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Posts posted by ARKAD

  1. i'll have to sneak in quietly.....bit hard as shae can hear the car a mile off.

    i get in trouble for watching too!

    been a while since i have been. i get heckled by the mums. they call me the flower man cuz i always used to send shai flowers to dancing. so trying to keep low profile hehe.

    maybe we could hose down the super cheap carpark and turn it into a skid pan.....

  2. oh so its Kayla that does that hand holding thing hehehe. nice work, brownie points with the teacher. Shae says its hard to keep their attention for a whole lesson, particularly when the mums are outside shouting at them.

    i get reffered to as a 'dancing dad' these days. having never seen any other men there at all i did get some strange looks from the mums in the beginning... will have to get there earily one day and park across two spots so we can get good viewing seats. get the mums to park at supercheap and walk. god knows most of them need it..hehe.

  3. those parking spots are reserved for the heavy weight dancing mums eating deep fried anything and disrupting the class :D skylines stritly forbidden.

    bombadores and falcodores olny

  4. Ripped the side wall from one of my rear tyres yesterday arvo.... :D

    had approx 50% tread so im looking for a 245/40/17 (used) with about the same tread to replace it. Anyone able to help out on this one??

    Otherwise im looking at having one new and one old tyre, or getting two new ones well before I needed too and wasting the remaining 50% tread.



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