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Everything posted by Flynnn

  1. Dear son of rajab, Give me an ass like this... Amen
  2. Why does my urine come out golden yellow when I've been drinking well over 2 or even 3 ltrs of water yesterday...
  3. New York Bronx (South Bronx) in the 70`s and 80`s
  4. Look what ever fetty boy.. you're obviously harboring an ill feeling towards me for no apparent reason other than self righteous feeling of lowliness. Be gone...
  5. Civil unrest happens almost every where in big important nations. Britain faced IRA from the 1970s to 1990s Spain's ETA from 60's to 2000's Greece 2008 riots French riots Russian riots and many more... the sphincter of the universe's at the time was a clash over different opinions and ideas, sound silly i know but when groups take matters to extreme, they don't hesitate to clash over them. Communism is dead but people still have a fascination over it.
  6. Martial Law would also give the regular troops the right to fire on spot...kind of scary. Reminds me of the sphincter of the universe back in the 1970's with the left and right, communists vs nationalist struggle. Hundreds of people from either side were arrested and hung.
  7. Lul, they're just preparing for the Armageddon that's about to happen. With the economy in complete ruins right now with no way out of it than declaring bankruptcy, they're heading to a depression like the one seen in late 30's. People lose jobs en masses, out of work and hungry for food or shelter, desperate times then call for desperate measures.. people start to revolt and begin to loot. Martial Law/Army storms into the cities to keep civilians under control preventing people from getting out of control.
  8. Fidel castrated felt good man.. We blindfolded over selves and jerked each other off
  9. I've entered the year with a good sexy time..
  10. It suits his (James) username
  11. Grantzor, your posts make me lol
  12. Ideas of March, went to watch it at Melb Cent. few weeks ago cause only a very few theatres were viewing it. It was alright
  13. I leave you guise with this stunning summer track
  14. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/300993-housing-bubble-or-michael-buble/page__st__2280
  15. Yeah maybe i may be a loser with no life and future.. but i'd rather be where i currently am than have a negative equity.. Ouch.
  16. No doubt there will be but the market is going through a big change right now (a self adjustment after a bubble that has been further inflated since 08) and it's only the tip of the ice berg. For the last 10 months, house prices have seen a steady, consistent price drops which will see bigger drops in the next few months ahead. US, UK, Ireland have all been through it. We currently have the highest house prices in the world which is unsustainable in the long run.. anyway, read up in the Housing Bubble Thread in Wasteland, no need to further divulge in to here.
  17. Im only a cashier mang You on the other hand peddling some papers and making phone calls, congrats on that Alex tries to sell houses when no one is interested in buying one in this market, declining market for the next 6-7 years
  18. Success > REA > Declining House Prices/Below 40% Clarence Rates = Phail In Life What I may or may not do is not eternal. I will be venturing on to bigger things fingers crossed.
  19. Sounds to me like you have a resentment over ones success
  20. Please elaborate dear grass hopper. How can you hate on a fellow member without ever meeting them?
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