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craig V8 taffe

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Posts posted by craig V8 taffe

  1. I recently lost a headlight, front bar and fender from an r34 gtt coupe in an accident and was thinking of replacing them with a GTR bar, pumped guards front and back and a new CF bonnet.

    Also considering a full respray of the car.

    Obviously this won't be cheap, but anyone know what i'm looking at. Plus any decent shops around Sydney that could do it? I'd prefer to use genuine parts but wudn't mind some fake stuff either.

  2. When i first saw her car, i came around a corner so was only doing about 30km/h. She was about 50m in front. When i went to overtake her i sped up but not that much, less than 50km/h. There were some people there but they said "I was flying."

    This is bullshit. I truly believe because of the sound of my exhaust and type of car they just assumed i was speeding. That i was just some P plater punk in a skyline. I told the police i was doing less than 50km/h (it's a 50 zone), because that was what i was doing.

    The witnesses left before the police could talk to them, but both me and the other driver has one of the bystander's contacts but I bet the contact will side with the other driver. I called but they haven't got back to me.

    If she was indicating right to turn right, why would I overtake her on the right. I don't make it a habit of overtaking vehicles that are turning. I believe she changed her mind and didn't check to see if anyone was around her because it was a quiet street. I mean i was already in front of her car when she hit me.

  3. if it doesnt work out that way get a "letter" from "ur" lawyer and threaten them might scare her into admittin the truth

    Is it she who makes the decision or her insurance company? I'm new to this. If the police report sides with her am I screwed. Can i appeal at court.

    Do i lodge a claim with her insurer (NRMA) over the phone or do I write a formal letter and cite her responsible for the accident. I just want to know what is the next step.

  4. You've got a 30K car and you have no full comp?? Ever thought what would happen if you wrote off someones $200,000 BMW and it was your fault??? After you have fixed your car I really hope you Insure it.


    I just switched to them...they allow pay by the month with no extra charge.

    n15m0, third party property damage covers any vehicles i hit whether i'm at fault or not, but it won't cover damage to my car.

    third party property damage cost me $550

    Comprehensive would have cost me $2,800

    I wish my car was worth 30K i would have sold it.. R34 prices have dropped like a rock... Aussie dollar is doing pretty damn good.

  5. Just wanted to know what to do next. Not whether i was right or wrong.

    Ok. It was a suburban street with no lane markings. Lady was pulled over to the left and I saw her indicating left, but she was NOT right next to the curb, she was still partially in the lane but was stationary. I came up behind her, saw that she was indicating left and not moving, so I went to overtake her on the right lane. Then she changed her mind and decided to do a right turn into a driveway on the right side of the road and when i was parallel with her she hit the left side of my car just in front of the door. (My car was in front of hers from the a-pillar forward.) this sent me towards the right and i hit a park car with my right headlight.

    After the accident, she told me at first that she wanted to park on the left but it was too tight, but later she changed this to " i was rolling down the street and about to turn right when you came out of nowhere."

    I told the police she was stationary and indicating left when i came up behind. She would have told the police what she told me. That she was rolling down the street and i came out of nowhere.

    Police didn't give me a ticket, when i called up they said it was still under investigation.

  6. Just had my first accident. The police are "still investigating." I only have third party property damage so i want to claim from the other person's insurance.

    My old man says I should write a formal letter to the insurer, quote the COPS event number and write down my version of the story plus give a few quotes for the repairs.

    Just need some advice on what to do next. Should i get a solicitor involved?

    I am adamant that it was the other driver's fault, but i think it might be a case of he said/she said.

    They took one look at my car and the P Plate and assumed I was a hoon.

    If it comes back as my fault I plan to appeal at court.

    My damage has been quoted at 3-4K but with very shoddy work. Taking it to a few proper places tomorrow. It's got a srape down the side and smashed headlight and front fender.

    It's an R34 GTT coupe. I've always wanted to put GTR guards and front bar on it. Would it look strange if i mod the front but leave the stock GTT fenders at the rear.

  7. youre driving in a toyota paseo... and you think youre ready for a skyline? :)

    I don't know why ppl always go on about a skyline being so hard to drive. I bought an R34 gtt with minor mods as my first car when i was 19, drove the hell out of it, and never had a problem, all about knowing the limits spose and being responsible. I think the early Commodoers and Falcons are much worse in the wet.

    The 34 is probably one of the easiest cars to drive.

    Third Party Property shud set u back around $500. Get a good alarm and enjoy the car while ur young.

  8. Hey Russel, just got back from a month trip in Malaysia. I was staying at USJ5 not far from Sunway. Saw a nice blue 34 GTR racing a blue STi on some of the local roads there... wondering if it was you..

    Roads there are crazy, and its easy to speed without getting caught. I miss it.

    My cousins all go down to Putra Jaya or something late at night, awesome place to race when its deserted.

  9. I want to know who out there thought the previous model, VT-VZ, was not large enough that they had to make the new one even bigger.

    OK, so Holden had bigger plans in mind - mainly to export to the US, but the car is still bigger than most US sedans.

    Parking in Sydney is hard enough, who wants to park something that big. I think the people at Holden are compensating for something else.

  10. sounds all a bit suss to me ..

    no mention of going to a doc or hospital after having head smacked to ground (possible concussion) kicked while on ground (possible internal injuries) still bleeding 4 hours after alleged assault

    can go home and spend 20 to 30 minutes writing allabout it on an internet forum but doesnt do the logical thing like getting ll the injuries checked out at a hospital or doc for evidence ..

    i somehow cant beleive the story as written

    Not saying it's true..but the kid in the story mentioned that he had doctor's bills for stitches..

  11. My R34 gt-t coupe needs some maintenance work done. It's done 90k klms

    i need

    1) The timing belt changed quickly. been quoted round $600

    2) New windshield installed

    3) And possibly new coilpacks

    I've been getting different quotes from most places.. any ideas roughly how much i should be paying for each of these...

    Also 100kms service is coming up, what should i be looking at? Some places charge a lot but do a tonne of unnecessary work..

    thanks CT

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