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Posts posted by ctjet

  1. Max and Bernie are 90% to blame for where we are now

    I'd give the teams the remaining 10% blame, with Ferrari taking the lion share of that

    Unlike some other sports, everybody is looking after number one here. Bernie wants to maximise his own wealth by selling out places like fcuking Azerbaijan, Max was implementing 'cost cutting' that has ruined flat out racing, and the teams want to bicker over the minor issues for their own short term success.

    But most importantly for me, the noise is gone. Its now just another racing series that you have to pay A LOT of money to watch. And that no way to bring in a new and young viewership. Seriously, F1 is in big trouble.

  2. The sport is dying

    People need to get used to that. Its not going back to the 90's... its not coming back to free to air... its not going to be loud... no more in season development... its not going to be reckless speed any more

    Its going to get progressively more complicated and rule driven

    I'm just riding this till the wheels fall off, then move onto whatever replaces it

  3. It'll be a stupid game nobody even considered, it always is. They've had a few really close calls recently

    Really thought Indiana had a shot, PG has been shooting out of his mind

    The West really fell away this year, cant even see anybody remotely challenging a healthy GSW

  4. He's a three time world champion, nobody is telling him anything. By 30 years old, you are who you are now

    That's either going to rub people the wrong way or not at all

    For example, I find Fernando to be one of the underhanded and devious fcuk I have seen race, now everything he says and does is tinged with that bias. Keep in mind, there's a Schumacher career in that time period too, and he was a gigantic piece of shit

    You are just going to have to live with the fact a person you don't like is at the top at the moment, give it a few years and somebody else you might like will take his place

  5. tickets plus parking gets expensive, watching on TV does them no justice

    and i KINDA used to root for the Tigers as i was a under 18 player for them back in the day. I sort of feel jilted that they're not int he new league, perhaps im holding a grudge

    but yeah, lots more dunks and lots of transition ball being played from what i've seen

  6. If I was new around here, I would assume that was typed out by somebody with some kind of mild brain injury

    So I'm going to say you were at least 4 beers into it before typing that

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