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Everything posted by ToMMaH

  1. Ladies and gentlemen we have our new dare for the next westside meet Last person standing alive wins? Nah big alcohol sesshys... If anyones interested in coming along to watch and point and laugh, Josh and myself will be drifting at QR this Friday night.
  2. I would but my liver booked out this weekend to spend some quality time with numerous bottles.
  3. Happy B'day!!! Hope it's a good one.
  4. ToMMaH


    Well I'm really bored and I realized I never posted in this thread. Anyway my name is Tom. I drive an r33 s2 GTS-T. I'm from the Centenary Suburbs area(just near Mt.Ommaney shops). Current plates are RBR33
  5. Yer with only a thousand other skylines going past lol. Some random chick driving past twice yelling hello. Oh and a bunch of absolute wankers driving a VW Polo who upon seeing skylines proceeded to poo their pants thus forcing them to make loud inaudiable sounds.... that or they yelled some crap? So...... Nandos!? Can you even book tables at that place?
  6. Swear to god I saw it on the Bomex website. Their pics arn't showing up for me at the moment but I'll be back on it later
  7. On the whole I do very much like the Bomex kits. That one however seems to have a bit of Veilside shitiness in it which does spoil it a bit.... I suppose you have to have a general idea of the brands styles to understand what I'm getting at with that one.
  8. Yerp Nando's sounds good. I'll actually finish what I order hmmm.... guess we can dare someone to order the really hot stuff?
  9. Oi that drink was bloody good actually. I didn't try it with the copious amounts of pepper though. It was just like drinking coke syrup pretty much. If I had any room left in my stomach at all I'd have had some more.
  10. Thanks for the night. Was good to meet you all. I'm just happy I didn't throw up Good food too despite not finishing it lol. They really should fire half the staff there and just hire a pack of monkeys though.... or sloths and we'd still have gotten the food faster.
  11. Yer it's still on. I know Josh is still going definantly.
  12. Archy drifts for a bit first I think
  13. LOL. Congrats on completely missing his point. Perhaps "maybe think some more b4 u talk".
  14. I wasn't there but as I said to Josh on msn. Stuff like this IS BS. Id rather see a worked r31 than a worked r32,3,4 anyday of the week... I soooooooooo regret not coming to this now Damn late night EPL games and alcohol....
  15. Im after the motor for the drivers side window of an R33 GTST s2
  16. I had the same problem with mine. Had an electrician re-solder the circuts crap inside in and it was fine again.... I now have a motor issue as well though lol, but thats a seperate issue. I was told by Nissan that to get the switches brand new sent from Japan would be $400 for those in a R33 GTST s2. I suppose a GTR would be more.
  17. I would. But I've got plans with the bottle, messed up few days(non speeding/fine related) so it's needed. But yes we will HAVE to do it again soon.... and again and again and again lol...
  18. Lol. Yer your right, I see the point you are trying to make there. I'm not trying to brag if it comes off that way sorry. I've definantly learnt a lesson.
  19. I really dunno what you people have against boostcruising people. The westies around here that I know are all really good people. Was a poor turn out tonight though. Edited: because Im an ass.
  20. Poor turn out at the Boost meet anyway. I got done speeding too Lets just say if he wrote it out properly I wouldn't have my licence anymore.
  21. As stated before I'll be there.
  22. Ah well got a response from opt1 on SD and yer there goes my Archy plans lol, really didnt hear anything about the QR stuff. So pancakes could be possible for me for dinner on Friday.
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