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Everything posted by Envisage

  1. SAPOL Knowlege towards the automotive industry is being improved. i can assure you.
  2. Howdy all, I was just wondering where all you guys take your "Cars" for service, i dont personelling need a service lol.. Anyways, i have a R34 as you some of you know and just wondering where some of the others with 34's take their cars to get serviced. It would be greatly appreciated..
  3. Hey Cell where abouts are you in Adelaide? maybe we can catch up some time for some Picies together..
  4. Wow thanks for the warm responce Yes its White, GTT, with the NISMO body kit - the skirts. Hey Erica yes its AJ havent had the chance to have a chat with you, but hopefully one day soon. Hey COPYME, Man i Pitty you, i hear soo much crap about your car and all the flake and stuff flying around.. i couldnt be in your position i would have to end some peoples existance and make sure they couldnt breed again. Hope to catch up sometime and meet the real you and to everyone else thank you for making me feel welcome and i hope to meet up with you on a cruise at some stage. Take care
  5. Hey all, Just like to introduce myself, My Name is AJ. and i Drive an R34. Reletivly new to S.A and hope to cruise with all you guys at some stage. Take Care
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