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Posts posted by 000DNK

  1. im on holidays as of last friday, its boring though coz most people are still working in retail and other forms of work anyway, so im just doing the family thing and chilling, waiting for new years to kick off! gonna be a big one.

    Yeh, i got so much work to do at the Physio right now is bull. 7:30 to 6 right now. But on the plus side i have nearly finished all of the end of year accounts :P which means i may get off early new years eve!!! And seeming its my first legal new years i will deffinatly be hitting the town :rofl::D

    whats everyones plans for bringing in the new year?

  2. lol thats all right Christian i owe will anyway lol. But i think will has some problems with the wiring thou due to a few things i noticed about his car the other day.

    And Will, your stock boost gauge should still be working on the dash isnt it?

  3. NOPE :worship::) im so proud of myself. followed jase most way through brisbane till i was in semi familar territory. I am so bad with dirctions i get lost everytime i go to UQ to see my gf (which i have been to at least 8 times before). might also be bcause i hav enever really ventured out of noosa all that much :)

  4. my best time was 15.6 with no mods besies a pod lol. . wont mention my reaction time could be compared to that of a snails :laugh:

    gosh i was so nervous, i forgot to put my window up and left it in gears to long hahahaha.

    i also have relised that being able to stall my auto should be considerd as a talent :D haha.

    great day thou i had heaps of fun!

  5. Hmmm didn't think you were going to show your face down there...I guess if you don't show now it just proves you really are all TALK and scared!!!

    ok this is messed up.

    1. i never wrote this. i have been at the beach all day and and have the jelly fish stings on my arm and sides to prove it. not to mention 3 people i was with who can say i was in teh surf life savers area with ice on from around 12:30 until just recently.

    2. i dont write like that!

  6. Another reason why the 1jz and 2jz have more potential without having to replace more as i first stated :bunny:

    i would also appreciate if you would cut the language out as there is no need for it and i do find it quite offensive.

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