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Posts posted by r31turbo

  1. the 4wd system weighs alot (biggest hurdle) and if a car is balanced properly in terms of power and weight and chassis its better off being fr layout to b a competitive and renowned sporst car.

    fr layout= no gtr :rofl: but they can adapt a 4wd systme to weigh close to nothing as they have done in a nissan hatchback(cant think of name in japan car market recently)

    id like to see it represent japan and be unique rather than to try and compete on a new level to try and sustain gtr emblem. :angry:

  2. See i have a sense of humour:),

    It's not drift look to me, it's jap circuit battle, time attack styles

    to me,Like the Garage Sorearse(saurus):spank: GTR and GTR's use those style of rims and vented bonnets

    for drags aswell, but yeah, everyone is going to think it's a drifter now......;)

    funny as...



    pics darren... is it painted yet? cant wait to see it :worship: when the drag strip opens im there

  3. Hi hubby has always wanted a nice pic of his car (what guy doesnt) so after a few phone calls i found the lovley ladys from MANGO PROMOTIONS ... there in adelaide ...

    i know the car isnt a skyline but you get the idea lol might be an idea for a club calender

    do you work for them? anyways the photos are nice but i couldnt be farked ever payin for a chick to pose. u can get this for free if u enter ur car in a show n shine

  4. man steve awesome stuff u kno i wouldve joined u if i wasnt working. im gona b at the next one to race u. :)

    lets go for a hills drive soon buddy i got all this new stuff ive done (spraypainted bonnet etc.) should give me a few more kws with new paint. lemme know when u can and pm me ur mob ph and hm ph cos i lost it when i swapped to a new mobile ph

  5. thanks for all the input guys. i got my car booked into benjamins on tuesday comin up... top bloke and hotwire its ken's brother so he goes cheaper than ken. $400 bucks is what im looking at for bare metal respray :D ive also already seen examples of his work on my mates gts2 which has been resprayed by both ken and craig. on seperate ocassions.

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