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Posts posted by Rucker34

  1. As long as the pod filter is mounted securely it should be fine. Otherwise check out the Consolidated Workshop thread for shops and wreckers in Perth.

    ah ok. i thought a pod filter would not pass unless it was boxed though?

  2. Hi guys

    My car has finished compliance in Brisbane and is going to be on its way here very shortly.

    Once it gets here I am gong to have to put it over the pits. At the moment it has a pod filter on it. I was wondering if anyone could help me out by lending me a standard filter box and filter for it because otherwise I don’t thing it is going to pass.

    If any one can help or had any advice it would be greatly appreciated!



  3. hi guys.

    just wanted a little help. i recieved an arrival notice on the poast from seaway and i also recieved a tax invoice via email yesterday. i am just a little unsure what i am ment to be paying as the arivan notice has a total cost on it and as does the tax invoice. do i just ignore the arrival notice and only pay the amount on the tax notice?

    any help would be great thanks.

  4. we def need restrictions on P platers... ffs, who in their right mind would allow a new driver to get behind the wheel of anything powerful or worked is just beyond me... RIP to the passenger :(

    Parents these days just have no friggen idea... or don't care? I just don't get it.


    and what are people talking about when they say it does not matter what car you drive because you can still speed and have an accident. no shit!

    Does not change the fact that the majority of P platers are stupid immature little pricks. And then you want to let them drive around in a car that has more balls than they would know what to do with seeing as theirs have only just dropped themselves. It Sh*t's me to tears the number of P plate Di*k heads i see speeding in busy built up areas. I have had so many little tirds trying to show off and almost clean me up. They don’t have nearly enough time behind a wheel to understand how a car handles and just how dangerous they can be if not respected. If they have the sort of attitude where they are going to show off they will do it no matter what car they drive yes, but the difference is if there showing off in a 1.3L Barina they are far less likely to get them selves in a situation that they are not yet capable of controlling where as you chuck someone in a car with some grunt and it is going to be far easier to get in out of your depth. Plus I don’t know about you guys but if I am driving around in a little Barina or something I am not likely to try and draw any attention to the fact. Where as in some nice big v8 or hotted up turbo powered car you are going to want to show off.

    I dont think it should efect the people who are already on P's but believe there is no reason not to inforce these restrictions on any new drivers. It is in every ones best interests at the end of the day. Not just for the driver but for the (16 year old girl) other people whos lives are in the hands of the yound driver sat next to them who has no idea what they are doing.

  5. I paid $1240 for shipping, quaratine and that, then i paid, i think, $800 to get it here from brisbane, then allow probably $3000 for compliance, by the way i still have my compliance tyres i can sell you they are unused, $400 if your keen? any ideas who is going to do your compliancy?

    $1240 for shipping. Thats better than i thought it would be. so i should easil have have enough cash then.

    I am getting it complied by "shogun car co." they are in brisbane so wont be able to use your tyres thanx for the offer though m8.

  6. Alright rucker, I also imported a 34 through j-spec this year, to give you an idea mine was quoted on the website to cost around $19500 all up and i ended up paying about $21000. Don't forget he stamp duty when you license the car like i did, which was $1500 so minus that the $19500 they quoted was pretty accurate. I would definately reccommend importing over buying local, i would estimate i saved in the region of $10000 on my 34!

    hey mate thanks for that. i have been wondering how close they get to the actuall figure. how much did the shipping from japan cost you? thats going to be the main cost. i have 10 grand in the bank left and hope it is going to cover she shipping compliance stamp duity and getting it here from brisbane?

  7. email confirmation is prolly in ur junk mail, and yep same username. let me know if u still have problems.

    yeah bit of a long wait but I guess it will pay off in the end. i'll prolly be in japan when u get it. headin off mid october but back early november so let me know when it lands.

    nah still dont have the email for some reason.

  8. Yeah man that's his. It's getting new black 18" rims next and it now also has a big farkoff Carbon Fibre GT Wing. It'll be at Auto Salon this year for Perth S15.

    Sign up to our club man we need some more dirty4s! link below. :bunny: How long till it arrives?

    nice, i look forward to seeing it. im not to sure how much longer i have to wait, i think it will be about 9 or 10 weeks yet :D

    it really sucks! but at the end of the day im getting it which is the main thing. i signed up to your sight but wiating on the confermation email which is taking forever. is your user name on that magic as well?

  9. Awesome stuff. Rocko is lacking 34's on the road! Let me know when you get it. :D

    yeah tell me about it. i loved the fact that there were only about 2 or 3 other 34s in town. and now im not one of them :) or at least for now. yeah man i will be sure to let you know. it was your brothers yellow 200sx i was the day mine got smashed yeah?

  10. would like to say, WELCOME BACK Rucker34.

    glad to see you are getting a skyline agian..lets hope this time you get that exhaust done to it before anything else happens :D

    PS, that R34 looks wicked..love the eyelids

    haha yeah tell me about it! it actually has an exhaust already. i dont know what sort of quality it is and how far back it goes though.

    thanks man, yeah i like how she looks. cant wait to get her. i have been using my mums lancer, the paint is almost pink now it has scratches all over it and teddys on the dash. oh and a purple barbie wheel cover! feel so cool driving around in it lol.

  11. hahaha yer waiting sucks dude!!!

    Good luck with all the waiting if u get stuck with getting it over let me know ill see if i can help,

    all the best.

    thanks heaps.

    will see how i go. i may have to take you up on that lol.

