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Posts posted by Hesh

  1. and gts4wd ...you should hear it mate..they wreally dont want to know unless its got the worlds biggest turbine strapping intothe manifold.......

    bloody anoying ...

    i posted up over here in england (this is true) a thread on rb25de mods......

    1st andswer?

    "sell it and buy a gtsT"

    oh how inCREDIBly helpful.......its better now though as the guys know im serious.

  2. welll.. i started out just being bloody minded ..."everyone has a turbo so im not" and also my driving routines dont lend them selves to turbos. havng discovered that over here there is alack of knowledge on the NA i thought id do things in stages and amass my own database for comparrison.


    i cant deny that eventually forced induction would be fun .....thought it would likely be a supercharged variety..just to be bloody minded again.......but thats along way off and once shes all sorted i had also thought of an engine transplant (rb26dett) so i can keepthe nice tuned na as is.

    (maybe put it in a r32 ..lighter equals more fun!

    So im going to do allthe modds like the d12s etc and keep and eye othe fact that i may need better breathing for a supercharger in the future. ...and looooong way inthe future. (like when the daughter is through uni and my pension matures!

    the heads already ported/polished. like i say this is a stages thing..ill dyno it at each stage before moving on. so in the medium term im gonna see about getting the standard plenum reworked and a bigger throttle body.

    at that point she will have



    coby d12 2.5 and some sytem or other

    K & N panel filter standard airbox

    xf throttle body and internally wrked standard rb25 plenum.

    ecu of some sort.

    the main concern is buying a "future proof ecu" so i dont loose money having to upgrade that.....as i know where im going (eventually) i want to keep some parts....ie ecu constant....sothe results in terms of power and torque are fromthe parts/mods im testing not the "new "ecu.

  3. cheers mbs206...so you would advocate keeping the afm?

    apologies guys for the "slight" highjack of this thread. im trying to stay on topic, but as ive said before this is the sort of stuff that just gets blank looks over here. (swiftly folowed by the line...."bung a turbo on mate....")

    this fabled adaptor...does anyone have apicture of a bare one? where can i source one from ?

  4. arcing of the coil packs is due tothe resistence inthe electrical path being greater than an alternative route for the charge to escape from ..so the "spark" side steps the plug and either wholey or partially earths onthe engine head. this results in a weak spark at the plug and thus missfires. when hot (eg under load at high revs and when engine up to temp) this resistance increases so therefore the missfire ets worse.

    as the other guys have said only option is to repair the brake in the circut. this can only be done by replacing the coilpack with known good ones.

    as this aint cheap first check youre running correct plugs and that the afm is ok and air filter clean ...(carb cleaner)

    im buying spitfires next week. as my coilpacks just died.

  5. wow how much info! cheers all

    so those pics are of a set of rb26 throttle bodies with trumpets? would that be withthe rb 26 fuel rail?

    i think the way im going to go is to have an rb26plenum, and run the three twin thottle bodies. change the ecu to one with a map sensor and adjust the air intake. I do want to keep the rb25 fuel rail ..just to keep cost down, plus i can then use the standard type injector (without impedence worries) i curently have a K&N panel filter inthe standard air box. from what you say this will have to go.

    I have a spec one so the battery is inthe boot ...but if poss i want to keepthe air filter on the passenger side of the car.

    (some moddified hard pipe runing where intercooler does on some cars.

    the rb26 plenum...three double throttle bodies between the plenum and the head ..AND one at the front> why?

    also which ecu's run map sensors ...? will this have to be a standalone or can i get away with a reflash and piggy back.

    cheers all and hope you had a good christmas.

  6. guys im confused ..ive read that the rb26 manifold on a rb20 was less powerful...and i had surmised from that that adding one to my rb25de would be negligable in terms of gains. But on here you guys say that the rb26 intake plenum is the only performence upgrade.

    just so im clear which direction to take ..is this for the rb25de? and if so the power and torque gains im assumin are from better breathing and the larger volumes inthe rb26 plenum? Ive heard a brief mention of having the internals of the stock plenum on the rb25 reworked for better gas flow ...anyone done this?

    also im confused as regards the routing of the air intake to the rb26....the greddy style ones ive seen withthe throttle body at the front are great from intercoolers but (as i now know ) i dont want one of them ...

    so if i want to modify the intake side of an rb25de (after port polish and coby d12 are all done) whats the best way top go about it?

  7. is that a non turbo rb23de? its so deep a rumble i thought it has to be a turbo car.?

    id be very interested inthe removal of the ecu wire. one thing bothers me ...mine wont spinthe wheels in second.....and by the sounds of it you were doing 120 in third....mine isnt ..or at least doenst feel that quick.

  8. "which, by the time I go turbo ill have a pretty well set up car.. but like Tom, Dick and Harry!"

    thats the clincher for me....every man and his dog wahcks on one of several turbo options. like Eug says do it in stages and look at it as makeing a trail rather than following a path.

    and what ever you do dont keep records of the $$...sure fire way to get demotivated.

  9. cheers guys, as it happend i've spoken to shane via msn last night (early morning for you guys) He had been away at driftfest hence the delay. Im curently sorting out a roup buy for mid jan when the next batch of these covers are availabe. and its looking like 20+ members want one.

    Al would you post up some pics of it fitted so that i could put some up over on the uk site? gives the guys an idea of the finish and quality? thanks.

  10. those cam covers look real good. Ive emails PSI, and to date not received anything back. I have 14 other guys over here interested getting their hands on a specific rb25 cover, rather than a modded rb26. could some one in the same time zone as the distributor please point em to their emails? thanks.

    incidentally also trying to organise the coby headers/extractors into a group buy from over here. as yet only arounf 4 people interested, but word is slow to get out for the NA's ....we're widely spread.

  11. hi guys,

    my brains being doing some fothat thinking stuff over the l;ast few days (wife is now complaining of a burning smell in house)

    i know that an intercooler on a turbo car serves a perpose inthat it cools the air charge that has been heated by the compression of the turbo....


    would a small intercooler on an NA be beneficial? as the colder the air inthe more power we get potentially. but eventually there would come a point where the restriction in air flow negates any benefits in cooling the air charge? so where might this occur? is it just pointless puting an intercooler on or would it actually do something?

    thoughts and suggestions please.... not sure if this is a stupid idea or not......and no one over this side of the pond to ask ....

  12. well is aparently 0115 over there and its now 1515 over here, which means ive written this now but actually posted it tomorow all at the same time.........and who said time travel isnt possible.......mind you being a nurse over here you gotta be able to be in two places at once ..its in the job desription......

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