving fine up until a couple of days ago.

    Best way I can describe the noise is a crackling/clanking noise as I straighten up, and happens when I brake to slow down to a stop as well.

    I haven't hit anything since, and I slow right down for potholes and bumps, always. The only time I can think of when it may have happened was chucking a u-turn the other night, I heard a popping sound and I think it has been like that since then. It is not pulling to the left, but def coming more from the left side.

    Any ideas?

    What have I done now.....????

    (apologises for all my girl speak... I am learning slowly, but suspension/steering is something I have fairly limited knowledge of)

    Any suggestions as to what this may be, how severe and what probably needs repairing would be muchly appreciated.

  8. Hey that's me! (the GD2ILA GTR that is). There is also Paul with MADGTR R34 as well.

    The super cars a driven by a guy named Lee. He belongs to the supercar club so drives the Ferarri California, Lambo, Austin Martin, R35 GTR and a few others in. He said the R35 is amazing to drive and just corners so hard!

    Well, if that's your R33 with the front mount, I've see your car in there a few times.


    Haha! How awesome! Been admiring ur car since just after I started then!

    The R35 is....... I'm not sure there's words... I was lucky enough to drive one at my last job, just after they went on sale in Oz, and it was the most responsive, interactive exciting, amazing car I will ever drive.... And i've driven a lotta different cars! Aston's, Porsche's, Ferrari, Maserati, if it's high end or super I have more than likely had a spin.

    The R35 tops them all though, and really kicked my skyline obsession into overdrive... Was in my '33 within 6 months, haha...

    There's a black 33 with a huge (red?) front mount cooler I have noticed, but that's not me.... I'm the one with the white rims. Been in shift for a few weeks tho. I'm up in MTS on D3.

    There's both some really cool and really dodgy cars in there... Gotta say the bright orange pulsar sss with the black stripes (UDI something) cracks me up....

    Take care of that hot car of yours!


  9. Also spotting lots of various Skylines in shift and casual parking at OCS (Optus Campus) North Ryde. Both nice and some in need of TLC...

    From memory there's a nice white GTR that is generally in Casual park, usually back wall, rego GDZILA or something close...

    Quite the collection of nice cars in that car park most of the time... The Lambo pops in from time to time....

    Of course, none of these cars can compare to my '33.... haha!



  10. But really, whats with the ....olollololololololo!!!!! lol!olol!OL!o O!l omgggzzzzz.

    Someone had to say it..

    just re-looked at my posts and realised just how bad the lol-itis is.... Pretty poor.... Will make a more concerted effort to keep the lol's in check.....

    That's shocking...

    Kinky goth lookin chick... Got me in one... Well, some days anyway...

  11. your posts in this section don't count

    ohhh I want teh undies!!! without the crappy VIC bit :thumbsup:

    skyline_chick, why are you up all night like me? lol

    lol.. Coz I am hopelessly addicted to SAU Shell... That and daytime seems a far better time to sleep... Can u launch an official merchant line??? SAU undies, 'kini's mayb little black gym shorts.... Lol... Could be quite lucrative.

    (some dude Chrissy day) Merry Christmas honey! I got u some SAU undies and a sticker for your corolla! Lololol!

  12. Here's one another member prepared earlier... Full credit to AGE

    They are Vic creations, but you get the idea :thumbsup:




    WOW.... I withdraw fully from my previous offer.... These chicks are hot... No way i'm gonna try and compete with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. I swear, you'll be the new SAU poster girl lol

    Lol... Just as I was looking at the SAU polo shirts and thinking "I wonder how small the small size is??"

    Gladly be a poster child for a forum as cool as this!!! I'll need to buy some SAU stickers for when I shoot with my car... Bit of shameless promotion...


  14. JK, not a bad photo - minus the scaryness....

    just outa curiosity... surprised u didnt share the rest of your album---> LINKY

    Perhaps these??


    That's a fave, but already posted in my SAU gallery anyway....

    Dunno, i'm not convinced I like these shots.... Especially the second one.... meh....

    im bad :thumbsup:

    Maybe you are.... But if you're bad I guess that makes me wicked....

    Thanks for sharing my pics dude... lol

  15. hahaha


    she's cute! natural cute, blue eyes n brown hair, very nice sam :P

    (credit is given where credit's due..)

    crap photos though (no offense)

    lol... Thx eps... Clearly your brain's recovered from being broken???

    Just one photog's view of what he likes. I prefer a bit more attitude, one like the pic below...

    Blue and black... He changed my hair colour for some reason... Photographers... What can u do...



  16. thread set to double in pages by the end of tomorrow i suspect

    sighs... Go on then.... It'll look even more skanky if I do it myself... Lol...

    Apologies for my heracy... Auto-Box for me for now...

    And whoever thought a smaller knob would be appealing????? That's just crazy talk Tony..,,

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