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Status Updates posted by Jeremy93

  1. Hijacking your step brothers laptop. Thanks scott!

  2. Anyone got a spare phone they can sell/lend me? Mine kind of died...

  3. Wide body the 33?

  4. Oh look. Once again I get abused. Awesome.

  5. To weir road or to not? That is the question.

  6. Got myself a second job sucking dick on the corner :)

  7. 1 year today with my gorgeous girlfriend. Has been the best year of my life

  8. If i start putting 100 aside a week when taxtime comes i should be able to afford the new motor... eep:o

  9. Monstertrucking indskyz

  10. I cannot believe we are so close to a year together. I love you with all my heart princess.

  11. Grr. Can never f**king win.

  12. Not intentionally doing wetlaps on your lunch break because the car already decided it wanted to.

  13. Mornig tea and smoke whilst elli gets ready for her trial today. Good luck princess.

  14. Why am I such a top bloke?

  15. Who wants to chill?!?

  16. blasting miley cyrus in the car

  17. Ethanol in perth? Yayayayy

  18. shouldn't leave my Facebook logged on my girlfriends laptop!!!! xxoxoxoxoxxxx

  19. any cruises on this weekend?

  20. Lisa clair needs to neck herself

  21. Finally got to watch the last harry potter.Life complete.

  22. Sex and the city movie

  23. Does anyone have dog town and z boys on dvd?

  24. No p plates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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