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Posts posted by KIRAS

  1. have you spoken to Alisa from Autosalon, coz last i heard they were putting a stop to Clubs with lagre amounts of cars on the stand, i thought they set limits to only 10 Max cars per club with a min of 6? unless every car on the stand is Very Highly Modded???

    i think you should check with them 1st if you havent already....

  2. this will answer all your questions!

    if your car doenst pass this then you cant drive the car no matter when you got your licence b4 or after july 1 07!


    this is what it tells you when its over

    The power to weight ratio exceeds 125 kw per tonne. By law P Plate drivers are unable to drive vehicles that exceed 125 kw per tonne.

    and with the 32, yes some pass, but most people mod them so it throws them over the limit! and anway cops will still pull you over in a 32 just to see if you do have the mods and slap a canery on you!

    and with the ugly law only 1 air mod is aloud they will get you 110%!

    i got a canry and a EPA sticker one after the other, def for to many air mods, and i had to choose between my cooler or my pod, and BOV was just not aloud, and EPA, well my 4' HKS exhaust had to go! it was so far over the limit i had to put the stock one back on coz even putting the silencer back in did nothing..

    the laws SUCK we cant do anything to these cars any more!

  3. yes thats right its all to do with power to weight ratio, if your car doesnt pass that then you cant drive it, thus all RB25s are over this limit so there for P Platers can not drive 33s on their P's!

    my bf was driving my 33 just before july 1 and he had almost finished his p's (he had his p's for almost 3 years) and he got a fine! the highway pet cop said if its an RB25 its too powerfull! highway pet cops are the ones you dont want to pull you over coz they know everything bout these cars :worship:

    if you go on to the VICROADS web site you can see what your PWR Power to weight ratio is for your car, and it will tell you if you can drive it or not! and trust me, 32s 33s and 34 turbos dont pass, (more so with extra mods)

  4. yeah well i have had more FG kits then Ferah has had cars, and No 1 can make a FG copy fit as good as the orginal LOL even jetspeed cant make it fit 110% without playing around with it, and when you know what your looking at you know its been played with!

    i always go for the FG copy but for kits like ferah is getting i would go the orig...

    but anyway she is getting the orginal end of story!

    i like the areo front but not the sides...

    ohh i cant wait to see it finished!!!!!!

  5. looks good Kira. lol told my sis bout your club and now shes gonna join up with her little rice box lancer lol

    but u gots some good styln taste.

    good work.

    Hey Thanks, i put a lot of time and money into my babys, i'm just doing what i love, i some ppls dont like them, but hey some1 have to be different LOL

    cool well let me know if she joins up we would love to have her on board, the more girls the better!

    Nice photos Kira... ...My girlfriend was attracted to your car (and other Allure cars) all day... ...but she's too shy to go up and introduce herself to anyone...

    We'll be on the Unofficial Sorrento Cruise... ...So I'll make her come over and say "Hi"...

    yeah get her to come say hi for sure, no need to be shy...

    ^^^^ im not shy to go and introduce myself to the allure girls...... hoochie mama!!!!!


    Jeez- the vic members have some nice cars !! :)

    ohh well next time come say hi then LOL

    there are some nice skylines here!!!

    good work guys!!!

    FERAH YOUR CAR IS HOT!!! SO R U :action-smiley-069:


    Ferah now i know what it looks like!!!

    ITS HOT!!! i like it, but i would hey.... i think it will look tuff and not like every other 34 on the road!!!

    and i agree, i would rather pay top doller for an orig then a fiberglass copy!

    and i'm not saying this coz I have all original kits my subaru has a full fiberglass kits and same with my Skyline! fiberglass copies can be a pain in the arse, thats 1 less headache you dont need....

    I give it 10/10

    But now I know what it looks like Ferah, :(don’t kill me LOL

  7. lol well yes we are an All Girls car club, and we compete in car related events only :)

    its ok it didnt make you look stupid.

    i didnt even know other people could view my photobucket account LOL so your 1 step ahead of me!!

    thanks for your compliments!

    and boys, maybe you all shouldnt be so harsh on girls looks, alot of these girls are quite sexy, if you think they are dog ugly i would like to see what you think is hot, because i'm lost...

    anyway it was a good topic, anyone got some other pics....

  8. Me1111.jpg


    Photobucket: Stalker approved :D

    Didn't the ALLURE girls like... not... win... or something?

    Didn't these losers win? Xquisite girls or some shit...


    Win what???

    ALLURE GIRLS is a car club? not a promo model club?

    and we won at Autosalon so i think you have us mixed up with something else!!!!

  9. that dancer is HOT now thats a better angle!!!!

    i used to dance at a club and Man she would have drawn a crowd lol she is very cute!

    no i dont think i will post a pic lol i rather keep my pride thank you lol!!!

    anyway some of those girls are very sexy i think,, and i'm a stright Chick... good on them i say....

    maybe some of these boys should post a pic of their gfs??? and let the other guys comment on them... at the end of the day these girls cant be too bad to be modeling like that!!!

  10. I thought i would introduce myself and the club.....

    My Name is Kira, i'm a member and Mod of ALLURE car club!

    for those who dont know who ALLURE are we are a ALL Girls Car club Based in Melb but have members all over australia and now the United States, we have all different kinds of cars, but we seem to have more girls with Skylines then anything else (and i dont blame them :) )

    for those who went to the GOR Cruise on Sunday 4 our cars were there...


    we competed at Autosalon in march and won Club Champions and Best Club Display, not bad for our first public apperance.

    our next up coming events will be the Sorrento Cruise >_< , Autosalon Semi Finals in Melbourne and Autosalon Final Battle in Sydney.

    this is 1 of my babys

    1997 GTST R33 S2 i have had her for almost 5 years and i love it to bits!

    this was at Autosalon in March



    these were taken on sundays Cruise




    this is my other pride and joy

    97 Subaru Impreza Wagon

    when i bought her


    Autosalon March






    see you all at the next cruise...

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