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Posts posted by drift007

  1. i sent like about 30 or so bride brix seats through EMS back when i bothered doing it. out of the 30 about 5 were taken for customs. and only a single on was ever damaged. it had a small knife cut that apparently looked like the work of a box cutter which drew me to the conclusion that maybe customs did it to get a look inside the seat with a camera. you should be safe sending it i think. just write a high value on the insurance side of the form and that way if its damaged you can rape them. insurance is only like 100 yen anyway.. YOU CAN DO IT..... backend of 4 chu his here hahaha

  2. by seamail its the same size limits. i used to send bride seats by ems and have sent recaros as well. its a pain in the ass though as you can box them. if you box them theyre over. a pooload of bubblewrap plus big plastic bags them a truckload of sticky tape and you can send them. need to recline the seat completely flat though. seats weigh about 14kgs from memory and the postie that comes to my house to pick the stuff up has a good way of measuring which is faster than measuring every side. first measure the length from bottom to top, then measure around the package. add the 2 together and if its under 3meters your ok.

  3. basically call up the rikunkyoku or shaken place and make an appointment for sometime. then go down there and go in with your shakensho and say you have an appointment.. then theyll probably get you to put your car through the test course so go do that.. after that you will need to isten carefully as theres usually like 5 to 10 different counters you will need to go to. basically once you make the appointment go there and flash your papers around asking for help.

    one thing to definatly ask for to is the person to fill out the forms for you.. costs about 3000yen but saves a whole heap of time.

    fairly vague but thats about what i experienced... its not that tuff and you save a good 30 to 40 thousand yen.

  4. こんにちわ! VIJAYと申します。 ちょっとお聞きしたいんですが。。

    去年スカイラインのHCR32をオーストラリアに輸入しました。 車の横にSKIDLINEのステッカーが貼ってあって、前のオーナーと連絡取れたらもっとこの車の詳しい情報を聞けるのかなって思ってメールしました。 車の写真を送りますのでもし前のオーナーさん知ってたら、彼に僕のメールアドを渡して頂けませんか? メールアドが*insert mail address*



    'Hi,my name is Vijay. I'm Australian :)

    Last year I bought a Skyline from Japan to Australia. It is an R32 GTST.

    On the side of the car there is a 'SKIDLINE' drift club sticker.

    I was wondering if you would know who owned the car when it was in Japan.

    I am interested in speaking with them to find out more about it, or get some photos of it

    If you know them could you get them to email me at XXX?

    Here is a picture of the car.

    Thank you very much,


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