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Posts posted by TIR60

  1. i hate every bogan fkwit that calls all japanese cars "ricers"

    even if its a 100% stock r34.. its a 'ricer' .. then they get mad at me for calling there commodore a commonwhore or a dunnydoor or a peice of shit.

    us import owners refer to 'ricer' as being liek a non turbo 300zx with neons and sticekrs all over it with milo tin exausht and a nismo sticker on the back.. or a lancer with evo kit and no back diff and ralli art mirror stickers on everypanel with hektik clear taillights.

    plus i want to stab every bogan that thinks there racing me when i am clearly not even going for it.. then at the next set of lights they give me the "what a peice of jap crap" look when piss off in there vp 6cyl with no mods.

    i wish we all could come together and rock up at every bogan meet. bogans reckon us imports make the cops come to meets coz we have the hype.. well lets bring the cops lol.

  2. yea but we dont act liek convicts anymore lol

    and as i siad not all are like that. and you threatening me that you hope a maori doesn't take offense beco he might break my fingers or watever mearly undelrines the fact that they r known for violence.

    i am not gibberjabbing any cultures either. i wrote what i see..

  3. let me say one word.... MOARI's

    the "tuff" nz's that are usually over in australia becoz when they were released from prison they were sent to australia to start a new life on a 'good behavour bond' .. most r here becoz of this one reason AND if there not, then there parents are here for that reason.

    too many times i have to look straight or feel out of place becoz there is a bunch of fat flamin mongrels with tatts staring at me and my misses.

    they fight for no reason

    i am not saying they are all like this. but look at society ay.

    dont get me started on the lebonese or a so called 'italians' here in australia.

    need i say no more

  4. Okay, so my boot lip spoiler has finally arrived. let me know what you guys think.



    to be honest, I really like it, suits the back. was going to get a GTR spoiler but since this is on, I think it looks quiet nice with no spoiler just the lip.

    hey mate where did you get those alloys from?

    and what are they. they look sweet i reckon./

    i am building my 34 as a sleeper and want some nice alloys.

    sell em?.. for like cheap as?

  5. the coast is a shit hole when it comes to going out

    but the bedroom isn't too bad if your into pingas.

    or yea melbas

    other than that if ur into spending a bit of money go to 'minus 5' its a ice bar that is -10 degrees int here and they suit you up in eskimo gear and you can go get pissed inside a freezer. its cool. but dont go on your own.

  6. 22 years old

    not too much qualifications

    cert 2 in IT

    currently work in a cabinet door manifacturer (but dont wish to be in that sort of business anymore)

    i have done a heap of different jobs

    rsvp party hire and wedding setups

    worked setting up car hoists (precision automotive specialists)

    worked at AGS vinyls

    worked at red rooster when i was 17 (lol)

    would love to work on or with cars, not too experienced just mates car and my own but i hear money isn';t that great of rthat sort of stuff.

    liek i said i work hard and heaps quick learner

    it would take me a week or less before being up to speed.

  7. well today it hit me

    i hate my job

    i have searched on a few job site and have not found anything too exciting

    so i thoguht i would post on here to see if anyone in brisbane knows about openings or could get me a good job at there own work.

    i work hard and earn my pay

    i have no exact job that i want all i now is that my job is becoming hell

    somewhere in south brisbane would be nice too

    i earn 630p/week at my job and i would like a job that is not too much under that as i have 2 loans and two cars :)

    any help would be nice

    thanks skyline lovers :(


  8. oops sorry i jsut saw it had to be an experience

    well i wil tell mine

    i was in ipswitch and i was taking off from the lights

    i have to admit i did put my foot down and i DID have traction control on

    when i came onto boost in first a small amount of wheel spin accured only enough to make a small squeel

    cop two cars back caught me and pulled me over

    and said "what was that all about"

    i replied "what was what all about?"

    and he said "that burnout you did at the lights"

    i told him what happened and that none of it was done on purpose

    then he continued to tell me "you know we should be taking your car off you right now but your lovely little lady here (my girlfriend in passenger seat) would have to walk all the way back to brisbane"

    "so this is your warning and we are putting it into the system and if you get caught again for such offence your car will be conviscated"

    i couldn't believe it using my warning on such an event.

    hense my upset post above

  9. i believe in the p-plate laws.YET

    i do not believe in conviscating cars.

    i worked my ass off and paid my taxes to get my r34 and i dont think they should allowed to come and take it away and leave me with 4 years of debt.

    my possetions are MINE i worked for them and i pay the cops wages too.

    its like if i had a party and i got 3 noise complaints the cops cant just come and take my house away or steal my house from me.

    yet you can lose a r34GTR for having a race on the highway. thats bullshit.

    i believe we should get large fines or fines that go up each time getting caught for so call "hooning" as in street drifting and excessive speeding but NO one should have the power to take something away from someone. its like legal stealing.

    its already f**ked enuff for the youth to get first home loans and to get on there feet without a cop being able to come and take away the one thing they have already worked so hard to get. setting them back.... well in my case it would be 4 years set back and for what?.

    an empty space on my driveway. so the pricks can use my car for undercover car or sell it at a auction or watever the sly dogs do with them. think about it. if they take my skyline off me that is the same as smacking me with a 26 grand fine!.. try paying that off when ur 22.

    btw i am jsut upset becoz i was threatened recently to have my car taken off me.

  10. saw black r34GTT with chromes on the way back from spit last night

    plates IR34GT i was in the drift group of s13's. mine was the black one with my username plates on it.

    i really wish i braught the 34 out when i saw you. i was like "f**k why am i in my silvia and not my 34"

    you looked at me like "pfft.. shit silvia owner" when i own both!

    well that was a waste of time if ur not even on this site.

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