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Posts posted by Bizkit

  1. Could someone help me with this.

    Got my first yellow sticker last night (woohoo!) because apparently my rear and 1/4 windows are too dark. Cop who insisted on it was pretty retarded because he said he couldn't see my P plate, however that was due to shadow from the spoiler and not the window tint itself, which I tried explaining to him but to no avail. I'm 99% sure its legal tint. How does the pits work and what do I have to do to get it cleared? I'm guessing I have to pay a fee to get it inspected?

    Pretty new to this,


  2. Hi guys. I'm really contemplating on whether or not I should lower my R34 Gt-t.

    They definitely look alot better when lowered a couple of inches, however the pain of having to drive extra slow or even avoiding speed bumps alltogether doesn't sit well with me. I like that I can drive just about anywhere and don't have to worry about small curbs in car parks etc.

    I bought my car stock standard. The front bumper has no scratches/dents/scrapes on it which I'm really pleased with and hope to keep it that way. However one thing I don't like is the visible muffler that can be seen due to my car being a few inches higher.

    I know its a weird question but what are your guy's opinions? Do you find your front bumper gets wrecked easily with a lowered car?

    Here's a pic of my car, does it look ok as is? Should I lower it?



  3. Hi guys.

    Recently blew the bulb in the right-hand side headlight. I've been doing a bit of a search and people have been saying that you have to get 'D2R' headlight bulbs or something?

    Can I not just buy the bulbs that they sell down at the local Supercheap or Repco?

    Also getting the bulbs in.. Seems quite tricky since I can't really fit my fingers anywhere near the back of the bulb holder. What's the easiest way to replace the bulbs?


  4. Man, some people..

    I get a call from SGIO telling me that they got a call from the guy who reversed into me. Apparently he told them that I was reversing at the same time as him, even though I was actually stopped waiting to leave, beeping the hell out of him to stop reversing. Because of this, SGIO has now sent me a few forms to fill in as a 'backup' report. I have to draw out a labelled diagram and write a f***ing essay on exactly what happened and how it happened.

    After I get the quote from the panel beaters, which is apparently a 3 month wait due to all the hail damaged cars, I hope SGIO sucks every god damn dollar out of the ignorant f***ing loser who is stupid enough not to even have 3rd party insurance. Some people just suck at life.

  5. I'm at Woolworths carpark. I've reversed out and I'm ready to leave (facing straight), when I notice a guy in a 4x4 starts to reverse to my right. I didn't move, instead I gave him a warning hoot. He keeps reversing and I start to beep furiously. I gave him at least 8-10 hoots. He keeps going.. straight into my right hand driver's door, pushing the front quarter panel into itself and popping the indicator out of its socket (luckily it didn't break.) Its pushed in so far that I can only open my door about half its actual swing angle.

    My mate was in the passenger seat too, we were both stunned. How can some people be so crap at driving. Sure, he may not have seen me in his 500ft high forbie, but to not hear me hooting right behind him is beyond me. I doubt he even checked his side mirrors.

    I ask him if hes got insurance. "No."

    "Didn't you hear me tooting mate."

    "Nah mate."

    Luckily I had insurance. Also some kind lady gave me her number and name as a witness. I gave SGIO a call and have arranged to get it checked on friday.

    It sucks though.. especially when I've only had this car for 2 months and its in immaculate condition (or was). How they let people drive without insurance is beyond me. Oh well, it sucks to be him.

    I was also going to pick some chick up on thursday too.. grr.

  6. As bad as it is, I actually do carry a Swiss Army knife around in my car at all times. Chances are I'll never have to use it, but if things started to get really nasty then I'd whip it out as a warning for them to back off. No, I wouldn't stab someone, unless my life was in critical danger and it was the only way to prevent myself from getting killed.

  7. What ever happened to respecting a man's automobile.. jesus farking christ. In fact, what happened to society's values these days. I would die trying to protect what's mine.. so if anyone wants to have a go at my property they better be ready for a fight to the death.

  8. Both of you are wrong - it is not illegal to sell a vehicle in Western Australia without an immobiliser.

    If the vehicle is less than 25 years old it must have an immobiliser fitted to it by law, however if for some reason it does not have an immobiliser, it is the PURCHASERS responsibility to install an immobiliser within 3 months of the vehicle being transferred into their name.

    Vehicles 25years or older are exempt from having immobilisers and so are vehicles over 4.5 tone Gross Vehicle Mass aswell as Motorcycles.

    I should know this, i work at with the Dept of Transport Licensing Services :down:

    Sorry for resurrecting an old topic. I'm going through the same process at the moment and wanted to know if these laws still apply. In other words, can i transfer the car into my name without an immobiliser and get one installed within 3 months later?

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