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  1. Hi guys.. jus bought a R33skyline.. and the headunit is an Eclipse DVD one..AVN7702D.. now the onli problem is that it doesn pick up FM stations as jap works i think from 75Khz to 90Khz... ive been told ineed an expander of somesort... doesn anyone know where i can get it from and roughly how much they cost?? also the DVD onli plays region 2 i think.. is there anyway to convert it to region 4?? also wondering is the stuff liek gps and tv going to work here?/i think all the stuff for gps is there.. i think its called VICS...but yeah.. not sure.. if someone could shed some light on this subject it would be much appreciated. thanks
  2. yeh.. most liekly i will get it removed.. i was jsut curious as to what all those things were.. it all seemed high tech.. but that was prolli onli to me.. the car atm has onli one lock button.. for keyless entry.. which unlocks once and then locks.. when i press it again.. ( dont know what to do if the alarm does relali go off)...i also cant seem to find the siren for the alarm i heard its like a box about 10 cm by 10 cm in teh engine bay but cant seem to see it.. atm im thinking of getting the Mongoose M80 installed.. ive heard its a decent alarm to install.. thanks for your advice...
  3. Hi i recently bought a skyline R33.. it has just come from japan.. so all teh stuff is weird.. wel for me atleast..im jus tryign to figure out what type of alarm or immobiliser this car has... its got a few gadgets everywhere and i have no idea what they actually do.. i have locked the car.. and tried opening the door with teh key.. the alarm doesnt go off.. but im sure it has something as near teh window it says Patriot security system.. with a solar panel and a LED flashing.. ive attached a few photos.. if some could help me out it woudl be much appreciated. Thanks
  4. hi.. can someone please check this one out.. VIN: 6U9000ECR33-113746 thnx.. much appreciated.
  5. nice car....where are you located in syd??? and.. wots the furthest u can go down?? thankz...
  6. nice car... btw where are u located ??? my budget is about 15K but i can strech a lil bit....depends on how much you can as well.. if u can lower it a bit more we mite something to work on..
  7. is this an automatic or a manual car? also just would like to enquire the rego expiry on this car? thnx...
  8. nice car.. just wondering.. where in sydney are you located and what is the Kms on this car..??? thanx...
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