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Posts posted by Tommmay

  1. I have played WoW since 2007. Was heavily addicted during The Burning Crusade expansion (it came out just as I started). It was an amazing experience, most amazing fun I have had on a game ever. I wish I could go back to those days. I was addicted... would get up at 6am and play before school. Rush home and play after school. I even scheduled my first job so that I could have certain nights off so that I could raid with my guild which was very fun.

    The next expansion, Wrath of the Lich King I didnt play much as I was hacked about week after release and just rage quit on the whole thing for a very long time.

    Came back to the game in the 3rd xpac, Cataclysm. Didnt raid or play as serious as I used to, just enjoyed PvP with my friends. Fun casual gaming that I never took too seriously.

    Same gos with WoW in its current state in the 4th xpac... dont play the game seriously on a PvE / story front, but enjoy PvP with my friends.

    Overall, for someone who has been in the game over 6 years, the golden days of WoW have most definitely passed (ended after the 1st xpac for me), but still a great past time with friends. Ide recommend it. Newbies wont know about how the game was back in the day so wont be aware of how much its gone downhill. This could be good or bad.

    If anyone plays, im Horde / Frostmourne. My main is a rogue named Cetzer.

    Go Tich frostmourne is for pve

    Whats the highest rating you pushed

    My main was rogue started at the end of cata

    got 2k in 3s as rmp/thug cleave

  2. This is just part of life, a sucky part for sure. I have experienced this sensation all my life. It doesn't occur all that often but occasionally. I feel the burn shortly after Jerking. Forcing out small amounts of urine temporarily relieves the pain but after a while, standing anywhere and just forcing out a drop at a time, it becomes more frustrating than painfull. Through the years I have attempted various relief efforts. Ice, topical pain relievers, water, nothing works. Feels like soap in it. Always wondered if it was sweat or dirt that irritated it. Ive realized that it is more likely to happen after ive had small amounts of alchohol. After much trial and error, I HAVE FOUND A WAY to stop it. It may sound odd but it works for me. Its rather easy as well. Simply jerk a second time. Its like pumping your brakes. Cleans out debris and air pockets. Easiest way I can explain it.

  3. Want to keep the auto so when i go for a drive and decide to get on the beers the mrs can drive me back

    It defiantly feels like i am going fast

    But the way that ford man handled me

    Put me right back in my place

  4. Hey man, nice ride.

    Am doing the same conversion but struggling like hell with the wiring. My headlights are stuck on full but aren't actually working, window wipers don't work, can't get the alternator to work, the list goes on - in fact the only thing working properly are the stereo, the heaters and the engine! At the rate I am going I would have rewired an entire new loom when I'm finished. Can't seem to find any wiring diagrams for my R32 4-Door GTE that I am working with either as it is a rare JDM base model piece of crap, should have gone with a GTS-T or GTS-4 instead. Who did you get to do up your loom - because I would be keen to just rip it all out and send both my looms to someone and get it all done by someone who knows whats up?



    Run standard Loom and get a aftermarket computer rewired for the engine :D

  5. I lost ALL the paperwork for the GTR too.

    Is it still possible to register it due to being regoe'd before?

    Or am I up shit creek without a canoe this week?

    Is it already under your name?

    If so goto the rta and get a set of papers

    If not lol..

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