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Posts posted by Nick033

  1. Hi all, im in the process of searching for a set of jap rims for my s2 r33 but with so many choices out there i cant decide,

    some of the ones i have been looking at are

    rays ce28

    work xd9

    volk te37

    super advan sar v2


    post up some of your ideas for the best looking wheels on a gtst along with size/offset and pics if possible

    cheers Nick :P

  2. Well at the gym i train at theres 3 PT's 1 girl 2 guys. The PT im getting trained by is nothing short of massive. Incle benches 160kg, shoulder presses 200kg on the same machine as me, leg presses 550kg. hese in competition now and hese been training himself for 9 years. Hese 30 now.

    So he MUST be doing something right and knows what his on about.

    Its the same as, why would you go to a mechanic to get an engine built if hese never built any proven and powerful engines?

    another reason TO get one.. Why waste your own time when you can be doing things right from day 1... i wasted nearly a year, put some some size slowly. I should have gone to him from day 1 and id be way different now.

    Im a n00b but ill be doing things right and getting to my peak before the guys who dont have PT's... :/

    exactly thats why il get one do it right from day one and then maybe after i pick up a few things here and there customise my own workout.

    and mass as in muscle, got a bit of size there from sport rugby etc, just wanna lose the layer of fat around the waste and increase muscle size and definition

  3. if you're in the gym "like everyday" you won't bulk up.. you bulk up because of how you repair your muscles after ripping them up in the gym,

    so say you do one and a half hours of working out in the gym, that's the time that you'r ripping up your muscle fibres, following this, you have to "feed" them, this can be done by a few different things

    cold shower followed by hot shower after your workout (constricts and opens blood vessels and is good for circulation - feels great too, helps you not be sore the next day)

    Protein - whey isolate is the fastest acting protein and if you CAN drink it mix it up with skim milk too - contain casein (slow acting protein) and electrolytes and vitamin B which is great for after exercise... also contains a nice amount of carbohydrates so skim milk is my ideal "post exercise drink"

    magnesium and potassium - found in oranges and orange juice, have one small glass a day though, i personally mix 3g of creatine (enough for body tone) with my orange juice after my workout too..

    and most importantly


    if you rip up muscles in the gym, and feed them afterwards, they will only get bigger if you get the correct amount of sleep and rest.. if you're always working them and not giving them time to rest and form then you won't notice any diffence except strength


    i'm not qualified or anything, i'm fairly knowledgable and have lost a lot of weight and gained a lot of muscle tone over the months, i've battled weight for a long time.. so this worked for me and can work for literally anyone - we're not all THAT different..

    hydroxycut hardcore i've heard good things about however i take BCN's XLR-8, it's a natural formula the caffeine is derived from guarana seed, and it's a west australian company, it's cheaper too.. content wise i haven't compared it to hydroxycut... but they're both a thermogenic which are there to pick up your metabolism while the caffeine suppresses your hunger to binge eat.. they work like that and give you more energy to work out for longer therefore burn more fat... but the reality is, it's YOU that does the work, not supplements

    also look into GDMA's containing amino acids as they will help lose your "gut" but "gut" can be caused by a few thigns

    the main cause is diet specifically sodium / salts, it gives us gut bloat so limit that and you'll notice a size decrease

    increase your cardio before breakfast, wake up, have a thermo pill, go for a run... reason being, you haven't eaten since dinner lastnight, so your body has burned off all carbs and proteins from your last meal, so the only other fuel in your body left is your fat. it's really that simple...

    and WHEN you run... tense up your abs as much as you can for as long as you can, you don't need to do crunches and sit ups and bends and lifts and whatever everyday, it's a load of crap, a half hour of abs, once a week, is enough....

    but fact is

    abdominals are a support muscle,

    when you run, they get worked out.

    when you ride, they get worked out.

    when you swim, they get worked out.

    my advice is... don't "trim" before you "bulk" just do it all at once. it's not that hard =)

    thanks for the reply thats realy helpfull :) , i used to play quite alot of sport before i started working away and that kept me resonably fit, but now i really like to keep ontop of it and since thers nothing else to do out here after work why not, will look into get a pt or someone in the know to write up a workout program based for me, and take it from there,

    question is, is protein the best way to start straight up or should i get some sort of base level of fitness to start with before the powder? my fitness before wasnt bad but it has improved so far, basically id like to push the fitness higher whilst gaining size and tone aswell. also gotta start watching the foods i eat aswell

    sorry for all the noob questions :)

    cheers Nick

  4. has anyone heard of blackpowder or pronos??? my brother uses them and is seeming to have good results although hes in the gym like everyday. i have a bit of size in the chest and shoulders but a bit of extra baggage round the stomach that i want to get rid of and tone up b4 bulking up wat would ppl reccomend?. i see ppl are having some good results with this hydroxycut stuff wats the differences in performance compared with the hydroxycut hardcore?

    i work fifo 12hr shifts and my job is pretty labourous most of the time then hit the gym after about 4 days a week?

  5. wow Kermit dude

    I just got back yesterday a saw the exhaust u built for me, and wat can i say its absolutley perfect mate

    i am 357839495% happy with it and i just wanted to post to thank for all your work mate i really appriecate it

    also if anyone is looking to get a custom exhaust built in wa the there is only one places u shud be going and that is kermit engineering, great prices brilliant work and an absolutley great guy aswell

    thanks Kermit


  6. yer we thought everyone was goin to perry lakes but like 15 cars went past tthe turn off so we were like ok then,

    exhaust hahah or lack of, im getting a new one from kermit next week, like i said b4 my cars not in the best shape but its a work in progress the exhaust will be on next week. just look for a kit and rims then i can start on the engine

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