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Everything posted by MsG_ChRiS

  1. hot4s, speed and autosalon magazine have done reveiws on these magic cats and they are very free flowing i think it was 400cfm or sumfink like that. <---- thats the 4 inch one seem pretty good to me go the magic one.
  2. I think that it is unfortunate that it has come to this (the banning of sports cars from youths) but then again i think that we are partly responsible for it also (we being modified car owners) some of us here help to portray an image to the general public that we are hoons i.e. sitting @ the lights @ 7 in the morning with the system pumping or giving your baby a little squirt here and there to cause a reaction and get ppl to stare. Fact is our cars draw attention to us and i think that a few bad apples have recked it for everyone. At present it just so happens that there is nothing better for the media to write about other than the fast and furious, new underground racing seen and because of this its seems that we, by chance, have been on the recieving end of public scrutany and politicians trying to win votes for their next election off the aged population of this counrty. I feel for everyone who is to be affected by this law ... fingers crossed you get to keep your cars!!! Cars dont kill ppl .... Ppl kill Ppl
  3. Is a driver more likely to kill himself (or her) in a turbo charged sports car with large brakes and more often than not air bags, abs, performance tyres, sports everything or his/her mums camry if the driver of that car decides to be a F#@ker and drive like a looney??? <--- the odds seem pretty even to me Also if you are doin 50 km/h and someone decides to jump out infront of you which car will pull up quicker??? The camry with its drum brakes??? I dont think that it is fair like some ppl have mentioned to point the finger @ modified or high performance car owners in general i think that it is only a quick fix (as oer usual) on the governments behalf to a much larger problem. I think perhaps this legislation has been passed in order to silence the legions of the naging older generation. Time will tell however with statistics what the real truth to the matter is.
  4. black is the best colour because it will disapate heat the best if you really want GO B4 SHOW then wrap the pipping in that heat proof tape that would stop any heat soak on the way to the plenum = more horses cause cooler charge air temp. <---- note that it might not be all that much of an improvment however. :werd:
  5. hey GTST did you ever think if no one could see it and no-one knew where it was ... that it could have been someone you know!!! :fart:
  6. sorry to hear bout your car ... i feel for you man i left my car on the street one night and some c%#k suckers broke into it stole all my shit (including one seat cover dont ask me y) and just to top it off they nicked my mags also. you think that sucks i waited 4 hrs for the police to turn up and when they got there they asked if i always kept my car on bricks and that it would be a waits of their time to collect finger prints or blood samples (they cut themselves when they broke in) because there was little chance they would catch them. if your gonna find it mate better go out yourself and start lookin cause the cops will just wait till someone calls and tells them that your car has been burnt out.
  7. if you cant keep your car do what i was goin to do ... buy yourself a rev happy type R or V-tir civic wack a big zorst and pod and rip up and down the streets making huge amounts of VTEC noise. again bro GL ... i've got my fingers crossed!!! neway im off to tafe smell you guys later!!!
  8. if you cant keep your car do what i was goin to do ... buy yourself a rev happy type R or V-tir civic wack a big zorst and pod and rip up and down the streets making huge amounts of VTEC noise. again bro GL ... i've got my fingers crossed!!!
  9. Didnt mean to offend you bro i seriously feel for your situation. We still are in the same boat as you however or i at least believe so, i still want an RTA person to what the exact deal is. GL fingers crossed you get to keep your LINE!!!
  10. I think i read in another thread something about power to weight ratios being restricted already in some states ... What are your veiws on this??? Does this seem to you as tho it would be a better option rather than just a blanket ban??? If im not mistaken i think VIC already has this law <--- feel free to correct me on that Also just out of curiousity how long is Provisional Term of your license in VIC??? Is it just me or do you the older generation of people in this country really need to find themselves a hobby ... and perhaps the young ppl who feel they need to link up multiple corners with some slideways action need to get themselves down to track meets and off the street <---- hey if kids didnt wrap theselves around poles then we wouldnt have this problem!!! :werd:
  11. now i am really confused i think i will call the rta tomorrow or something perhaps that would be the best avenue
  12. oh yeah my bad el bee I edited that bit after i read it again soz thanks for your opinion on the issue too ...
  13. is that true well then in that case YAY!!! I thought they were taking the cars from everyone ... and i love my car i spend more time with it than i do my gf (and she really p@#!!*d about that too) my bad for jumping to conclusions still would like to hear everybodies opinion however!!!
  14. do you think this government is goin to reimburse us for the monies lost after selling our car.
  15. I dont know if any of you have been watching the news but the NSW communist government has decided to implement a ban on p plate drivers both P1 and P2 on have what they call cars with souped up engines. Now heres the good part our beloved skylines fall smack bang into this catagory. Does anyone have an opinion on this or is it just me who is f#@ken chuffed at the idea that Bob Carr and Mr Micheal Costa think they have the right to restrict my quality of life or the car I choose to drive. I mean the ammount of legislation these f@%kers have put into place already its so ludicrous. I tell you the system is stuffed and we need a change. If anyone would like to read on this here is a link http://www.smh.com.au/news/National/NRMA-s...7910274905.html Your comments on this issue would be much appriciated.
  16. oh no woops the block is cast isnt it??
  17. isnt the head on an rb25det cast iron???
  18. for the injectors to atomise better wouldnt you need really high pressure in the fuel lines??? way above stock pressures??? 420awkw is awesome to dude congrats!!!
  19. it looks to be more of a heat sheild but hey thats what i was after =) as WinK said wheres the air come in from ??? you could probally duct it up from under the box where the old intercoolr piping was, have it suck from the front bar !!! CAI yay!!! i still hae one question tho whats it like for removal and install cause i dont want cleaning it to be a bitch =(
  20. if you want setup the core in place and leave the piping off this way your core wont be gathering dust in the shed as for putting a huffer on your hauler ... y not sell it and buy one already turbo'd much much more simple
  21. I think i'll go for a hyperlow kit well better start saving the $$$ aye Thanks Guys
  22. Hey Bezerkly do you guys do blue slips??? PM me =)
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