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Posts posted by -R33GTS-

  1. Nissan books states the turbos (im pretty sure) should be around 1 or 1.5 (cant remember) on the stock gauge at warm idle?

    That's all well and good mate but this is the NA thread lol

    yeah mines generally around 4 when i'm driving around normally.. doesn't go up to much when I dish it up.

  2. Hey

    I've have been having a search an currently am at the moment.

    I though i'd put the message out there anyway.

    I'm looking to buy either R33 Series 1 or 2 FRONT SEATS - Both have to be in very good condition.

    I'm in brissy - please don't hesitate to contact me with prices etc. Photos of the seats would be pretty good too.


    Mitch - 0434422196

  3. Eug I've just seen your GTR seats... I'm a very jealous man.. yeah well if I struggle to sell the car - you'll be the first man i'll speak too.

    but at this stage we'll see what interest comes around the corner in regards to the car as a complete package.

  4. we need to accept that our ability to reduce this problem is capped.

    you're right.

    I think the general missunderstanding here about the whole 'fast car' issue.

    What generally leaves teenagers and their mates wrapped around poles (from the vehicle's characteristics) is the power band of the 'high performance' car. yes we all know most road-worthy car's can get to 100km/hr, it's rather the mannor of acceleration between 0 and 100km/hr.

    the government is too concerned with placing fines and demerit points

    you're right.

    it's a joke.

  5. Chris you need a girlfriend man.

    Stop being a keyboard warrior.

    whats the go this over generalization based around the P-plate drivers? I'm 18 and drive without an urge to pull 'fully' 'hectic' drifts every time I hit a roundabout.

    Chris it seems as though you're the sort that can't be educated - it's pretty obvious what the pros and cons are in relation to owning a highly powered car.

    Again - common sense should tell you the safe way of controlling 'any' vehicle is staying to the speed of those large numbers on the side of the road circled in red.

    do you honestly need some one to tell you that drifting is not appropriate on roundabouts?

    pull your head in.

    and think with the one on your neck.

  6. with that price range you could prob pick up a non-turbo auto skyline R32-R33

    yeah but Insurance, Quality, Economy, Age, Local availability of parts + servicing etc. is going to be the benefit over skylines for the given price..

    I would be pretty sure he's going for the camry for a reason.

    Check out www.redbook.com.au - generally quite good a barganing tool when dealing with pretty common/local cars.

    http://www.redbookasiapacific.com/au/vehic...s.php?id=105415 <-- your car

    just a little difference in value?? lol - hope that helps

  7. hey mate,

    I had the EXACT thing happen to my 33 about 3 months ago now.

    -go to the wreckers, and ask for the handle AS WELL as the locking mechanism.

    -take the barrel of the new lock to a locksmith and get him to re-ground the barrel so it fits your key.

    -then take it to a mechanic for the install.

    At the moment it looks shit I know - but its a fairly simple process to get it all sorted out. your just lucky they didnt get ur GPS.

    I lost my Tomtom Go 720, 2 week old 80gb ipod and my good pair of sunnies.

    From what it looks like, they did a pretty clean job - so you got off reasonably easy mate - as silly as it sounds.

    you'll be right :P

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