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Posts posted by moj0

  1. Hey guys,

    Just wondering. I'm still new to Skylines and learning about them but I have one question a search couldn't find for me.

    My friend is selling his NA R33, I know personally his kept it in good condition and offered it up to me first before he puts it on the market. The only thing is his is a auto. How hard is it to do a manual conversion and what sort of price would I be looking at roughly? Or should I be just looking at buying a manual to being with? (Gotta admit, find a manual 33 in good condition is hard)

    And one other small question, If I stick with just buying a manual R33, Obviously buying one with lower km's is a good idea but what should be about the max it should be?

  2. You're sort of on the lines. I was meaning more towards it would be more easy for me to learn on something like a S13 or 180 because I been told there good cars to use AND the difference in price. I wouldn't go and buy a 34GTR to learn in (As nice as that would be)

    I have a daily car also, even if I had a new car (Like the 33, s13 or 180) I wouldn't drive it everywhere anyway, more like a weekend car or a cruise car. Don't want to clock up Km's on the car driving into the city everyday and leaving it in a car spot, which of all things is in a ally way so yeah :)

    Its not so much that i'm 100% serious about drifting like on a competition standard (I don't think so anyway) but about a year ago when my friend took me out in his car (designed to drift) and did a little bit of the dirty work with it i became mesmerized with the feeling.

  3. who ever told u that is f**king retarded, i bought my girlfriend a samoyed and although i hate the flamin mongrel he is cute but they r seriously high maintainance dogs,

    i also know someone who had 3 (one died recently so now only 2) and she adores them but they r alot of work and like all big dogs expensive when they get sick.

    i dont think owning dogs like huskies and mlamutes is very fair because our conditions are just far too hot for them and they hate it.

    if u want a really good dog that is easy to train, big and loyal get a rottie, my one is the best dog in the world and he is very docile. (more like a big hamster)

    Hey LTHL34,

    Depending on when your free, I work at a pet shop in the city called Upmarket pets, Across the road from Victoria Market (Family owned)

    Huskies are a fair bit of work and there fair active, shed quite alot but that also depends on how well you groom them. If you don't care about there fur they don't care how many times you have to vac the house. One of the girls who worked there owned one for years, She bushed it daily with just a normal shedding brush daily (Sometimes twice a day if she was bored) and she never had hair anywhere around her house, never had to vac the house because of dog hair.

    With a dog you really have to think about you're lifestyle and do you're research on what also suits you're lifestyle the best and pick from there. Just because you hear a few cool things there or here doesn't mean the dogs best for you. Trust me you wouldn't understand how many people would buy a dog weather its from a breeder or from a pet shop and end up hating there dog. Alot of people don't think that it will be there for 8-20 years of you're life.

    On the subject of Samoyeds, I think you didn't say what you wanted to say the right way. My friend used to show her Samoyed, 3 hours every night she used to brush him, 9 garbage bags full every night of hair.

    With the water on there coat, its because they have a thick double coat (now don't 100% quote me on this i can't remember quite sure) but because the bottom of there coat is so thick when you wash them you really need to make sure 100% the dog is dry, sometimes water can get trapped underneath between the skin and the coat and creates something like a hot spot and can be really inritating for the dog.

    Dogs with double coats and stuff like huskies do ok in our weather acually, the double coat is like insulation for them. When i was alot younger (about 10) i had a pomeranian which has a thick double coat and he was fine in the heat or cold, if its hot he stays cold, if its cold he stayed warm. Just make sure in the heat that you do have alot of water access for the dog to make sure he never gets dehidrated.

    Myself, I'v had German Shepperds, A guard trained Rottrottweiler, English Staffys, Jack Russels, Pomeranians and a Miniture Dachshund. At the moment i live with my brother, his girlfriend and another girl I work with and at our house we have 2 Great danes (Awesome dogs, She used to breed them) 1 French Mastive (Dogue de Bordeaux) 1 Chihuahua x Jack Russel, My English staffy and my soon to be new Miniture Dachshund :rofl:

    Great Danes, good inside or outside dogs. People would never think one of the biggest dogs in the world would be in the top 5 apartment dogs. There really really lazy and love to just slowly play around. With good training there awesome dogs.

    The Frenchi is a awesome dog but you gotta expect some slobber.

    The Chihuahua x Jack is just another dog :P

    My English staffy tho, I grew up with english staffys had 3 threw my entire life. I wouldn't pass them up for any other breed of dog in the world honestly. They have the best nature, there fun but won't drive you crazy, good around kids and other animals (when i lived with my mum my staff would sleep with my 3 cats sleeping ontop / around him). Honestly, everybody i know who has a english staffy would never change to a new breed once you have one. Also there apperance is a + being something that looks like a "mean dog" so people won't try and jump you're back fence.

    Also one other thing, Anybody who says anything about vicious dogs. Its all how you train it. If you got any other questions just PM me or ask me on the forums.

  4. Ok, The first car I got just died on me. Got it with a few problems I didn't know about and its just going to cost to much to fix for the amount i paid for it.

    Been thinking about a few diff cars lately, Mainly a R33 but also been thinking about a S13 / 180sx.

    Just some stuff I been wondering. I been told alot that S13's and 180's are quite good cars to learn to drift in? I have been wanting to learn properly how to drift for a long time and now that i'm getting a new car I thought it would be a good idea. Still wanting to keep the car street legal tho :thumbsup:

    What would you chose, if you where to pick one what would be a good car to learn in?

  5. Ok just need a quick help on something. Google has yielded no help.

    I'm thinking about doing a Auto > Manual conversion on a R33, Either GTS or GTS-T. Since you guys know alot more than I do would you be able to point me to some places in melb that do the job and arn't going to take my right arm along with the price tag and how much i'd be looking at?

    Possible links to websites means i love you long time :)

    Thanks in advanced guys :P

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