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Posts posted by jackrose01

  1. What are the possible causes, a high idle speed motor hand was cold? I assume this may be leaking from somewhere, because once the motor to idle is normal and temporary, but I am trying to figure out where the leak is probably because I do not like to use sealants unless absolutely necessary. Any help is appreciated!

  2. Low fuel pressure, it is difficult to run the country. If you are worried about the pressure on oil prices, the installation of a Mei Ling M55A is a pump with a high volume pump std spring. When all fails, do a fuel pressure, fuel quantity test, could save you from chasing your tail and throwing good money at the wrong problem.

  3. I see the problem, vg00 startup disk when creating a node in the cluster from the "Day " vg00 from another node cluster. The problem is, VGID (volume group ID) is the same on both servers vg00 disk. When a node changes to vg00, not the other.

  4. I ran full of blue sythenitc premium oil, switch to No. zertex G05 coolant, full sythentics in the rear, front, t tCase can also be added to each 2stroke fuel tank, if automatic or manual under the Uruguay Round. If maunal Recommendation 75-85W of the (nv4500) and a good car ATF's sythenic fluid. Be honest and fully sythentics better, will make parts last longer.

  5. Because the oxygen sensor can be very expensive, the problem may not with oxygen sensor itself, but may be other factors, it is a good idea to test your oxygen sensor before replacing it. Usually, a check engine light will provide the first indication that you might have a bad O2 sensor.

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