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Posts posted by 2BNVS

  1. ron- i found it funny how u mentioned magna's and camrys getting pulled over haha

    my parents have a magna vrx and i been pulled over numerous times in that and my best mate used to sometimes drive his parents camry(98 mod) and we always got pulled over when drivin and saw heaps of other cars they let go past, i think it was mainly coz we had p''s or somethin although the magna is stock it still has a kit, zorst and 17s

    Silver-Arrowz- i been pulled over twice where the cop told me that i had to open the bonnet, press the horn, lights etc, the 2nd time the cop went to do it himself and i denied him so i done it all and he didnt really complain... i seen some cops get a bit rough when closing the bonnets n shit so id rather do it



  2. yer true its supposed to help u especially with getting pulled over for defects etc, but i still know few ppl who get defected regardless if they have a eng. cert. and usually the cops put on the infringement '' check engineer certificate''. or some have even said '' we dont take eng. cert. into account''

    :s ah well...



  3. yer cold air #1....

    u can get proper boxed made for the pods unique autosports have them but obviously they would cost a bit but id say it would be better than a pannel, i got a cover round mine mainly just a temprary one i used out of heat proof aluminium jus to pass my defect, only cost me 15 bucks to do untill i get the money for a carbon air box



  4. SEWID- hehe yer im from wollongong so yer im there all the time, its starting to drop a bit in the amount of cars that come there due to the cops with the defect stations, they started with a defect bay near the entertainment center but now they are actually at the beach on either side of the road and u gotta go past em no matter what so on a nice day when mad cars come down, they usually wait for the cops to leave hahah last time this happened we were there till 6pm then the cops got pissed off and left

    ron- check pm

  5. here it goes,

    couple months ago went up to sydney with my parents to a dealer coz i was interested in a skyline, everything started off well and i ended up getting one. then the problems started, i took the car up for a service to get the brakes checked coz they were squeching (spelling) etc basic work on a service, pick up the car and i swear it hadnt moved from the spot i parked it when i left it there.

    i let things go for a little bit then my clutch burnt out, so under warranty i took it back up there to get it replaced, they then said it doesnt come under warranty i was really confused bout this and they said it comes under wear and tear so im thinkin rightio what does warranty actually cover, and they could not give me a proper answer, so i got the clutch replaced and they ended up charging me 600 for the clutch, 400 for labour, 90 for 2 front bushes and 45 for rear main oil seal which all should have been under warranty, my parents argued and they would not let us take the car until we paid for it, a problem we experienced later on was my alarm was playing up so i asked for the receipt so i could get it checked out, they refused to give me one.

    driving from sydney to home ( wollongong) i felt something wrong with my clutch and gearbox, this was 8pm at night after waiting 2 days for my car when it was supposed to be ready that afternoon, i took my car to my mechanic ( which is what i shoulda done 1st up) and he told me they had not changed the thrust bearing so we fixed that, then he looked at me with a real confused face and i asked what was wrong, he said theres no oil in the gearbox, im like wtf, when they drained my gearbox oil up at the dealer they hadnt replaced it!!!!!!!! like how dont u replace it???? u cant just forget that!!! but lucky enough i only drove it 50km till i fixed it so i was lucky in a way.

    when i took the car up to get checked out originally and explain bout the clutch the guy driving it was thrashing my car so hard i had to tell him numerous times to calm down, he scraped my front bar on the driveway and speed humps, scraped my exhaust and had no intentions of taking it easy.

    we have complained to the actual dealer owner and he says he has nothing to do with the mechanic even though they both work under the same name, and the mechanic says its up to the dealer owner, so 1 says him and the 1 says the other bloke??? make ur mind up boyz....we have put in a complaint to the fair trade ppl and since then have found out the mechanic has no license for that workshop, and now we have a big advantage on them, and now we r still in the process of doing something bout the money we paid for the services and future problems that could happen to the gearbox....

    since that day i have taken my car always to my own performance tuner where he is totally honest with me and has fair prices and i have now boosted the car up more and done few other things that i can be really prowd that hes done a great job...

    thats jus my experience with the car yard dealer...

    cheers all.


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