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Posts posted by Donarto

  1. yeah with the prices of S13's over here atm Streeter should easily be able to get 9-10K.

    and Rezz how long u been waiting for customs to let you have your shit back??? *pictures Rezz two months later waiting still* ;)

  2. HAHAHA yeah your right i meant Touge :S sorry for adding my initial-D noobness in hehe :angry: But i'd give what funky monkey has there a go :D see if you can come off the bottom of the moutain into a nice long drift.. where's the handbrake??? lol and how do i change into 4th??? ;)


  3. Yeah as totoro and akeenan said, i'm going on a holiday there first to see if it where I really want to spend a significant portion of my life. And to get a feel for the culture. Because you guys are right..it may be very romanticised by the manga and anime i watch. So i'm gonna go on my holiday in January and see what I think after that.

    Cheers guys,


    p.s: any of you in japan atm?? or will be in Janurary???

  4. Hey Akeenan,

    I'm going on a trip to Japan in february, my first, with view to after a couple of trips and some much more exensive Japanese study moving there. Do you recommend doing lots of japanese study before trying to live there????



    P.S: What type of company is Nova??? and what sort of english companies work over there??? Just to include in your thinking, by the end of next year i'll have a Bachelor of IT majoring in Software Engineering.

  5. Yeah theres always some tuff cars at Fu_kuoka AS, but it's definately not on the same scale as Tkyo, and even Osaka is bigger. I'd go to Fu_kuoka for sightseeing first - Auto salon second. I'd go to Tokyo for the Salon first - sightseeing second...

    Thanx Rezz i'll keep that in mind.

    Say do u happen to be the "Japan Diary" rezz??? It might sound a little newbie of me :D



  6. Hey Guys,

    I'm most likely goign to be in Japan around the time of the f*kuoka Auto Salon..i'll have to stay a couple of extra days and i was just wondering if you guys knew anything more about it???

    Like is the auto salon there worth it????

    Would it maybe be more worth while goign early and going to TAS instead of FAS?



  7. Hey R32's,

    I'm also goign to Japan early Feb of '06 and trying to find out what to do. Unlike you guys i'm not going to buy a car....just to look. Could anyone tell me how to find out where and when any drift events would be on???? Or if anyone who lives over there knows of any good street drifitng that they've seen and/or could take me to :P

    Just trying to get a feel for Japan..any other places you guys would reccomend??



    P.S: I'm already goign to the winter festival in Sapporo so no need to include that one :)

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