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Posts posted by Lunatikk

  1. Hey Adam

    Yep there are other 4WD controllers out there & compared to this unit they are all pretty basic. As a comparison, most other controllers only modify the signal in a linear way, meaning the 4WD responds exactly the same, just sooner (depending on the 1-10 setting) which this unit emulates in Map 1 (see below for how it does this).

    If you take a look at the manual below on page 6 it will show you the comparison of 5 of the 8 available maps, with the solid black line being Map 1, the equivalent of most other controllers out there.

    Not only does the Ruzic Engineering controller offer several curves for the response of the 4WD, it also has the ability to bring that response in earlier or later, depending on how the chassis responds & how much power the car is putting down. You can go from a very aggressive & fast-reacting torque split all the way back to predominantly RWD if so desired thru the ability to toggle between 2 map settings on-the-fly which makes it perfect for the Drags or anytime you may want the back of the car to get a bit loose & still have the ability to instantly go back to 4WD at the flick-of-a-switch :P

    Ruzic Engineering 4WD Controller Manual

  2. There are a lot of variables available, but like suspension settings, once you get them to where you personally like the feel you pretty much leave it at that. One great feature is the 2-map toggle where you can literally swap between 2 settings on the fly so relatively subtle for normal driving if you wish & instantly go to a more aggressive front split literally at the flick of a remote switch that can be mounted anywhere. You can even go from full 100% RWD for the burnout to an aggressive split for the drags etc.

    The possibilities are almost endless, but don't let that become too daunting. Once you play with the unit for a 'lil while it becomes very apparent what it does & isn't difficult to use at all (like any new gadget :()

  3. Mate just do a ring-around a few labour-hire agencies, you should have more work that you can deal with.

    One tip though, try & pick the ones that DON'T have any Centrelink affiliation. These places seem to be more interested in making $$$ off you bouncing thru training seminars etc where the real ones make a % of what you earn so it's in their best interests to get you out there doing the hrs.

  4. Mate instead of talking to us, pick up the phone & organise with the guy who actually built the thing to take a look at your car. Strap it to the dyno so you know where you're at & you can talk about what you want & what it's going to cost :banana:

    Mick O'Shea

    Signature Performance

    Phone (07) 3281 5281

    Shed 16, 13 Turley Street

    Raceview QLD 4305

  5. Yes mate these will work in all ATTESA-equipped Nissans

    ALL GTR's (not 100% sure about the R35 but it should, maybe Russ will let us guinea-pig his ;))

    ALL GTS-4's


    ALL Stageas

    The latest batch will be ready to ship early next wk but these are all pre-sold. There's another batch coming right behind it so if you want one or if you've got any other Q's, send me a PM anytime


  6. Yep, a price would help (Doh!) but as Geoff mentioned, all 6 for $1200 + Del (Approx $60 Bris, G/C, S/C, $90 Syd, $120 Melb, $150 Adel, Perth $210)

    A few people have asked about seperating, the answer is a definate maybe but remember, these are advertised elsewhere etc so by the time you make up your mind, they might not be here.......

  7. Mate depending on what you said to the copper when he first pulled you up you might have already put your foot in it BUT at the end of the day, it sounds like your diff is behaving EXACTLY how a well-built LSD should. It's not locked, welded, running a spool or otherwise modified away from the core factory design, it is a rather well maintained FACTORY STANDARD unit if you will. :D

    My advice (for what it's worth) would be to engage an accredited individual (mech engineer etc) to visually inspect your diff, write a document that will be recognised by the court (this is very important- I've had documents NOT recognised by the court purely because they were not signed by a JP for example) & roll the dice, which is basically a collective of what several others have already advised :thumbsup:

    Unfortunately the system has been set up in such a way that even if we choose to fight such, let's say "over zealous" charges & winning, we still end up losing by being outa pocket or otherwise inconvenienced thru time invested in something that should of never have been allowed to come to bare in the first place.

    It's about time the system was changed & I personally would like to see the requirement of VIDEO evidence before a prosecution can be brought, especially when they are hell-bent on seizing vehicles for supposed dangerous or otherwise "anti-social" behaviour. For anyone doing something blatantly & truly dangerous, there would be no denying the charges & more importantly, it would bring petty charges such as this right back into perspective & save us all from any aforementioned "over zealous" policing- "put up or shut up" rather than the "I am right, regardless" situation we are currently existing within......

    PM me your mobile # or give me a call if you've still got my #, my phone ate yours :(

  8. Hey Paul

    Just to give you some perspective, I'm running these on the front of my 32 GTR with the std Sumitomo rears & master cyl with no probs. I think from memory the 8-spot's are around 13% larger piston displacement compared to the Sumitomo 4-spot's that came off so it's amazing what you can get away with sometimes.

    BTW the pic is different to mine but the specs are identical (a mate of mine right near you has the same pictured set on his 32 with Brembo 4-spot's on the rear w/pedal box, split masters etc)- I bought mine from DoughBoy a few yrs ago so maybe you've already seen them at one time.....

    I DID have the specs for all the Skyline brake components here somewhere but I can't lay my hands on 'em right now, I orig stole 'em from Roy anyway so if need be shoot him a PM. BTW it's good to see that both you & Duncan have put your shit behind you (WTF it was). I might not say much on here, but I see a lot :thumbsup:

    Cheers guys

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