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Elegant Skyline

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Posts posted by Elegant Skyline

  1. Anyone know where i can get brake shims for my R34 GTT

    Story goes

    My R34's front left brake is always squealing like a stabbed pig like when coming to a stop at traffic lights etc and i took it to the mechanic to machine the rotor and applied grease, it was good for 1 month then it squealed back to the same problem, this morning went to a different mechanic and they were about to grease it again but stopped and told me my brakes don't have shims on them so therefore they cannot do it and advice me to get it and come back, so i took it to my old mechanic and ask them if they can order me the specific shims but appeared to not know what shims are yet offered to machine the rotors again plus grease and maybe change the pads to cheaper ones as mine is Bendix CT but no guarantees that it will stop the squeal.

    So should i buy different brake pads or try to find my specific shims, if so where?

    Help is very appreciated :D

  2. What i hate most is trucks who hog up all the lanes so nobody can overtake them, why can't trucks just stick to one lane and not just stay in that one lane when they damn know too well that cars behind them can't pass them cause they go too slow.

    Sydney trucks drivers get on my nerves especially at peak hours.

  3. One serious case was i accidentally drove into a dead end construction site road at night time in Bankstown and this riced up P plate Honda Accord with big guys in it blocking off the only exit so i slowly and carefully squeeze past them and they said "Who you looking for ?" to which i said no one and sped out of that dead end then they chased me around Bankstown very closely (can't see their headlights), i had to block their lane so they cannot get in front of me as they try to overtake me to do god knows what, they even sped past a red light to chase me, i lost them by going around and around at the round about then parked in front of the Bankstown Police Station.

    Bankstown is dangerous at night time and Skylines have too much negative attention.

  4. Yes i bought this car about 3 months ago, the previous owner said it is pretty much stock, not sure if this is useful to anyone but my alarm is from "Mangoose" it wasn't like this when i drove back and forth on a weekly basis from Sydney to Bathurst (2 and half hours drive) during my 3 month duration until just now.

    Even if i just drive to my local Westfield which is approximately 10 minute drive, the car wouldn't shut off for at least 20-30 seconds.

    Funny its just happening now all of a sudden.

  5. Today i'd just tried to open the cover that hides the sparks and coils to change the spark plugs but i cannot get the last screw to come off as i rounded it off (broke 2 hex key clip handles and refund it at Bunnings same day buying it from) hence i am stuck, so just as any normal person would do, i try to pry one of the side of the cover to see underneath and saw it has blue cover coils, is it all blue coils are split fires or its just a blue capped standard coil?

    Bought this car 2 months ago and the owner said it is very stock so i'm just confused.

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