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NA power

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Posts posted by NA power

  1. Hi all

    Im tryin to case down some after market cams for my NA rb25de, all ive found is Turbo cams.

    Ive rang acouple of people and they have told me they cant get a billit cam for a NA and the only way they could do it is take my cams out and weld them then regrind them and that was goin to cost $1600bucks.

    Id rather spend the same and get some billets, Anyone put bigger cams in there Rb25de???

    Any one no where i can get some???

    Or any companys that make em???

    I dont mind if i have to get them from Japan aslong as its not goin to cost some bullsh!t price like 3gs or somthing......

    anyway let me no people

    thanks heaps

  2. Hi people

    I just got a Pod for my car, im tryin to suss out away of making a good Cover/airbox type thing for it to keep the hot air out, and also run a CAI pipe to the pod so its always getting cold air and has as much as it needs.

    Post up some pics of how you did yours, What materials, Were you got them from.

    and maybe if we get enough one of the mods could Sticky this, becasue its such a common mod done to NA r33's.


  3. ok cool acouple of people have said the rev limiter for a rb25 is a 7000-7200,

    My one starts popin at about 6700-6800 whats the go with that???

    and all them people sayin im drivin round on the limiter get fu*kd only a noob would do that.

    ive only got it the the limiter about 3 time since ive owned it. the first time was when i got it to see how it went, was tryin to take it to the redline 7gs..... started bouncing b4 that and i quickly changed gears.

    In the wet the other day i wasnt holdin my foot on the floor and bouncing it all the way up the street it was a quick (pop,pop) and then i changed.

    thanks for all the normall people that have helped me out and answer my question its there to save the engine and its not a good thing to hit it.

  4. Hi people

    I just brought a R33 GTS

    and almost every time i tromp it in 1st i hit the limiter b4 i go to second gear. Also the other day it was raining and i took off hard it span 1st to the limiter just b4 i could change gears.

    Im not holding it on the limiter its just hiting it like "pop,pop" and then i change, and i goin to do any damage to my engine or is that what its there for???

    Do you guys ever hit the limiter or are you all changing at like 6g???

    just need some reasurance i dont wannner blow anything up



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