  12. Well if it gose to brissy you can get it railed over like i did which cost around 600 - 1000 depedning who you go through and takes abou 4 - 1 week to get here,

    or you can get it trucked over just need to look around for prices i think i used transline

    If you shipp it

    - you be charge Duty , doc fee , transport fee, then if the car is dirty need to get fumagatted, then qunatine can be held up at the docs for ages,!!!!!

    it sucks and scray at the same time cause once it leaves their docs you canrt do anything about it!!!!

    ah ok fair enough i didnt think about putting it on a train from brisbane. i think that would most likely be the best way to go. i will have to tackle that one when i come to it. im still waiting to hear what ship my car is getting on from japan so i can get an idea of when i will have it. i hate waiting for things!! im really bad, the last skyline i had it within a couple of weeds of first seeing it, and my bike i had it within a week lol this is killing me!! i have not had a car now for about 3 months i think :( im going nuts lol

  13. my car is going to brisbane first and getting complied there before it comes here. sucks but because the car already had a buyer and then the sale fell through it had already been transported to the docks. and to get it on a ship to freo it would have cost me the inland transport of the car around japan. craig at j-spec thought it would be cheeper for the car to just go to brisbane first because compliance costs less over there anyway. i hope he is correct because i will be a bit upset if it ends up costing me much more especially seeing as this way the car has more peoples hands to go through :(

  14. I dont know if you guys remember but i had some stupid ford driver wreck my gtt a couple of months back.

    i was trying to decide wether i should be sensible and just get an old banger or a ute to get around in and pay off my loan,

    or wether i should get another skyline.

    well i could not help myself, i love my toys lol. i have got an auto 99 gtt coming from Japan through j-spec. it has the nismo kit which i am quite a fan of :( . i have always hated auto cars and swore i would never get one but i fell in love with it in the last one. i always drove with it in tiptronic but loved that i could just chuck it into auto when i was tired or hung over lol

    well i loved it once i had it shift kitted by mv autos in south Australia, was bloody sluggish before that.

    i was wondering who else had theirs shift kitted and if they regret not going for the manual?


  15. was in getting all of my things out of my car today while it was at wadleys panel beaters on Morgan road and the guys showed me someone’s black R33 that was written off. such a shame!!! had a really nice custom paint job on the motor and brembos. looks like they have done a fair bit of work on the car. they had gone over a bolder and smashed the engine or something. was that anyone on here?

  16. just got a call. the car is a write off. the repairer quoted 15 grand to fix the car and just car were only willing to spent 13 on the repairs because they can get 6000 for the wreck. so pissed off!!! not like i can afford a new one. the car is insured for 20500 but the assessor seems to think im only insured for just over 19 so i will be calling them up to sort that out. why the fu*k cant people look where they are going!!! all because of that wanker i have now lost my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbsup:

  17. Hey Mate

    Sorry to hear about the accident. I suggest if you have full comp to go ahead and make a claim. I used to work as a claims officer at an insurance company and the easiest way for you to get your claim through is to put your claim in and pay the excess. Its a pretty straight forward claim in terms of whos at fault so when you make your claim and everything is sorted you will get your excess payment back to you. The quicker you make a claim the quicker you can have your car assessed. What people generally dont understand is that you cannot force another person to make a claim. If this person doesnt want to make a claim on their insurance he or she doesnt have to, not even the police can force that person, at best he or she might get charged wif some sort of driving offence. Hence why we have insurance so they can sort all that stuff for you, thats why we pay them money for... make them work for their money. Basically your car will get repaired or you get a payout and your insurance company will just bill the other party with a lump sum

    hope that helps

    cheers Calvin

    hey m8 thanks for the advise. yeah i think i will do that ay. just sucks because the excess is over 2grand. will get on the phone to them tomorow. was going to do it friday but had my leaving drinks at work and got totally smashed lol needed cheering up ay! i got home and passed out by 7:30 lol was I feeling it yesterday. thats what happens whin you drink one and a half cartons by your self in 4 hours.

  18. Ahhh that's sucks man.

    My bro asked me last night if I knew you, he drove past in the yellow s15 while you were just about to be towed.

    All the best with it. :)

    hey m8.

    yeah i saw him having a look ay. seen him driving around most mornings on my way to work heading over the bridge on safetybay rd.

  19. sorry to hear that dude...

    hope everything goes well with the job and also with the insurance, if you want to buy another white R34 GTT just let me know, we can work something out

    let us know how it all goes with the car dude

    Andrew :P

    if i do find my self to be too inpatient and wanting to buy another skyline. you got any pictures of yours? :ermm:

  20. Im tellin ya its falcons bro... same thing happened to me last year, was just cruising around with the girlfriend, and some focker in a falcon pulls out in front of me = written off 33.... took ages to sort it all out, good thing was it was a write off and i bought it back for 3 grand... sold a few parts the swapped for a dirt bike... only problem with insurance is it takes so damn long, and problem with mine was it was under finance so i had a hard time refinancing... told myself i would never get another expensive car again, was thinking of getting a cefiro or something for around 12 grand... but because they wouldnt finance something that old, well i went with a 34 instead... only to be driving around and have the same thing happen, someone pulled out in front of me again... this time wasnt as bad, cracked headlight and fender bent a little... but just goes to show that aussie cars like to hit jap cars... so i know what ya goin through. Just keep on their asses about it and it should be sorted soon enough!

    lol yeah i have been thinking the same sort of thing.

    was thinking about getting the car back selling off the parts and with the money i can pay off the lone for the line and my dirt bike.

    the insurance money would pay all that off anyway but the parts would give me more money. then i can get my self a well looked after old 4WD ute so i can get my bike out more often. then i will be able to save up and maybe get myself an r34 gtr in a couple of years(im guessing i will have saved up a little bit of money, and they will b a bit cheeper by then). just dont know if i can wate that long for another skyline.

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