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Posts posted by GSX RRRRR

  1. Just paid $198 for a single to Sydney. yep let the fun begin. I'll hold off on installing so I can feed off everyone's experiences and tips/traps, hahaha :yes::action-smiley-069:

    I'm paid for , not that this will hold anyone up. Hopefully as the word on the street is it is just unplug the old and plug in the new. I do have a 12/05 Coupe so how hard can this be??????

  2. Easy partner!!! I believe once all has paid he then has to go on the yahoo auction thingy and once he has the headlights he then will contact us for the shipping. From there depending on the type of shipping requested you will have them within 5 days. He did mention of some public holidays over ther in japan, maybe thats the hold up?

    Although it has been a while!!!!!

  3. OK I know it is all personal choice but for those that cannot afford the real stuff. Any opinions on this Carbon Fibre Wrap stuff?

    My roof (pearl white) has some paint peeling off and I thought I would try and stop the "rot". Its a pain when I use the car washes as I have to go easy on the high pressure water thing.

  4. Hi All, yeah I know its been like 6 weeks ..the time to actually receive the parts, since this thing started. What happened to patience huh..All good things come to those that wait( slight echo of Night crawler). My cuz is indesicive but in any case will go this alone in NSW. Still cheaper with the extra freight. Emailed Jesse and awaiting response. Upon response and hoping that is it is what I want to hear $$$ wise then all will be good. However for those that are impatience just roll on and go without me. I won't cry much...I promise!

  5. Hey just trying to search online what regulations cars(our) have to follow. Of course since I was looking for it, couldn't find anything.

    Just wanting to know if anyone knows if there is or /have a list of regulations that we must follow. Just in case a "smart arse" copper decides to pull their weight around!

    Stuff I was after was:

    How loud can your exhaust be? Louder than a hair Dyer too loud?

    What is the max size wheel you can have? How far can it, if any overhang from the body can it have?

    What is the darkest legal tint? Actually know that one being 30% but if a cop pulls you over and says its 20%, as mine is... can I say hang on no it is actually 30% without risking having "attitude " towards him.

    How low is toooo low? or How low can you go?

    I think you all get the "drift" but any info or pointing in any direction would be great.

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