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Posts posted by Necx0

  1. Anyone else find the battle between Barichello and Schumacher for next to last place rather amusing......there is $600 million well spent :lol:

    Renault really does have rubbish drivers, maybe excuses can be made for Heikki as he hasn't raced for a long time but Giancarlo is just rubbish really.

    Webber has every right to be pissed, he drags the car up the grid only to be let down in the race......although you have to ask questions about his race pace.....good to see Coulthard back on form.

    What was with Alonso?

    I think he just dropped the ball on car setup, happens to the best

    Why was Kimi so slow in the last stint?

    Don't think the Ferrari liked the hard tyres, Massa wasn't real quick either.

    How was Hamilton faster on the harder tyres?

    Well as Martin said.....the track rubbers up a lot but even so you would expect fastest lap to be set on soft rubber?!!?!?!

    Why couldnt Alonso overtake Heidfeld?

    See question 1. Heidfelds move on Alonso was simply awesome!!

    Why was Kubica so much slower that Heidfeld?

    Experience, car setup??? Hiedfeld seems in inspired form.

  2. Spotted car 819 scrubbing some tyres in at Basky today. Had a couple of issues so they called it a day early. Can't wait for it!! Will make sure I come say hello to a few people if they are about........so if someone comes up and says "Hi I'm scotty from SAU"....thats me :lol:

  3. You need to channel the spirit of Gilles!!! Maximum Attack!!!!

    SAU Nickname: Necx0

    Car Make and Model: R31 Nissan Skyline Silhouette

    Circuit Name: Baskerville Raceway

    Lap time: 1min12.1secs


    Engine: Exhaust system, extractors

    Power: approx95rwkw

    Suspension: KYB shock things.....

    Tyres: Err second hand radials I got for $50 from a local tyre place

    Brakes: EBC greenstuff pads!! otherwise stock

    Body weight: with driver and fuel circa 1500kg

    And the diff was stuffed so no LSD effect :D taught me to use the throttle right though :)

  4. I agree, I quite like the current points system as well, I was just using an example that illustrated the need to get rid of the "settle for points" attitude that afflicts all motor racing at the moment. What happened to the competitive fire???

  5. Personally I think the best thing ever done was to ban TC for next year. I have held the belief that it is responsible for many F1 problems. It should spice the racing up a lot, now if you put the throttle down too much, TC kicks in you lose 0.2 of a sec. Next year if you put the throttle down too much the rear tyres wheelspin the car kicks sideways and you lose 0.4 of a sec as well as killing your speed down the next straight......this allows more overtaking.

    It will also make the tracks a lot more entertaining, for example turn 5 at Albert Park. It is flat in an F1 car, but on the exit you will hear most cars TC systems kicking in saving the sideways moment that would send the less experienced drivers into the wall. Then there is places like Eau Rouge, Turn 8 at Bahrain, the manhole covers of Monaco etc. etc.

    Also ban all those stupid winglets that teams spend 100s of hours developing for 0.015 of a sec advantage. Make the downforce come from Front wings, Rear Wings and sidepods with air vents restricted in size and shape. Then switch back to slick tyres which gives the cars back the time they lost from aero, but now they are relying on mechanical grip like a CAR, not downforce like a bloody upside down fighter jet.

    Finally, may I suggest a change to the points system that gives more incentive to overtake. If you are stuck in 2nd you are not going to risk a big overtaking manouvere to get 10 points instead of 8. 20 points (1st) instead of 15 (2nd) is a more attractive proposition.

  6. There has been a lot of disappointing team and driver efforts already this year.....maybe they should start switching to older drivers again and forget all these "pay drivers"

    and hardman69 you have THE coolest signature and avatar I have ever seen, Gilles is god.

  7. They have absolutely no idea, some of the comments are so stupid

    Sucks that Hamilton held up the Ferrari's for so long in the first stint, but Massa should've done better to pass him while he was there...

    One thing I didn't like in the press conference was a touch of cockyness from Hamilton, when he stated that he 'tricked Massa'.....he made a mistake mate, you didn't trick anyone.

    Bring on Bahrain

    Agreed on all points. Greg Rust is retarded and McConville is a Racing Driver, not a T.V personality.

    Also picked up on Hamiltons little comment.....might have been a slip of the tongue though. Was retarded driving by Massa....

    A lot of disappointing teams, Red Bull, Honda, Renault all rather crap

  8. I love Murray and respect him greatly, but his time has come and gone. It would be like Hakkinen coming back and running midfield....

    ROFL!!! at James Hunt!!! Love him or hate him, at least he created opinions!!! Great personalities from that era, Hunt, Lauda, Villeneuve

    Martin Brundle is excellent and James Allen is at least bearable. I miss Crompton.

    One thing I am surprised hasn't been brought up more in this thread. No more traction control 08 onwards!!! I have long said this is the solution in F1........next year will show if I am right or not

  9. Hey mate,

    Welcome to Hobart!!! Pity you didn't come a few days earlier, you could have caught the opening round of the Tassie Drift Series, would have been an ideal place to meet everyone. Oh well, have to have a meet up instead. Be good to show you around and if you need anyone to show you the roads, my hand is up :):P

    Hope to see you round


  10. I can't see DC being replaced, not from a team as big as RBR. I also think it's great that Button spoke out and said the truth about his Team, Honda has done zero for his career.

    Dont DC will be replaced, but this year will probably be his last year.

    Honda has done nothing??? apart from the bit where they paid Williams about $40million to release Jenson from a contract :glare:

  11. Geez, you guys must have all gone to a different GP!!!!!

    I got to the circuit about 8:50 or so, not many people about could basically sit/stand/lay wherever the hell I wanted.

    As for leaving, I had to walk from one end of the circuit to the other.......and still caught the 5:20pm flight home.

  12. Make sure everyone puts their car numbers down so I will come and say hello to you guys!!!! Except for you Tim I know what you look like :domokun:

    I am officiating on the Longley stange. Can't wait for Targa, had a chat to Jim Richards at the F1 and he is pumped for it. As for cutting corners, if it's there to be cut.....cut it!!!! I can see how it would disadvantage those running later though.....

  13. Sorry Ben old chum, had to....you know, go to work!!!!! :ermm:

    It isn't Bill I'm worried about, Murray is now an old rambling man and Jeremy Shaw shits me. Crompo can be a bit of a stats nerd but f**k he knows what he is on about.

  14. I WANT CROMPTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >_<>_<

    Alonso just smashed the fastest time of the day. Hard to know which people are on hard or soft tyres but it looks ominous.

    Another 41 hours and I will be at the track.

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